Chapter 375 Fall Out With Her Parents

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
While Marcus and Jack were talking at the door, Rachel came to check why the latter hadn't returned to the living room yet. She was a little surprised to see Marcus, but Jack held her arm and said, "Since Marcus is here, we'd better get going. It's time to go back to work."

She noticed the confusion in Marcus' eyes, so she smiled and said, "We just dropped by to visit Celia. She's asleep now."


Marcus nodded slightly and watched them leave. His handsome face suddenly frowned as a sense of uneasiness surged in his heart.

Jack and Rachel arrived at the hospital. When he parked the car at the gate, he said in a low voice, "Austin just sent a message."

While unfastening her seat belt, she asked, "What did he say?"

"Bertha is in the hospital now because of some bruises on her forehead. I don't think it's a big problem."

Rachel heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing the news. But before she could start to feel happy, Jack continued, "But according to Austin, Dylan was very angry for what happened. He lost his temper in the hospital and swore to take Celia back and teach her a lesson."

Dylan was an egotistical male chauvinist. Putting aside his relationship with Bertha, Celia had challenged his authority as the head of the family by refusing a blind date.

And now that she hurt Bertha, who he believed had contributed a lot to their family, it was expected that he wouldn't let go of her that easy.

Feeling distraught, Rachel looked up at Jack and asked, "What should we do?"

Jack patted her head and replied in a gentle ton

code is 870925. If it is not enough, just give me a call."

"Thank you, buddy." Marcus lowered his head to hide the redness in his eyes.

Rachel, who was silently watching the two men, couldn't help feeling sad. She took a deep breath and said to Celia, "I'm glad that you are finally together. But you must contact us as soon as you arrive in France, okay? Don't push yourself too hard."

She believed that the couple made the right choice. If they continued to stay in Ninwell City, they wouldn't be able to live a good life because of the pressure from both of their families.

Perhaps if they moved away, their families would gradually accept them as time passed.

The same thing had happened to Lucas and Iris.

For a moment, Jack's office filled with sadness.

After talking with each other for a while, Rachel and Jack drove the couple to the airport.

At the airport, Jack saw Rachel's eyes turn red. He couldn't help holding her hands tightly and chuckled, "If you worry about them, I will take you to France to see them after I finish my work, okay?"

"Okay," Rachel replied at once.

She then glared at Marcus, pretending to be fierce and warned, "You must treat her well. If I find out that you are not good to her, I will take Jack to France right away to beat you up."

"Yes, I agree with Rachel." Jack wanted to say more, but he was interrupted by the sudden ringing of his phone.

Since it was Austin calling, it probably had something to do with Dylan.

He took the phone to the side and asked in a low voice, "Is everything done?"