Chapter 193 Whether To Keep The Baby

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
If Rachel was a hot-tempered person, she would have already smashed Lea with a hammer.

But they had been the best of friends for so many years. Understanding, support, and respect were the most things they did for each other.

Now that Rachel decided to be with Jack, all Lea could do was complain a little.

There was no need to keep on repeating how much she disliked Jack.

After all, Rachel didn't care about it that much. She was already used to Lea's attitude.

She was just amused that Lea was already wishing for her relationship with Jack to end soon even before it could go deeper.

When Jack crossed her mind, she couldn't help chuckling.

Lea wouldn't hide his displeasure towards Jack. She might even give him a hard time every time they met.

Talking too much seemed to have made Lea's mood better.

She took a sip of water and said, "I think I just overreacted when you told me about your relationship with Jack. Actually, it's not really bad. After all, you were raised by Fu family.

Jonathan treats you as his own child. He must be very glad that you are finally willing to be with Jack.

I honestly think that Jack is a decent man except for his having a mistress, of course."

Rachel held back her laughter. A few moments ago, Lea was cursing Jack to death. But now, she was praising him. Lea continued, "

red to himself, "Who the hell is cursing me behind my back?"

Lea had actually no intention of letting Rachel solve her problem.

She only wanted to vent her frustrations. There was no one else in this world that she would talk about it.

Besides, there was no one in Ninwell City that she trusted except Rachel. She knew that Rachel was dependable.

If Lea's family knew her situation, they would be shocked. Her father would definitely decide for her without asking for her opinion. There could only be two choices that her father could give: get an abortion or marry Henry.

This was reason why she didn't want to tell her family, especially her father.

But what about Henry?

What if she told Henry about her worries?

No matter how anxious she was, he would definitely do his best to comfort and coax her.

Henry would never give her a chance to have apprehensions.

Lea knew clearly that she might give in if Henry tried to persuade him.

However, she still couldn't help thinking that everything would just be temporary. One day, Henry would get tired of comforting her and caring for her.

It was the truth that Lea wouldn't want to happen, so she was trying to avoid it in advance.

Rachel's head was also in a mess. After hearing so many things from Lea, she didn't know what kind of advice she would give to her.