Chapter 121 An Argument

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
Rachel got the prescription from the nurse. As she read the instructions, her face contorted into a frown. She stormed out of the office to confront Kevin about this matter, but was stopped by someone.

As she lifted her head to see who it was, her eyes widened. It was the patient's mother. Her eyes were dark and it looked like she hadn't gotten any sleep at all since her daughter's operation.

The mother frowned. Neither of the nurses or doctors were updating her about her daughter's condition.

They had told her she that after twenty-four hours of observation, she would be fine. But it had already been more than several days and her daughter had yet to wake up.

When she saw Rachel speeding down the hallway, she stopped her to ask about her daughter's condition.

As the mother asked questions, Rachel held the prescription tightly in her hand. Yesterday, she thought Kevin would listen to her advice, but he didn't.

Rachel's heart sank as she tried to soothe the weeping woman.

Once she had helped the woman calm down, Rachel sped to Kevin's office. To her disappointment, it was empty. Instead of turning back, she sat down in silence and waited for him to arrive.

As soon as he came

ng beautiful and solemn. The two nurses lowered their heads, pretending to do their jobs.

Rachel stared at them with a cold face and left with documents in her hands.

She always looked like that.

But people had different opinions.

Rumors that were spreading were about her. It was said that she had a fight with Kevin in his office and stormed out with a gloomy face.

She didn't know who started it.

But she was somehow affected by it.

She had expected that Kevin would listen to her.

However, he insisted that his prescription was right.

Rachel laughed cynically in her head. Was he being serious?

He was being unprofessional.

She tried to calm down and thought for a while. Maybe Kevin was right. She didn't know the situation of the patient, and it might not be so good to change the prescription.

But Rachel was sure that the current medicine wasn't working. Something could go wrong if they kept using it.

Kevin was a proud man, and Rachel was cold and seldom had conflict with others. The news had attracted a lot of attention.

They were all curious about the reason why Rachel and Kevin argued.

What caused their conflict? Soon enough, their curiosity was answered.