Robbie was amused, looking around.

Sure enough, Qi Han was also in the safe zone opened up.

She just said it! The best face slap, it shouldn't be her.

Wherever Qi Han, a time-traveling woman, goes, there is always no shortage of top quality.

"Why do you talk like that?" The girl in gauze said in a coquettish and coquettish tone, "We are all on missions on undeveloped planets, so we can't say hello to each other if we don't know each other?! What did you find? Yes Lingzhi?!"

As she spoke, the girl in gauze stepped forward, poking her head out to look at the bamboo basket on Zhu Xingzhi's back.

Robbie annoys people touching her things the most: "Nothing."

Driving away in a sports car, the girl in gauze only saw wild vegetables.

"Only wild vegetables?" The girl in gauze was puzzled: "You guys just dug wild vegetables after you've been here for a day?!"

Luo Bi would not give her a good face, just about to leave, Qimei came over seeing the situation here.

"Luo Bi, you guys also came to Qingyao Xing?" Qi Mei asked.

Meng Gan at the back glanced at the bamboo basket that Zhu Xingzhi was pulling, and said, "I heard they said that you found Ling Zhi. It turned out that there were only wild vegetables. Why did you dig so little and go back?"

"It's getting late." Luo Bi glanced at the sky and said, "It's getting late, and the family is worried."

Qi Han hesitated for a moment, then came over, and said, "Didn't you follow the hunting team to go on a mission?!"

Qi Han didn't bother Luo Bi at all, Luo Bi said: "No, we are here to dig wild vegetables to eat. Wild vegetables only grow in spring. There are not many of them on the hills, and there are few digs, but the wild vegetables are of good quality."

"Some people are very tasteless." Qi Han looked down on Luo Bi's undeveloped planet for digging wild vegetables, but he still kindly reminded: "I'm jealous when I see others harvesting, and I also grab some wild vegetables."

Robbie said stubbornly, "If you are not afraid of being beaten, you will rob."

Luo Bi turned her head and looked at the girl in gauze who came closer again, she was the one who wanted to be beaten.

The girl in gauze was eager to try, wanting to pick wild vegetables: "Are there only wild vegetables in this basket?"

Robbie squinted at her: "Want to be beaten?"

The girl in gauze was stunned, and pouted: "Can't you just take a look?"

"No." Luo Bi turned around and took the bamboo basket from Zhu Xingzhi's hand, took the small wicker basket, and motioned to Zhu Xingzhi: "I'll take the things, you beat her, what the hell!"

Zhu Xingzhi was about to get off the sports car: "If I don't hit her, she will find her teeth all over the place."

Qi Han and Qi Mei were a little stunned for a while, the girl in gauze saw this posture, ran away, and whispered back: "Why are you doing this, you can't even look at it."

It's unbelievable that the girl in gauze ran far away. In the past, she could achieve her goal with just one mouth, but this time it didn't work.

Complicated eyes flashed in the eyes of the waiting and watching logistics team, and they expressed their dissatisfaction in a low voice. One of the women said: "I found something good, and I won't let you see it."

She intended to test it out, but unfortunately, Luo Bi refused to accept it.

Luo Bi stuffed the bamboo basket and wicker basket into Zhu Xingzhi's arms, and said hello to Qimei and the others: "Let's go."

Luo Bi ignored what others said.

Irrelevant people, talk to them and give them face.

Qimei was curious, and asked in a low voice: "Are you so kind?"

Luo Bi chuckled, gave her a meaningful look, and left with Zhu Xingzhi in the sports car.

Meng Gan watched Luo Bi leave, and asked, "What does she mean?"

Qimei was also hard to say, and suggested: "Let's also go to the hill to see if there are any good things."

(end of this chapter)
