Chapter 155 Look Pitifully

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
Rachel took a deep breath and then brought the noodles to the dining room with a dash of courage.

Jack already got changed and was in the living room watching the television.

It was a drama program, and the scene was intense. Jack's eyes were glued. On the screen, a woman was cursing her husband’s mistress.

The woman’s screams filled the room.

Rachel laid the bowl on the table and saw Jack totally serious.

She did not know he had a penchant for watching soap operas.

She trod lightly and stopped behind the sofa, not making any sound.

He sat there, engrossed, barely noticing her. His thick eyebrows were snapped together as he looked on the TV.

"You bitch!" came the tearing voice of the woman. "I'll kill you!" All hell broke loose. "Don't stop me! Let me go!" The show played out in psycho-drama mode. "Who the hell is her?"

Rachel felt a chill go down her spine. She stared at the actress whose long hair was disheveled.

"What are you watching?"

Jack was soaked on the plot and was caught off guard. His hand trembled and lost grip of the remote, which fell on the thick carpet.

He quickly regained his composure and bent down to pick it up. As his fingers touched the remote control, he heard another hysterical screech. He raised his head and saw the two characters pulling each other’s hair fiercely.

Rachel crossed her arms and scoffed. "I didn't know you like this kind of genre!"

Jack cleared his throat


Nonetheless, she stuck to her bottom line. "There is no room for you to stay. Do you want to sleep in Eric's bed?"

The thought made Jack frown in disgust. He didn’t fancy Eric’s smell at all, it was neither fragrant nor soft.

"Half of your bed is available," he reasoned.

"No way!"

"I promise I won't touch you." He raised his right hand as if swearing an oath.

Rachel stood up abruptly, agitated.

"Don't push your luck!" she said through gritted teeth.

"I didn't..." That pitiful look again, he pouted as if he actually cared about inconveniencing her.

Rachel placed a hand on her forehead in exasperation and turned away. "You weren't like this before."

"Like what?"

"You weren't that..." Her voice trailed off. '...shameless! Is he still the same Jack?' Rachel thought, unaware that the man was deep in his own thought.

'You are so thin-skinned. If I don't take the initiative, who knows how long it will take to get you?' Jack thought with a sly look on his face.

In the end, he convinced Rachel to let him stay for the evening. The rain was heavy, it had poured the whole night until morning.

Ninwell City had officially entered the rainy season. The rain was predicted to be much higher than last year.

Eric couldn’t bear staying home any longer and kept on telling his intention of moving out.

When Rachel asked why, Eric confessed that he wanted to go back to work, but he didn't dare speak frankly.