Chapter 241 I Will Sort It Out

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
Eric huffed in anger. If he had known that Jack would do this to him, he wouldn't have been so arrogant.

Rachel, of course, had heard the noise and suspected that Eric wasn't alone.

But since there had been no response from the other end of the line for a while, she didn't know whether to wait or hang up.

As Jack walked away from the guest room, he cast a scornful glance at the door.

When he reached a quiet place, he finally put the phone to his ear and nervously whispered, "Hey. It's me."

Rachel froze for a moment. The man she had been waiting for had finally contacted her.

She took a deep breath and asked indifferently, "Why are you there?"

"I couldn't find you anywhere." Jack sounded upset. "My calls weren't going through to you, and you didn't reply to any of my messages."

Rachel had a retort on the tip of her tongue, but, suddenly remembering that she had blocked Jack's number a while ago, she swallowed her words.

"Well? Do you have anything to say to me?" she asked, changing the topic.

"Where are you going?"

Jack asked in a low voice. He sounded a little pathetic, as if he was being bullied.

However, Rachel didn't buy his act at all. "Have you settled the matter concerning Celine?" she asked directly.

"Yes, I have," Jack replied in a hoarse voice. It seemed that he didn't even dare to speak at a normal volume.

Rachel laughed derisively. "You can't even talk to me confidently?"

By now, she knew him well. If he spoke to her in a pit

and smiled.

At that moment, it finally began raining. It seemed that the weather in this city could be highly capricious.

The host of the conference was the president of the local health department. Seeing that everyone was surprised to see the change of weather, he paused for a moment and explained to them with a smile, "This is nothing. It will get even worse. But don't worry too much. Rains come quickly, but they also leave just as quickly, especially in the summer."

He was right. Just moments later, the rain intensified, splattering against the window panes.

Rachel was absorbed in taking notes when suddenly, her phone buzzed. She glanced at the screen and saw a familiar name pop up.

After her previous phone conversation with Jack, she had unblocked his number again. This time, she had received a message from him saying, "It's raining."

For a second, she felt dazed. She looked out of the window subconsciously, as if looking for him outside.

But realizing that Jack couldn't be here, she shook her head and laughed at herself.

Then, she turned her focus back to the conference. Seconds later, however, her phone buzzed again.

Jack sent her another message saying. "Don't forget to carry an umbrella."

'Did he also come?' she wondered involuntarily.

But he couldn't have. Even if he had followed her to the province, he couldn't have found out where she was exactly.

'He must be omnipotent. He knows it's going to rain even from afar,' she thought dryly.