In the dark, the campfire was lit.


Wei Li struggled to open his eyes and saw a man in black sitting not far away.

"Who are you?"

As soon as her body tightened, she subconsciously wanted to make a defensive posture, but found herself weak.

Even the knife can't hold it!

I can't help being in a hurry.

"What did you do to me?"

"Take it easy."

The man in black robe pressed one hand falsely, and an invisible force fell immediately.

"The congenital body, the saint of the plain girl sect and the Pearl of the Wei family, I dare not do anything to you."

"Then you... Then you don't let me go quickly!"

Wei Li straightened his neck and said, "I tell you, my master will find it in a short time. Then you will be dead!"

"That's right."

The man in black nodded, "so you need to find a way to keep her from coming, otherwise I will be difficult."

With that, Wei Li's expression became more and more ugly, as if he had been stuck in his throat.

"Can you?"

The sound fell and the strength relaxed.


Wei Li trembled and panicked. For the first time, she was so close to death that she could no longer maintain her image.

Now I just cry and nod.

"That's good."

The man in black nodded and looked in another direction: "Zhenwu... Oh, you don't know what to call?"

"Just call me Zhenwu."

Guo fan's voice is gentle.

Wei Li's eyes lit up, but he felt pity for each other: "little monk, you have also been caught by him."

"I don't have that much ability."

The man in black shook his head again and again: "I'm afraid that few people can rival the lightness skill of master Zhenwu, even if he looks at the whole Jianghu!"


Wei Li nodded: "even my master didn't catch him. You can't do it!"


Since he wasn't captured, why is he here?

Are they together?

But listen to the tone, it seems not.

Is it for yourself?

Wei Li's thoughts turned in his heart. He didn't know what to think, but his little face was slightly flushed.

"What are you going to do?"

Guo fan spoke at the right time.

"It's simple."

The black robed man stretched out his hand to take a few stones, bent his fingers and shot again and again, and outlined a topographic map on the rocks in front of him.

"In the secret place of Tallinn, you don't have to worry about it. At that time, you just need to sneak into the Sutra Pavilion and steal the King Kong immortal skill."


Guo fan sneered: "Your Excellency, it's easy to say. Do you know how many eminent monks sit in the Sutra pavilion?"

"How can others stop the master?"

The black robed man smiled and said, "the three eminent monks of Wuzi generation can find your trace."

"You're right."

Guo fan's smile converged.

The other party is so clear about the Sutra Pavilion. I'm afraid it's really certain.

This made him have to cheer up.

As for the famous Yi Jin Jing and Vajra not bad Kung Fu, he is also difficult to avoid vulgarity

"Each of the three eminent monks is stronger than me. Once they detect it, they will attract others."

At that time, no matter how high the lightness skill is, it will be difficult to fly!

"There is one thing that the master may not know."

The man in black smiled at the speech: "a noble man came to Shaolin yesterday. There will be one less eminent monk guarding the Sutra Pavilion these days."

"The little one needs to help you do something."


Guo fan has slight eyebrows.

This man not only knows the internal situation of Shaolin Temple, but also knows the people who came yesterday.

He was more curious about each other's identity.

"Even if one is missing, there are two. To tell you the truth, it's not much different for me."

Not to mention two, but one, and he is not an opponent.

But if there is only one

The man in black lowered his head and smiled and said, "Tallinn was stolen. Where do you think you will get the news first?"

"Ten thousand Buddha grottoes and Sutra Pavilion!"

Guo fan's voice sank.


The man in black nodded, "but there are few guards in the ten thousand Buddha grottoes, but there can't be anything lost."

"Therefore, we will certainly mobilize people from the Sutra pavilion to explore."

He said in a voice and looked directly at Guo fan: "in this case, there is only one eminent monk of no character generation!"


Guo fan's eyes flickered.

"Are you sure?"

The black robed man's voice was silent.

"If you're alone, you can try."

Guo fan nodded slowly: "but you are sure that stealing Yi Jin Jing from Tallinn can lead people away."

"Of course."

The man in black replied with a smile: "for this move today, I have planned for many years and will succeed in one fell swoop!"

Guo fan took a deep breath and said, "well, let's discuss the specific time."


The man in black should be.

Now they made a plan and set the time after three days, the day when the noble man acted.

At that time.

Xuanzhenzi and others will gather in the quiet room of Dharma hall to dredge the princess's breath with the help of the local atmosphere there.

At that time, the defense of other parts of Shaolin Temple will be weakened.

It's the best time to steal treasure!

The plan has been decided. The man in black took the keepsake from Wei Li's hand, operated his lightness skill and went down the mountain.

He is not afraid of two people leaving.

Guo fan wants to go, but he can't stop him.

As for Wei Li, this place is dangerous, and he has more means to stay. Any change will be noticed.


People in black don't walk alone!

"Little monk."

Seeing the shadow go away, Wei Li sighed, pretended to be an adult and said, "you don't have to care about me."

"Girl, you think too much."

Guo fan looked at her in silence, took out a pill and swallowed it.

First, he was struck by Li Yuanxiang, and then by the man in black robe. He was seriously injured in his body.

Whether it can recover in three days is still unknown.

As for Wei Li.

She was pushed by Guo fan, rolled her eyes on the spot, and fell on the stone to sleep.


In a flash, three days have passed.

Guo fanshu stretched his muscles and bones, quietly went down the mountain and fled towards the Shaolin Sutra Pavilion.

Over the past two years, he has appeared here many times. He is familiar with the road.

The sky is gloomy tonight, with no stars and no moon. It seems that even God wants to help them.

"Hua la..."

The mountain wind blows and the leaves roll.

Guo fan's body melted into the wind, and his body fell slowly, as if he had no weight on the branches of the tree.

He bowed slightly and looked straight into the distance.

Thanks to his strong body and exquisite skills, he can see the situation in the Sutra Pavilion even if it is very far away.

Indeed, today there are only two eminent monks of the no character generation.

Shaolin Sutra Pavilion is a tower with only three floors. It is nearly Zhang high and covers a vast area.

It is said to be a pavilion, but it is actually a hall.

In addition to the narrow third floor, the first floor can even accommodate thousands of people without crowding.

As far as he knows, there are more than 5000 volumes of scriptures hidden here, as well as the legendary wonder Dharma facing stone.

But the stone is famous, but it is of no use at all.

One layer of scriptures, two layers of ancient books and three layers of secret collection.

King Kong, known as the head of internal skill and the top of external skill, is placed on the third floor of the Sutra Pavilion.

Hold your breath and restrain your breath. Guo fan is like a dead object, swaying in the wind on the branches.

Only one pair of eyes reflected dozens of people inside and outside the Sutra Pavilion into my mind.

Their every move and everyone's moving route are revealed and formed in their mind one by one.

As the Sutra collection place of Shaolin Temple, it is the top priority.

The defense is as strict as the inner court of the palace!

If there is no big change, Guo fan has no chance to sneak into it, let alone steal the treasure Sutra.


Suddenly, a violent roar came, causing the earth to tremble.

Far away.

Smoke and dust rose everywhere in the direction of Tallinn, as if mountains and stones rolled down, and the roar came in an endless stream.

For a time, the Sutra Pavilion also showed chaos

"What's going on?"

"It's Tallinn!"

"Can't it be that Zen master's tomb tower fell down?"

The monks talked one after another, and their faces changed, with a faint look of worry in their eyes.

In the Tallinn, there are many eminent monks' body relic, and it is also the underground palace of many eminent monks.

Those who can survive in Tallinn are the worst hosts!

Everyone is well-known in Buddhism and has made great contributions to the dissemination of Buddhist scriptures.

Such as Suxi eminent monk tower, Hill monk tower

Not to mention other secrets,

The collapse of Tallinn means ominous for Buddhism!


Someone shouted in the distance: "master Suxi's pagoda has fallen, and others are destroying other pagodas!"

Master Suxi

One thousand years ago, the eminent monk and great virtue, whose status is high, is second only to the Dharma Master in Buddhism.


On the third floor of the Sutra Pavilion, there was a red shadow. The cassock trembled wildly and went straight to the Tallinn like the wind.

"Xuansheng and xuanmie, you two take people to keep up, and the others keep the Sutra Pavilion without mistakes."


The monks should be.

No one noticed. Just as the red shadow was far away, a dark cloud suddenly moved in the sky behind.

It was as if a shadow had peeled off from the clouds and fell quietly on the roof.

Guo fan's limbs are pasted with bricks and tiles, his eyes converge, and there is no leakage of breath all over his body.

With a gentle roll, it falls into the third floor of the Sutra Pavilion.

There is only one eminent monk of no character generation left here, which is exactly opposite to the position where he appeared.

As long as the distance is more than two feet, Guo fan is sure to hide from anyone born!

He has long been able to see the night as day. Now he can see all kinds of secret scriptures one by one.

In addition to the Scriptures, it is self-cultivation.

Bodhi Heart Sutra, vigorous Vajra palm, Wuxiang robbing fingers, cassock subduing demons, Shaolin dragon claw hand

All kinds of unique skills appear in front of us one by one.

If he had changed his place, I'm afraid he would have been short of breath and flushed.

But this is the Sutra Pavilion. He doesn't even dare to go out, and his steps are slow.

Although he was eager for these things, especially the complete version of the Bodhi Heart Sutra, he dared not touch them.

Because it makes a strange noise when touched.

There is only one chance, and naturally we should leave it to the best.

"King Kong is not bad at magic!"

"King Kong is not bad at magic!"

"Strange? Why not? "

Two steps forward, Guo fan frowned slightly.

His position is not far from the internal skill volume. There are Bodhi Heart Sutra, dragon subduing and tiger subduing skill, Za ahan skill

But there is no King Kong, not bad magic!


His eyes turned and fell on a thick Vajra Sutra.

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