Chapter 147 Get Angry

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
Rachel was already near the balcony when she hesitated. She was about to excuse herself and ask for help, but she heard a man talking in clipped sentences. His faint voice was carried across the foyer by the night wind.

He struck her as familiar. Her head tipped to the side, trying to put a face to the voice.

As luck would have it, the corridor was overlaid with plush carpet cushioning her steps.

The people did not notice her. Confusion turned into delight when she realized to whom the masculine voice belonged to. It was from Jack! She was elated and took a step forward.

"How come you suddenly fell in love with her?"

Rachel froze. She recognized that the second voice belonged to Brad. From her location, it was impossible not to listen. "I think she is the right one," Jack said after a few seconds.

"The right one? You mean as a wife?"

She eavesdropped like a thief, despite the instincts that warned her against spying. Rachel stood still and barely breathed. She was looking forward to his response.

'Jack thinks I am a suitable wife? Does he have a crush on me?' Everything around her moved in slow motion, as though the passing of time was suspended.

'Just like I have a crush on him?'

All she could hear was her heart pounding.

Her palms were already sweating when Jack finally spoke. "Let's go back. She's taking too long, I will see what she's up to."

In a daze, Rachel


But Rachel didn't say more. He sighed, "I'll go back first."

"Okay." She went into the house, leaving him alone.

He watched her retreating as he stood there abandoned. He put a hand on the back of his neck and rubbed his fingers along, sighing helplessly. Obviously, she was angry with him.

In the past, she would at least send him well wishes every time they parted. But now she only gave him the cold treatment.

Women were really difficult to understand. He got in his car and was back to wondering why she suddenly grew upset.

While driving, he reran the events during the evening but could not find any possible cues.

Whatever the reason was, she was really displeased by it.

Rachel supposed she would forget everything after a good night's sleep.

But when she saw Jack at home the following day, her mood turned for the worse again.

She realized that her attitude yesterday was too obvious. She did not want Jack seeing right through her brain and guessing what started her foul mood.

So when she saw him today, she tried hard to deliberately restrain her temper.

Rachel was applying the medicine on Eric’s wound when he entered. Eric took his shirt off and was leaning on a chair.

His wounds healed well, but there was some evident scarring left. Although he said it would not matter, Eric still felt conscious about it.

He asked, "Will they look awful in the future?"