Chapter 79 Deal With The Wound

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
However, as soon as this thought popped into his mind, he did his best to dismiss it.

He wouldn’t let himself entertain such a ridiculous thought. How could he think like that?

Rachel was oblivious to everything that had happened at home. At the moment, she was still preoccupied with work.

There was never a lack of patients in the emergency department. Different kind of injuries and accidents would bring in people from all walks of life. In a single day, she would have to spend hours and hours at the operating room, healing and bringing life back to them. As soon as Rachel sat down for a cup of tea, she would be called in again for the next operation.

Right now, two patients had come after being met with an accident. One was male and the other female. But thankfully, neither of them was seriously injured.

When the nurse was cleaning their wounds, Rachel smelled a strong odor of alcohol. It was wafting in the air and was undoubtedly coming from the patients. As a doctor, she had to tolerate a lot of such behavior! This was the worst part of her job. The female patient had her head bowed down. But once she looked up, Rachel was stunned. It was none other than Celine! 'This is indeed a small world,' she thought to herself and let out a sigh.

She wished she could ask a different doctor to take care of Celine.

After the affair she was having with Jack, it felt odd treating her.

A little nervously, Rachel had an internal debate as to what to do.

Fortunately, Rachel wore a mask and had forgotten to wear her employee card. There was no fear of Celine recognizing her.

But truth be told, it wouldn’t matter even if Celine managed to recognize her. ’What can she do?’ Rachel thought and

a while and then said, "I'll call Jack and ask him to pick you up."

Despite sounding concern, his suggestion wasn’t just based on concern. There was an ulterior motive behind his words. He wanted to show off before Jack. As a male competitor, the knowledge that his woman was under the care of another man was bound to trigger him.

Of course, he wouldn't dare to call Jack on his own. His intention was to make Celine call him by herself. Once he arrived, he would see Celine with another man.

Then that would be a very unpleasant surprise!

Aaron had already planned what he would say when the time came.

However, Celine didn’t give him a chance to execute it. "No, he must be busy now," she said, dismissing the idea of calling him.

"Busy?" Aaron was surprised to hear her response. "No matter how busy he is, he is bound to come, leaving everything behind."

From what he knew, Celine was very important to Jack. It was impossible for him not to come to see her if he heard that she got injured in a car accident.

But Celine's reaction was strange. And now there were signs of awkwardness and hesitancy. In Aaron's eyes, it seemed perhaps she didn't want Jack to worry about her. Yet there was a part of him that believed something else was the matter.

He felt that there was something strange, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He continued to encourage her, "You just call him. Don't be afraid. I'm here with you."

Celine gave him a strange look, but in her mind, something else was brewing.

An important question had begun to bud.

‘Maybe I could give it a try and see if Jack reacts,’

she decided in her head.

Celine sighed and said, "I will go to talk to him in person later."