Chapter 127 A Fever

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
"No, I like it," Rachel said.

A smile was at the corner of his mouth as Jack drove away. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that she was smiling, too.

He couldn't help but ask, "What's making you so happy right now?"

Rachel typed a message and sent it to Lea quickly. When the screen showed that the message was successfully sent, she turned to Jack and said to him joyfully, "Mendes' father is coming back."

'Hmm, why would she be so happy about someone else's father coming back?' he wondered.

"Well, he has been away for so long. His return is long overdue," he said.

"Yes," Rachel said. "I hope the kid's parents can take responsibility for him this time. Don't leave him alone here."

Noticing that her mood had suddenly darkened, Jack tried to comfort her.

He said, "Maybe his parents have to do something and can't go back home."

Jack didn't know much about the complicated matter of Mendes' family, so she bit her tongue and replied simply, "Anyway, it's wrong to abandon a child."

Her parents died when she was a child. Her lonely childhood was one of the reasons why she was so eager to have a family of her own. She couldn't even understand how someone could just ignore his own child and stay away for such a long time.

After all, who could be more important to anyone than one's own family and child?

Before a man gets married and becomes a father, he doesn't behave as affectionately and gently as a woman does.

In Jack's view, ei

atch on his forehead. He looked a little bit funny as he sat there like that.

The smell of noodles made him hungry.

Rachel came over with the two bowls of noodles. The meal looked good and smelled delicious.

Rachel rummaged in the kitchen again and found chopsticks and spoons.

When she sat down, she handed chopsticks to Jack and asked, "You and Celine never cooked before?"

Jack paused and looked up at her with a meaningful look. "She and I... have never lived together."

Rachel raised her head and looked into his eyes. She was surprised.

She lowered her head and said no more, trying to seem interested only in eating her meal.

Jack hadn't received the response that he was hoping to get. A flicker of disappointment flashed through his eyes, and he lost his appetite.

Meanwhile, Rachel was adding vinegar into her bowl.

Jack couldn't help swallowing. After Rachel, he also took the vinegar bottle and added some into his bowl.

The noodles were fresh and excellent, but he felt that the main flavor came from the soup.

The beef was very tender and smooth. Both of them lowered their heads to eat without saying anything. They soon finished all the noodles.

For the past few days, Jack had been eating dinner outside. This bowl of lightly-flavored noodles was more to his taste.

Jack sincerely praised Rachel's cooking after he was full, when she was preparing some medicine for him. Hearing that, she turned her head slightly toward him.