Chapter 417 The Operation Is Successful

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
Lea took two sheets of tissue paper and blew her nose. "I know how much Rachel wanted to be with her parents, so I know how heartbroken she would be when she found out Jack's parents had something to do with her parents' death. However, she was willing to come back with Jack. She may appear stubborn and hard, but she must have forgiven him in her heart and is probably no longer angry. She has always been a soft-hearted person. God, why did such a thing have to happen all of a sudden? Hasn't she suffered enough?"

Her voice was neither loud nor piercing, but Rachel heard it through the door regardless.

She pulled the quilt over her head and wept silently until sleep claimed her. When she woke up, she looked out the window and found that it was already dark outside.

Julie was also asleep on the sofa by the bed. When she heard sounds of Rachel stirring, she immediately sat up and asked, "Miss, are you awake? Are you feeling better?"

"Much better," she replied in a faint voice. She picked up her phone from the bedside table and looked at it. She had been sleeping for more than five hours. She got out of bed in a hurry and walked outside.

Julie called out to her worriedly. "Miss, where are you going?"

"I'll go to the hospital to see Jack. The surgery's probably done by now."

"Mr. Jonathan Fu called just now and said that Mr. Jack Fu's operation was successful."

As soon as she heard the news, Rachel suddenly felt her legs give out from under her. She grabbed at the door frame for support, closed her eyes, and smiled in

tle and glanced at Julie, who fell asleep on the sofa. She left quietly and didn't wake her up.

After asking several nurses, she finally found out Jack's ward number. When she walked through the door, Rachel didn't know how to react to the scene that greeted her.

Jack was lying in the bed with his eyes closed, while Scarlett was sleeping on the edge of the bed. Their hands were tightly intertwined.

What a loving scene!

With a bitter smile, Rachel looked down at the soup she brought with her. She stood there for a moment, stewing in the mixed feelings the sight awakened within her, and left after a final glance.

After her footsteps had faded away, Scarlett slowly opened her eyes, and her lips curved up in a smug smile.

By coincidence, she had stepped toward the window to make a phone call to a friend when she saw Rachel entering the hospital. She guessed that the other woman must have come to see Jack, so she quickly positioned herself on the edge of the bed and grabbed Jack's hand tightly.

She turned back and looked at Jack's pale and bloodless face. An idea started forming in her mind.

Lea couldn't fall asleep until the latter half of the night, so it was almost noon when she woke up. She put on a coat and went to Rachel's suite next door. Unexpectedly, she found Julie as the room's sole occupant, sitting on the sofa in the living room and snoring.

She urgently shook Julie awake and asked, "Julie, why are you sleeping here? Where is Rachel?"

"She's making soup in the kitchen," Julie groggily answered.