Chapter 445 He's Back

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
Rachel felt like she was slowly carried by the wind to a strange place. She landed in a small room where a lot of people gathered. Lea and Henry were there. Jonathan and Tracy, together with James, were also there. Aside from them, there were also other people that she knew. It seemed that everyone who became a part of her life gathered in this room today.

She called out their names, but every time she opened her mouth, there was no voice coming out. All of them seemed not to notice her presence in the room. They continued to chat with each other, completely ignoring her.

All of a sudden, the door opened.

A man and a woman, together with a little boy between them, walked in. Although she couldn't see their faces clearly, she could tell that the boy's height reached the woman's waist.

As soon as Jonathan saw them, a bright smile appeared on his face. He waved at the little boy and said, "Come to Grandpa."

Rachel was stunned upon hearing what Jonathan said.

Since the boy was his grandson, it meant that he was Jack's child.

She suddenly got curious

who could his wife be.

She strode across the room to get closer to them. But when she got near them, she still couldn't see both the little boy's and the woman's faces clearly.

With a bitter smile on her face, she suddenly realized that it wasn't necessary to see their faces. Whoever the woman was had nothing to do with he

ss? He must have finally realized that nothing compares to a real family. Just ignore him."

While reading Lea's messages, Rachel could imagine her best friend's facial expression while typing those words. She couldn't help chuckling. Her gloomy mood suddenly turned bright.

Earlier, she was really wondering why Jack had suddenly come back. But now, she realized that it wasn't worth her time and energy.

To stop thinking about it too much, she decided to change the topic by asking Lea's physical condition.

Kailey was about to ring the doorbell when she noticed that the door was slightly ajar. Thinking that there might be some robbers inside, she nervously pushed it open.

She went to the kitchen to look for something she could use as a weapon. But she was surprised to see Scarlett on the floor like a puppet with a pair of dull eyes. She screamed and rushed over.

Scarlett was still wearing the same black dress she wore yesterday, so Kailey got more worried. "Scarlett, did you drink too much last night? Have you just woken up?"

Scarlett didn't answer. Even the expression on her face didn't change. She was still looking at the emptiness.

This time, Kailey felt more scared. She shook Scarlett's shoulders and called her name several times. It was only then that Scarlett came to her senses. She wiped her face carelessly and pretended that nothing happened. "Why are you here?"