Chapter 483 Andy Has A Fever

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
Since Andrew was Jonathan and Tracy's first grandson, they wouldn't just want a simple family dinner to celebrate his first birthday. As a matter of fact, they had already planned a few months ago to hold a big party. They wanted to introduce Andrew to the whole Ninwell City.

This evening, Rachel went to the yard after dinner. There, she saw Tracy and Jonathan sitting on a stone bench. They were chatting while Tracy was carrying Andrew in her arms.

Rachel walked up to them and crouched in front of Tracy. She gently poked Andrew's cheek and asked, "Andy, what are you laughing? Why are you so happy?"

Andy was Andrew's nickname. Jack gave it to him on the second day after he was born.

At that time, Jonathan and Tracy insisted on giving him a nickname, but the names they had thought didn't sound good to Jack.

Tracy even suggested calling him "Baby" as his nickname. Jack refused at once.

To stop his parents from thinking of funny nicknames, Jack immediately thought of a nickname for his baby. And from the name Andrew, he came up with "Andy."

Fortunately, everyone was satisfied with it.

Tracy handed Rachel a piece of paper. It was the guest list she made for Andy's first birthday. "Check this out. Do you have any other friends to invite?"

Rachel looked through the long list of names. She actually felt a little dizzy, but she still

has a fever all of a sudden, and he threw up, so they took him to the hospital. We must go there now."

"Why is it so sudden? Wasn't he fine just now?" Jack put on his clothes in a hurry too. He then patted Rachel on the shoulder and comforted her. "Don't worry. He'll be fine. I'll go downstairs to start the car. Just go down when you're ready."


While putting Andy's stuff in the bag, Rachel couldn't help trembling. She was not a pediatrician, but she knew that this thing normally happened to every child as they grew up.

But now that it happened to Andy, she couldn't calm herself down.

Jack maneuvered the steering wheel with one hand and held Rachel's hand tightly with his other hand. Although he was also very anxious, he tried his best to cheer her up.

Unfortunately, it didn't work.

When they arrived at the hospital, Tracy was pacing back and forth in the ward. Andy was crying in her arms. Jonathan stood by the side, holding a milk bottle in his hand. He looked at Andy anxiously and kept asking, "Baby, do you still feel uncomfortable?"

Rachel walked up to Tracy and took a look at Andy. His cheeks were red all over. She then asked, "Mom, what happened?"

"I gave him a bath and let him play in the water for a while so..." Tracy's voice was full of self-blame as she choked. Her red and swollen eyes became misty again.