A person under the collapse building smiling and thinking something 'Hello i am kaito ishikawa ,27 years old. I always want to achieve so many things in my small life time. But i am not some super genius or from a wealthy family, well i still try to achieve every thing and which result in not able to achieve even one thing properly'.
After thinking that kaito start to laugh crazily 'But in reality it is due my own bad habit i want to achieve everything and don't want to put any effort completely'.
After some time tears slowly start to flow out of kaito eyes 'i am not even able to make my parents life easy and proud who has so much trust in me'.
After that kaito say to himself "why i am thinking about my past ah may be because my life is going to end hear alone ".after sometime fire start to flood the space and place started to collapse completely after see this kaito start to scream.
"No No No i don't want to die like this. I want to achieve something , make my life meaningful and make my parents proud. After that building completely collapse and kaito final thought was with sad and smile 'ah i does't even get to have a girlfriend .No i do.....n't wan.....t t..o die...' .
After kaito get unconscious he find himself in complete blank white space and started to see something to see a darkness at far away front of him with stars blinking within it.
He does't know why but he start to walk toward it and start running toward it after some time but distance is decreasing slowly and he was getting exhausting but some he some how feel if he does not reach it he will wander in this empty sad place for eternity.
After long time almost whole day of running kaito finally reach it but after reaching it kaito sucked in darkness go through very long dark tunnel and lost conscious again.
After sometime kaito slowly open his eyes and found himself sitting around 13-14 year teenagers
'hmm Whats going on where am i? ah my head its hurting '. After his headache reduce he remember
about everything how he died and go through a mysterious tunnel.
After sometime kaito recognize that he was in his middle school classroom but something shock him so much that he saw his friends and all of them are looked like 13-14 year teenager, then he Understand that he travel back in time.
Then look himself and think 'then its mean i am also also a in my teenager body'. kiato was digesting
everything happen till now but to his shock he heard a mechanical voice inside his head "well i didn't expect to trapped inside low intelligent bieng "