Chapter 57 Sent To The Hospital

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
Whatever it was the person on the line had said, it seemed to alarm Francis. He had make sure that he heard it correctly. "Can you repeat it again?"

Everyone glanced at one another. Francis had his back facing them, so they couldn't see his expression.

Finally, he spoke once again. "Which hospital? Okay... I'll be right there in a few minutes."

Hospital? Those in the meeting room wondered what could have happened.

Francis hung up the phone and turned around; he didn't look well. He silently closed his eyes, bowed his head and rubbed temples in frustration and anguish.

When he opened his eyes, they were bloodshot red. The others wondered what had transpired in the conversation and waited for him to speak.

But Francis staggered to the entrance of the conference room. He paused, remembering that there were other people in the room as well.

With caution, he stopped and turned around. "The meeting has been adjourned," he said in a hoarse voice.

They noticed his hesitation and secretly wondered what had caused his change in mood.

They got their answer a few days later, after finding out that his fiancee had committed suicide by jumping off a building.

Francis sped to the hospital. He arrived at the entrance, floating and pale-faced. The nurses mistook him for a patient who wanted to make an appointment for a doctor.

He began to pick up speed as he tried to search for what he was looking for. But like a headless chicken, Francis realized that he didn't even know where he was going, let a

precise, their adopted daughter.

They probably still had a glimmer of hope, expecting that Francis would genuinely take care of Wendy and cease his plot of revenge.

The Wen family were unable to attend the engagement party because they were prohibited from attending.

The Cheng family treated the engagement as a trick and didn't bother to make any effort in coming.

The guests that were invited to the party were aware of this fact and treated Wendy with contempt.

The engagement party was held to publicly humiliate Wendy and the Wen family. Francis orchestrated it to fool them deliberately.

If this was true, Rachel couldn't imagine how Wendy was able to even smile at the party.

These rumors were potential speculations that could support Wendy's reasons for suicide.

’Maybe she ended her life because she couldn't stand such humiliation,'

Rachel guessed.

She glanced at her hands that were still stained with Wendy's blood. She had never been close to her other patients before. This was the first time where she actually knew one of their stories.

She couldn't deny that she was affected by Wendy's death.

This was the first time she had ever felt pity for her patient.

But it was a different kind of feeling. It hurt Rachel to accept the fact that Wendy was gone. She stepped back to lean on the wall, feeling her throat tighten.

How could she just die like that? That girl didn't seem so weak. So what pushed her to commit such an act to end her life? What was she running away from?