"Min Shihyuk, come out," Jiwoo voiced out.

Her back leaned against the wall of the house while her eyes stared at the starless sky before her. A solemn expression sat on her face.

All of a sudden, a figure appeared before Moon Jiwoo. A handsome young man came out of the thin air.

Shihyuk spoke out, "Are you ready to go back now?"

Moon Jiwoo did not confirm the entire plan with Shihyuk before, and recalling Shihyuk's earlier words on how he was there to always protect her, Jiwoo decided to believe him on that. Although that was risky, there were some that had to be taken in order to ensure a success.

"Yes," Jiwoo said, "I was right to trust you."

Upon listening to her words, Shihyuk lips curved to form a small smile and stated, "Let's get those shackles of yours broken first."

Moon Jiwoo nodded.

Extending his hand towards Moon Jiwoo, he snapped both of this finger, and as a sound was created, the handcuffs around her wrists snapped in a matter of seconds.

A loud sound reached into her ear as the metals hit the ground, and a wide smile formed on her face while she raised her head to stare at Shihyuk.

"You are really amazing! How did you do that?" Jiwoo questioned— her eyes brightening up in admiration.

"These handcuffs are akin to normal handcuffs for me. Since your powers are restricted due to it, you are unable to rescue yourself," Shihyuk explained.

"Alright. Let's go to Sookyung quickly. We need to inform on this matter. We don't have much time in our hands," Jiwoo vocalised.

"Let's do that alright," Shihyuk voiced out.

Her eyes were widened due to surprise when Jiwoo felt someone grip her wrist, and she was pulled forward. With a swift movement, Shihyuk hit the back of her neck, and before she was able to process it, a sharp pain went through her neck.

Seeing the girl go limp in his hand, Shihyuk said, "Sorry, Jiwoo, but some things are needed to be done."

With that, he picked up the girl in a bridal style and disappeared into the thin air.


"We will be departing tonight? What about Shin Daerin then?" Oh Sookyung questioned while creases appeared between both of his eyebrows.

The three of them— Han Minhyun, Min Hyungwon, and Oh Sookyung— sat on the couch while a serious atmosphere surrounded them.

"Without Shin Daerin, winning would be extremely difficult for us, but considering how Sookyung's power is almost at the level of the King's, it might not be impossible. I will be sending my men to search for Daerin, but that's all.

The King's true aim is you, so it was most likely for her to be spared even if she is your protector. I believe you can still feel her being alive, and since the King is in a hurry, he would not go intoworthless trouble by killing her.

It was quite reckless of both of you to take such a decision, and since Shin Daerin had mentioned to you on how she will he escaping on her own, let's leave that to her. She would not have taken that decision if she was not confident on it," Minhyun explained.

"Even if she was confident back then, she could be quite an idiot, and it would not be a surprise to see her plan fail," Sookyung said, "I can not be at ease unless I see her being fine."

Han Minhyun let out a sigh at that and stated, "Since you are just young, I would not blame you for having such sentiments. It was normal. However, there are some emotions which are better to be abandoned. This might sound heartless to you now, but you will understand it better at the future.

Your position as the King is not something to be taken lightly, and in the future, you will be needed to sacrifice greater things. You can not let your emotions to be easily influenced by that."

Han Minhyun's words caused Sookyung to purse his lips into a thin air. He understood the meaning behind his words. Letting himself easily be influenced by the emotions might cause him trouble in the future, and therefore, it was necessary for him to learn to control them.

But that was not as easy it was to be said. 

Despite of how he wanted to push the matter of Shin Daerin at the back of his head, he was not able to do it, and at the end, it began to plague his entire mind, making him continuously restless.

"The emotions you are growing towards Shin Daerin should be removed— both for your and her sake. Since it is not possible for them to do anything to do, Daerin will be exterminated if it is known to others," Minhyun spoke out.

The cruel words from Han Minhyun caused Sookyung's eyes to widen due to shock, and his heart began to beat rapidly— most likely because of the fear. 

Everyday, he was getting to learn of how his position could be frightening, and although he was finding it difficult to cope with it, it was not possible for him to give it up at this point.

"You don't need to worry about it. Whatever I feel towards Daerin, I will be sorting it out properly," Sookyung said, "Let's prepare for the things we will be doing later now."


A yawn escaped from Moon Jiwoo's mouth as she opened her eyes, and feeling the softness beneath her, a wide smile formed on her face. It had been a long time since she had such a peaceful sleep.

Sitting up on the soft mattress, she stretched both of her arms, and as she looked at her surroundings, creases formed between both of her eyebrows when she realized that she did not recognize the place she was in.

Then the memory before she had lost her consciousness began to flood inside her mind, and she recalled on how Min Shihyuk was the reason behind it.

Confused on why Shihyuk would be doing such a action, Jiwoo got down from her bed, and remembering about how she had to inform Sookyung about the portal, a panic rose within Jiwoo.

She prayed that she was not late.

The door before her opened in that moment, and hearing the noise, she looked at that direction. A figure stepped into the room, and seeing Min Shihyuk, she made hurried steps towards him.

"Moon Jiwoo, you are finally awake," he said, "It seems that you were quite tired."

"What did you do that for? Quick! We don't have time to waste. We have to inform— Wait! What did you call me?"

Moon Jiwoo's eyes widened when she realized that Sookyung addressed her as Jiwoo instead of Daerin, and confusion immediately appeared on her face at that. 

How did he come to know about that?

"Oh! I did. Are you hungry?" he spoke out, "I just made breakfast, and I will be setting it up for you. The washroom is there, so you can come out after washing up."

With that, Min Shihyuk turned his back on Moon Jiwoo and was about to leave the room. But before he was able to do that, Jiwoo grabbed on to his arm and pulled him back.

Causing him to face her, she stared at him with a stern expression before questioning, "How did you know of that name?"

Curving his lips to form a wider smile, Shihyuk answered, "As I have mentioned to you before, I know everything about you, Moon Jiwoo."

Although Jiwoo had more question to ask on that matter, she did not want waste her time right now and said, "Let's not have breakfast now. Oh Sookyung is in danger, and we need to quickly go and rescue him."

"Is there a need for you to do that?" Shihyuk asked.

His words caused for Jiwoo's eyes to widen. She did not expect for him to be this indifferent on it. Although he did not have any involvement with Sookyung, this attitude of his was too cold.

"What do you mean, Shihyuk? Of course, we need to do that or else his life will be in danger. We can't turn our back on that," she said.

"You are not exactly that fond of the Prince, and all the actions you have done to protect him was due to those instincts you have. Seeing how far you're from him and since you don't know about his situation, your instincts will not be having any affect on you.

Whether or not he dies does not concern you, and only after he dies will you be able to live. Otherwise, sooner or later, you might end up sacrificing your life for him," he voiced out, "The Underworld doesn't concern you either. There is no reason for you to help Sookyung."