Chapter 370 Rear-end Collision

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
In Rachel's opinion, Marcus must have been tired of his family affairs. Being born and raised in a well-off family, he might have been bored with money and other material things, so the simple and unsophisticated Celia attracted his attention. Perhaps she was like a breath of fresh air to him.

But the way Celia behaved in front of Rachel was unforgivable.

Rachel couldn't figure out why Celia had thought that she had a hand in the rumors that spread about her. After all, they were friends. 'She is supposed to trust me,' she thought annoyingly.

The flow of traffic gradually became slow. Rachel was carefully following the car in front of her, but her mind was wandering, keeping her focus away from the road. As a result, she failed to notice that the car in front of her had already stopped. She only realized that she made a mistake after hearing the loud bumping sound.

"Oh, my God! What have I done?" she muttered under her breath. She peered through the window and noticed the big dent at the back of the other car.

The owner of the car got out. His face turned red in an instant after seeing how much damage his car had gotten. Brimming with rage, he rolled up his sleeves, knocked on Rachel's window, and roared, "Get out!"

As soon as Rachel got out, the man pointed to his car and roared again, "Is this your first time to drive? Who the hell issued a driver's license to someone like you?"

It was indeed her fault, and she was more than willing to own up. But she was stunned watching the man cursing in front of her, not showing even an ounce of decency. She couldn't take it any longer, so she said with a frown, "I'm sorry, sir. But don't worry, I'll make sure to pay for all the damages to your car. I'll come with you to the repair shop, so we can check how much it will cost."

Upon hearing that she was willing to pay, the man's face so

ut to leave.

As expected, Celia gave in. She held Lea's hand and started to explain anxiously, "It's not that I don't want to tell you. It's just that I don't know what to say."

"What do you mean? Just tell me what happened." Lea had to force herself to act like a big sister even though she already felt tired of doing it.

But after hearing Celia's story, she couldn't help feeling really angry this time. She poked her forehead with disappointment and said, "Are you that stupid? Don't you know what kind of person Rachel is? How could you misunderstand her just like that? You are out of your mind!"

Lea drank up the coffee that the waiter had just served in one gulp out of anger. She only came back to her senses when the bitter taste ran through her throat. She realized that she was so mad that she forgot to add sugar and milk to her coffee.

She immediately tossed candy into her mouth and said, "It's all your fault!"

Celia gently pushed her cup of coffee towards Lea and offered, "Drink mine. It doesn't taste bitter."

Actually, she also regretted what she did to Rachel after giving it a careful thought. Her mind was in a mess because of Bertha, and in the end, she vented all her anger on Rachel, who did nothing but care about her every day. She wanted to apologize, but she was too shy to do it. That was the reason why she avoided to see Rachel now.

Feeling uneasy, she asked with a frown, "Lea, I know that I'm stupid. But what should I do now? Do you think Rachel will forgive me if I apologize to her?"

"What do you think?" Lea took a glimpse at her and said, "Don't worry, Rachel is not a narrow-minded person."

Rachel listened silently to Lea, telling her whole conversation with Celia while she was eating. It had been a while, but she still didn't say anything.

Lea patted her arm and asked, "Are you really angry with her?"