Chapter 437 Glasses Of Wine

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
Julie lowered her head and looked at her hands. After having thought about it the whole night, she had finally mustered up the courage to speak up. Yet, she felt nervous now that she was in front of Rachel. It was about her salary. "Earlier, Mr. Fu used to pay me my salary. Now that he barely comes here, I was wondering when will my salary for this month—"

Before she could finish her words, Rachel interrupted her.

"If Jack won't give it to you, I will pay you. Don't worry."

Of course, Julie worked for her and she wouldn't make her work without a payment.

Hearing this answer, Julie breathed a sigh of relief. But at the same time, another question brewed in her mind. "Miss, are you and Mr. Jack...?" She trailed off.

Standing up, Rachel said, "There's no need to even include us in the same sentence. There is nothing between us."

Her attitude was a little different. It looked like she didn't like Julie's question. After all, this morning, the paparazzi had taken a photo of Jack and Scarlett coming out of a community. The way they walked out seemed intimate. If they had begun living together, it would only be a matter of days before they got married.

'Marriage!' Rachel thought. She didn't think the thought of Jack marrying another girl would pain her so much.

But obviously, that wouldn't change anything. What she felt didn't matter to him. As soon as he divorced her, he would marry Scarlett.

As the days went, their union was getting shorter and shorter. He would soon become her ex-husband.

Julie picked up the fruit tray and the empty glass on the table and said in a low voice,

he caught the wall for support. Before he left the room, he turned around and spat, "You are not Rachel. You can never be Rachel!"

After saying that, he left. Going to the living room, lay on the sofa and fell asleep in the blink of an eye.

Scarlett followed him out. Looking at him sleep, she clutched tightly on her chest. What happened now had left her feeling humiliated.

Last time, he wasn't drunk and he pushed her away. This time, he was out of his mind, yet he wouldn't sleep with her. 'Why can't he love me when I love him so much?' she thought, crying about her misfortune.

Every time, he would compare her to Rachel. Wasn't she nothing in comparison to Rachel?

At first, Scarlett felt lucky that her face was similar to that of Rachel. But now, she realized it wasn't a blessing but a curse. Her face wouldn't give her the license to his heart.

If anything, her face would only remind him more of Rachel. It would be a constant reminder of the fact she wasn't Rachel.

'I curse Rachel! I wish she hadn't existed!' she screamed in her heart. She had never hated anyone in her life the way she hated Rachel.

She went back to her room, but couldn't fall asleep. Taking her pillow and blanket, she came to the living room and sat down on the floor. As time went by, her hatred for Rachel intensified.

Jack was awakened by the excruciating pain in his temples. When he opened his eyes and saw Scarlett on the floor, the memories of last night came rushing back.

He couldn't get up with her on the floor. Nudging on her shoulder, he ordered, "Wake up." His voice was bereft of any emotions.