Chapter 61 The Past

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
After a short pause, he asked in a low voice, "What is it?" He wondered what Rachel had to say to him. Maybe his father had already told her about the agreement.

But when she began to talk, he found he was wrong.

"Do you remember the engagement party that we attended a few days ago? The bride-to-be is dead."

Surprise flashed in Jack's eyes. "I know. But how did you know?"

"Her body was rushed into my operating room." She sadly smiled as she saw surprise written all over his face.

It seemed that he had forgotten that she was a doctor.

Rachel hesitated at for a brief moment before asking, "I don't know if it is appropriate to ask you but I've been thinking a lot for the past few days. Do you perhaps know why she jumped off the building?" Both of them fell silent for a brief moment.

After a pregnant pause, he finally answered, "Why are you interested to know?" The question was direct and sharp. Rachel's face slightly contorted, her eyebrows furrowing at the question. She pursed her lips and replied, "Forget it. I'm sorry I even asked."

"Wait, hold on. I didn't mean any malice against it. I just..." Jack stuttered, trying to find the right words to explain himself. "Why do you want to know all of a sudden?"

Perhaps, she just wanted to gossip, he thought. Celine had done a lot of similar things out of curiosity. But Jack wasn't the type to spread rumors and intervene in other people's affairs.

"You see, before I left the engagement party, she asked me to send a message over to her brother, V

and history running in between those families.

Wendy had never resisted him, and she probably knew about his attitude. She was probably so in love with him that she was willing to be held under his mercy. What a shame that she was only used as a tool in humiliating the Wen family.

Jack explained that Francis had regretted his actions. She shouldn't have died to punish him.

Rachel scoffed and sarcastically smiled. With venom laced in her mouth, she said, "Maybe he thinks too much. Was it really punishment? Perhaps Wendy just felt that she had nothing left to live for."

Jack didn't know how to respond because it had nothing to do with him. Yes, it was undeniable that he was shocked upon hearing the news about her suicide. But it simply wasn't enough to make him want to go into detail about why she had died.

But Rachel wanted answers. She wanted to know why Wendy had reached out a hand for help. She truly didn't expect that Jack would provide a lot of information to her curiosity.

She was in a complicated mood now. According to Jack, Wendy chose to die not to punish someone. She just really didn't want to live, and felt that suicide would've been the best choice to run away from her problems.

She recalled the time when Wendy was rushed to the emergency room. It was a tragic scene to watch.

"Such Jerks!"

She sighed, her tone filled with contempt. "Some people only regret what they have done when their loved ones leave. This could have been prevented if they didn't hurt them in the beginning."