
Lei hen's lifeless body fell to the ground, and a trace of blood slowly emerged from his neck.


With eyes wide open, the head broke away from the neck and rolled aside, and the scarlet blood overflowed on the ground.

"Deputy hall leader Lei!"

"Brother Lei!"

Jiujiang water Wu, Xiao Bozhong, Xue Chuan, Zhao Tiande and others roared and jumped into the challenge arena one after another.

They glared at Guo fan and their killing intentions emerged, as if they wanted to work together to completely solve the people in front of them!

"What are you doing?"

In this case, Lord Huang and others will never ignore it.

After several ups and downs, he jumped to the challenge arena with Geng San and Xie Zhuogong, stood side by side with Guo fan and looked directly at each other.


As soon as Guo fan shook his cloak, Hu Sha's knife clanked back to the scabbard and said calmly, "the leader of the deputy hall Lei's method is amazing. For a moment, Guo is also difficult to keep his hand."

"What a pity..."

With a slight sigh, his eyes drooped slightly, as if he were really lamenting each other's misfortune.

"The tiger clan is willing to give 300 liang of silver to help vice hall leader Lei's scenery and burial."

"Don't cry for mercy!"

Zhao Tiande had a good personal relationship with Lei hen. He stared, clenched his hands, clenched his teeth and said ruthlessly, "today's business, we Jiujiang Shuiwu are not finished with you!"

"Zhao Tiande, what do you mean?"

Geng San's voice sank and said angrily, "the life and death form is what Lei said to sign, that is, he has signed the life and death form. After this war, regardless of life and death, the previous events are written off and the gratitude and resentment are cleared!"


He stepped forward, his murderous spirit appeared: "do you want to break the rules?"

In this world.

The relationship between Daqian court and people in the Jianghu is very good.

The two do not interfere with each other in some aspects, just as all sects and factions are not allowed to have a large number of private soldiers.

As long as the fighting in the Jianghu is in the open, the imperial court will not intervene by default.

But if some people break the rules and cause unrest in one side, the court will force it.

It's like revenge in the Jianghu!

It doesn't matter to die in the challenge of life and death, but the conflagration of the two forces affects the stability of one party's rule of the land. Obviously, the imperial court can't sit idly by.


Zhao Tiande's breath stagnated and his face turned red.

"Brother Zhao, don't be impulsive."

Xue Chuanshan, a scholar of Qiqiao, pressed his hand falsely to suppress his anger.

The folding fan shook and arched at several people: "brother Lei is not the opponent of sect leader Guo. He died by the sword. We are convinced to lose."

"Lord Guo."

He turned his eyes and finally put them on Guo fan. The coldness in his eyes did not hide at all.

"The green mountains don't change, the green water flows long, and the days in the future will be very long!"

"Let's go!"

With a wave of his hand, he asked his men to turn and leave with Lei hen's body.

Obviously, the beam is over.

Once it comes to life and death, how can it be so simple to write it off!

There have always been countless dramas of revenge when his father was killed and his son learned hard for many years.

At present, however, the winner is naturally honored.

Xie Zhuogong said with a smile, "Lord Guo, you're hiding deep enough. I've been worried about you for so long."


Lord Huang smiled and nodded: "your strength is much stronger than your master when he was young."

"Not to mention the younger generation, but also the older generation, there are not many people who can be compared with you."

Without waiting for Guo fan to respond, the crowd at the bottom of the battle had gathered around, and there was noise everywhere.

"Lord Guo is young and promising. I'm afraid he can be compared with the four heroes of Yanmen. I've seen Lord Guo in Zhou prison."

"What are the four heroes of Yanmen? They are all young people in the family, and Lord Guo is already the head of the tiger sect. My husband Shen Pingshan is engaged in wood business..."

"I'm the Miao family in Houlong town..."

"Everybody, everybody."

Lord Huang stepped forward and pressed his hands. A gentle force immediately turned into an air wall and stopped in front of the crowd.


Guo fan raised his eyebrows.

The Lord of the Yellow hall has never shown his mountain and dew, but his skills are so strong!

Even Li Yuanxiang is a little inferior to him.

Ren Du's two veins must have passed one of them!

He is worthy of being compared with sun Jieliang in those days. He is afraid that he has few enemies.

"Lord Guo has just experienced a great war and needs a rest. It's inconvenient to greet you now."

Lord Huang threw his fists and saluted the crowd: "one month later, the day of the founding of the Wu League, Lord Guo will also be present."

"If you have time, you might as well go and have a look."

"Wu Meng?"

The matter is well known at the top of Yanmen County, but many people still don't know it.

At the moment, everyone asked, and the topic also changed, falling on the upcoming Wumeng.

Many people have quietly changed their faces when they learned that the military alliance was formed by the combination of many forces in the county and city.

These people have some backgrounds, and there are many businessmen.

In addition to the taxes of the imperial court, they also need to manage up and down with Jiujiang Shuiwu.


The establishment of the Martial Arts League also covers all escort agencies and martial arts schools in Yanmen county. The road surface is unified.

When doing business, I'm afraid I have to pay more!

But some people think fast.

After the establishment of the Wu League, all the scattered forces in Yanmen county were unified, and the bandits who cut the path were no longer afraid of on the business road.

Maybe the income can become better. Of course, it needs to have a good relationship with the people of Wumeng in advance.

Therefore, after a slight change in the atmosphere, it became warm again, and many people gathered around.

As for Guo fan.

At this time, he had already left here quietly and went to the restaurant accompanied by Xie Zhuogong and others.

Today's battle failed Jiujiang Shuiwu's plan and gave him a slap in the face. Naturally, we should celebrate.

Above the restaurant, all kinds of good wine and dishes are presented one after another.

The core members of the martial arts league in the future, together with experts from the county government, sat here and talked happily.


Xie Zhuogong, the leader of the five elements sect, is always exquisite in all aspects. That is to say, while pouring wine, he talks.

"The so-called enemy should be solved rather than tied up. Lord Guo doesn't necessarily have to take Lei hen's life."

"After killing people, although Jiujiang Shuiwu will not retaliate openly, he is secretly afraid that he will also use some means."

"He has a killing heart for me, and his strength is not weak. If I keep my hand, it may be me."

Guo fan shook his head.

What he said is true. Lei hen's strength really put a lot of pressure on him, especially the final breakthrough.

Even if he didn't kill each other at that time, whether he could win in the end is unknown.

"Well done!"

Geng San stared and said in a loud voice, "shit, show mercy. People respect me a foot and I will return a foot. If people insult me, I will kill them."

"Lord Guo, a man and a great husband, that's it!"

"Come on, let's drink!"


Guo fan raised his glass and the two drank it all at once.

"Ha ha..."

Geng San laughed and took the lead in raising the sheath to signal: "come, eat, don't stop. Today we eat and drink happily."


Xie Zhuogong sighed in his heart, smiled on his face and greeted warmly.


On the carriage, Guo fan sat cross legged. Everything he experienced today came to mind one by one.

Lei hen's murder and unwillingness, Jiujiang Shuiwu's plot and anger, the establishment of the military alliance and the attitude of the people in the county.

The Yellow Pavilion is full of ideas and complacency. It is determined to win the position of the leader of the military alliance. It will no longer be silent in the past.

Xie Zhuogong was cautious, and all parties did not want to offend him. They even felt that it was unnecessary to kill Lei hen.

Geng San seemed careless, but in fact he deliberately provoked the confrontation between Wumeng and Jiujiang Shuiwu, praising his good killing.

There are so many.

"Things are changing and people's hearts are dangerous. In this world, you can only drift with the tide, otherwise you will inevitably be overturned by it."

"If I'm alone, I can be natural and unrestrained, but Jiujiang Shuiwu won't worry about revenge."

"Now, as the leader of the tiger sect, I am the pillar of the core of the military alliance. I am backed by the power of the imperial court. Even if Jiujiang Shuiwu has two innate talents, I can only watch me kill Lei hen!"

"Moreover, being in a big power also has many advantages. At least, there is no need to worry about cultivation resources."


Thinking of this, he opened his eyes and suddenly hummed coldly.

In his eyes, he has an old and calm mind that sees through everything, and a pure and unique heart that is unwilling to sink into the Tao.

"Heaven and earth are furnaces, and creation is work; things in the world are like fire, and people's hearts are copper."

"Worldly sophistication, gratitude and resentment, these things exist to sharpen life. Although I am in them, if I am not pure and single-minded, I will be broken to pieces and sink forever."


Guo fan's hands were empty, and his strength exploded.

"If you don't want to be trapped in the world and not be vulgar, you should never forget your original heart."

"The body is a treasure raft for the world, and the heart is the helmsman of the boat. Although these worldly honing are useful, they are too waste of time. In the future, if you can save, you can save. It's a big deal to go through the world and slowly understand."

"Since this heaven and earth has a congenital existence, I can cross thousands of boundaries. Maybe Xiuxian asked," it also exists. "

"Compared with immortality, these deceitful thoughts will only disturb the mind and cut it with a knife!"

His eyes twinkled and his heart surged.

The tiger Sha Dao on the side of the body trembled slightly. It was "buzzing" as if it had to be cut out at any time.


"Ruyi day magic knife!"

Guo fan turned his head sideways and his eyes moved.

What he thought just now was not the Prajna magic subduing knife, nor the tiger's true intention, but the Ruyi heaven magic knife.

This Sabre technique is really evil. You can even feel his thoughts change and emerge on your own.


Guo fan grinned and stroked the tiger Sha Dao on his side. The meaning of the Dao became more and more embarrassing in his eyes. Countless Dao moves gathered in his heart.


The carriage exploded.

The good foal pulling the cart didn't know what frightened him. His hooves softened and he collapsed directly to the ground.

Even Xia Yan, Wang Mukun and others around felt that they were cold all over and their bodies were shaking uncontrollably.

Guo fan's eyes lit up and thought to himself, "it turns out that this knife pays attention to the meaning of the knife, and the moves are only explicit."

"The gods and ghosts are worried if they are divided in a knife. How can they do it without the determination and intention to cut everything off?"

"Ruyi Tianmo, Ruyi Tianmo..."

"Originally, the meaning of the knife can be changed at will, so that you can feel the pure cut as one!"

"Subdue the demons of the heart and change as you wish. I see!"

The puzzles in my heart in the past are connected one by one. Ruyi Tian magic knife can also see the root.

Although it is still a long way from complete repair, the path can be seen.

"Door... Door master."

At this time, Wang Mukun's stammering voice sounded, which also interrupted Guo fan's thoughts.

"Are you all right?"


Guo fan returns to his senses. After seeing the situation in the clearing, he immediately converges on the intention of the sword.

"I'm fine."

"Since the carriage has been destroyed and the distance is not far, let's walk!"

He got out of the carriage and went on, and soon he was at the foot of the tiger mountain.

The people who greeted Guo fan unexpectedly surprised him.


Shoubo's face is also extremely strange.

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