Chapter 366 Being A Listener

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
Rachel just came out of the restaurant with Jack when she received a message from Celia.

It was such a beautiful night, with the moon flickering under the dark clouds, so she said to Jack on a whim, "How about we take a walk for a while?"

Pleased with her suggestion, Jack smiled and answered, "Why not?"

While they were walking, she sensed that he was in a good mood, so she didn't hesitate to say her real intention. "Can you help me with Celia's problem?"

The reason why she told Jack about Celia's problem was that she wanted him to help her get rid of the latter's father.

She wanted Celia's father to leave Ninwell City, so she didn't need to get along with him and her stepmother anymore.

Thinking that he would surely help her, she was confident when she told him what she wanted to happen. But to her surprise, he shook his head and said lightly, "It's not easy to interfere in other people's family matter."

"But her father has gone too far," she retorted.

She thought of acting like a spoiled child to induce him, but after giving it a careful thought, she dismissed the idea in her mind.

Instead, she pulled a long face and asked, "Are you going to help me or not?"

Jack smiled, and Rachel took it as a good sign. Her eyes lit up in excitement upon thinking that he had already agreed.

He looked at her affectionately and saw the expectations in her eyes.

Patting her head gently, he said, "I have never seen you so warmhearted before. Why do you want to help her all of a sudden?"

Instead of answering his que

never known that Marcus' family is so powerful. Now, his parents think that my family is too ordinary. Since my parents are divorced, and I am too young and incompetent, they believe I don't deserve their son."

She was criticized by Marcus' parents for being useless.

Frowning, Rachel sat opposite her and asked, "So what's going on now?"

"His parents have chosen someone to marry him. She is beautiful, with a good degree, and a successful career. Most of all, she comes from a well-off family. She has everything that any parents-in-law want." She bit her lips tightly and looked up at Rachel. With misty eyes, she asked, "Rachel, am I really that bad?

I don't know what to do now. I know I'm not good enough for Marcus, but he asked me to wait for him. He said he would settle everything well. But Rachel, I'm wavering. Should I really wait for him?"

Rachel listened quietly with a serious expression on her face.

Celia felt like dark clouds were gathering and covering her. She kept on sighing while taking a bite of the bread brought by Rachel from time to time. In the end, she asked, "Rachel, what should I do?"

"How about Marcus?" Rachel asked in a low voice.

Celia chewed and swallowed the bread in her mouth. She then took a sip of the tea in front of her to moisten her lips before she replied, "He asked me to wait for him. He said that he would deal with everything well, and his parents would accept me in the end. But why do I always feel nervous and uncertain?"

Rachel didn't know what to say, so she remained silent.