Chapter 130 Apologize To Rachel

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
"Something happened to Rachel. I have to go back and see her," Lucas said frowning.

Claris' expressions immediately changed when she heard her name. "Rachel Shen?" she asked. "The one who went to the same college as you?"

"Yes. I'm sorry. Let's just reschedule and go out some other time." He quickly turned around without waiting for her response and got himself ready to leave.

If Lucas had to leave for some other urgent reason, then Claris would not make it seem like a big deal. But knowing that he was leaving for another woman made it felt like a stake was driven through her heart.

Claris always did her best to date him. But the current situation made it more difficult for her. She approached him and wrapped her arms around his muscular arm. It took almost all of her willpower not to show anger or jealousy on her face.

"What happened to her?" she asked in a worried tone that had no hint of what she truly felt. "Is it serious? I can go with you. I'm free now."

There was hesitation on Lucas' face as he stared at her for a moment, but at length, he finally agreed.

Claris held his hand in hers and pretended not to notice the sudden tension in him.

She smiled at him reassuringly and said, "Let's go!"

She wanted to go with Lucas to see what was so special about this Rachel that she'd heard so much about.

It was hard for Claris to believe that the relationship between Lucas and Rachel was nothing more than the relationship between long time college friends. But since he seemed to be attached to her cousin, Claris concluded that she must be pestering him.

Claris went on to imagine different scenes between Lucas and Rachel in her mind. It made her want to show off to Rachel the intimacy between her and Lucas once she saw her

door in the past few days, and she was really tired. She rubbed her forehead, hoping that the troubles would resolve themselves.

She had no idea what really happened, when her life and work suddenly became a mess.

While she was in deep thought, her phone suddenly rang. She pulled out her phone and immediately found out that the call came from the man that made her life complicated.

"Are you available now?" Jack asked her over the phone.

Rachel checked the time and then gave out a sigh. She felt a little tired. "Yes," she replied in a disinterested voice.

On the other end of the call, Jack was driving when he called Rachel, but he heard the unmistakable sigh from the other end of the call. "Why did you sigh just now?" he asked.

"Resentment," she replied simply.

It was rare that she dared play a joke on him. There was the initial surprise that caught Jack unaware, but after a moment, he smiled to himself. He tapped twice on the steering where with his slender fingers. "I'll be at your hospital soon," he declared.

It was Rachel's belief that they were highly efficient in dealing with issues. But from Jack's point of view, Chief Ren was too slow in dealing with the case.

He was planning to bypass Chief Ren and have his immediate superior handle the situation.

It was fortunate that the man was an intelligent person. He called early to apologize, and said that he investigated the matter. He then invited them to go to the station at noon.

But Jack never received his call that noon. He decided to call back when he finally lost his patience waiting.

Lucas also received a call from his father who asked him to go to the police station.

'Police station?'

Claris felt confused. "Why do we need to go there? What happened?"