The palace dungeon.

A dark place.

There is no sunshine all day. It is gloomy. There is a sound of whipping and eating pain from time to time. The atmosphere is terrible.


"Who let you assassinate the Lord?"

"Say it or not?"


The roar and roar came from the darkness, and the shrill cry was even more frightening.

The three men who had just been brought in had not been tortured, but they were paralyzed and almost wanted to fall to the ground.


A shaved, ferocious looking man stepped out of the darkness and grinned at the three:

"It's really useless. The dignified seven foot man has been scared like this before he was punished!"

"Come on, let me introduce you."

With a wave of his big hand, he photographed an iron brush full of spikes on a shelf from a distance and said:

"I'll give you the punishment later. I'm called grooming!"

"Isn't the name very elegant?" the big man grinned, reached out his hand, touched his bald head and continued to speak:

"This is what my old Lu learned from the Lord."

Then he shook his palm and said:

"My people will slowly brush your body with this thing. Don't worry, it won't hurt at first, and maybe even enjoy it."

"But as time goes on, your flesh and skin will slowly tear, and your flesh and bones will be exposed. Finally..."

He smiled darkly, pointed to the dark color on the iron brush and said:

"Guess how many people were tortured to death by this thing? How long did the one who could endure the most last?"


Before his voice fell, the three men had knelt down, trembling and white.

"Say, we say!"

"Good!" the big man opened his eyes and said:

"I ask you, did the people of your flying flower hall do the assassination of the LORD a few days ago?"

"Your sect leader, Tang Shouchu Yue, is not the initiator?"


The roar sounded from the darkness.


In the side hall, Guo fanduan sat in the middle, contemplating.

The expansion of sergeants and the cultivation of literati are not done overnight.

In particular, the construction of academies involves many aspects, which will be difficult to discuss properly for a while and a half.

The literati Su Lao discussed in the living room, and he came here for an excuse to get a quiet life.

These are foreign affairs, not what he likes.

Although it is the foundation of future planning, you can't lose it, but you don't have to control everything.

Put forward one direction and let others do the rest.


A muffled cry interrupted his train of thought.

When he opened his eyes, a fierce bald man walked into the hall and bowed his hands:

"My subordinates have been tortured. The assassination of the LORD was really done by the people of the flying flower hall."

"The tang hand, Chu Yue, is also involved!"

This bald man, named Lu Ping, is the general manager of the palace guard. He has vigorous Qi and great accomplishments.

Mu steward, Lu Lao and Lu Ping are the three masters of the palace.

"They are so brave!" Mu steward heard the speech, looked angry and bowed his hands to Guo fan for instructions:

"Lord, you can directly let the county government send troops to take people!"

"Why use yamen?" Lu Ping frowned and said in a muffled voice:

"Anle county is the Lord's possession. They dare to commit the following crimes. We directly copied his nest."

"That Tang hand Chu Yue, give it to Lu!"

"Not right." manager Mu shook his head:

"After all, we depend on others. People in the new dynasty and underground areas stare at us from time to time, or don't be too sharp."

"After all, we only have a confession at present. If we really want to make trouble, the prince's face is not good-looking."

With that, he subconsciously went to see Guo fan, and his heart was inevitably worried.

In the past, it was better to do more than one thing, but now the Lord's idea is not necessarily.

If the king's residence really sends private soldiers, it can indeed destroy the flying flower hall, but the consequences are difficult to predict.

"What the steward said is reasonable." unexpectedly, Guo fan has a calm face and a calm voice:

"If you want to take people, just inform the county government Yamen. How can you feed them without doing anything?"


He gestured to Lu Ping:

"Send the tortured things to the Yamen. I want to see what they will do?"

"This..." Lu Ping hesitated and said:

"My subordinates stole it directly from the flying flower hall this time. I'm afraid it's unreasonable to say it."

"Besides, the flying flower hall has a good relationship with Yamen and underground people. What if they don't do it?"

"No harm." Guo fan's voice remained unchanged:

"I just want an attitude. As for whether to do it or not, don't worry for the moment. I'll say another day."

"Yes." Lu Ping had no choice but to bow his hands and leave.

"My Lord, this is very." the steward Mu sighed with relief and said:

"The flying flower hall is the biggest force in the county and city. There are adults behind it. We really shouldn't do it."

"After all, although there are many masters in the palace, they are not the strongest."

What's more, behind these people are the new imperial court and the unfathomable underground forces.

"HMM." Guo fan nodded silently and suddenly asked:

"In Anle County, how many people are better than lupin?"

Among the three masters in the palace, Mu steward and Lu Laoji are not small. Only Lu Ping is in his prime.

In addition, his practice is strange and his strength is also the strongest!

"Very few." steward Mu knew the top experts in the city like the back of his hand and said:

"Lu Ping's Tianxing strength is the top martial arts in the world. Coupled with his unique talent, his vigorous Qi has also been greatly achieved. Only zuqiao experts can be sure to completely defeat him."

"There are only two... Three zuqiao in the city."

"Mr. Tiejian, who is recruited by the new dynasty and sits in the government office, the unknown lady Meng in the underground, and the judge who wounded the LORD a few days ago."

"For example, Xie Guanzhu of Nanshan meditation nunnery, Tang Shouchu Yue, the leader of flying flower hall, and Wan Xiang real person of Wuyi Lane in Beicheng, their strength is as if they are different from that of old ministers. At most, they are only tied with Neng Luping."

"Hmm..." he hesitated and said:

"Qiao kusheng, the Taihang demon who took refuge in the underworld, has excellent cultivation. He is only half a step away from opening the ancestral orifice in the center of his eyebrows. He may be better than Lu Ping!"

These people in his mouth are all the top experts in Anle county.

Among them, only three ancestors really deserve Guo fan's attention.

Only these three zuqiao masters are not sure of his current strength.

After all, it will take some time to settle down.

Guo fan's eyes flickered and slowly became calm.


Subtle and gentle footsteps sounded outside the hall, and two maids led a man to the front of the hall.

"Lord, Miss Bai is coming."

"Come in!" Guo fan raised his head.

Not seen for a few days, Bai Zhenzhen's haggard after being poisoned has disappeared. After a period of recuperation, he becomes more and more beautiful and lovely.

His eyes flickered and he reached out:

"White girl, please sit down!"

"Thank you, Lord!" Bai Zhenzhen bowed his knees, hung his head and slowly sat down on the next seat.

This woman is delicate and pitiful, and her face is as beautiful as Princess Ling ruowei.

These days.

The palace is not very peaceful.

The prince and Princess haven't lived together for many days. The princess is unhappy. Many people in the house speculate that it has something to do with this woman.

In particular, Zhu Dandie's quarrel, no one said on the surface, but it has long been spread behind the scenes.

Even the supervisor's eyes are a little complicated.

Guo fan was calm and nodded to the other party:

"On that day, Nanshan Yaji was assassinated. Thanks to Miss Bai's sacrifice, I thank you first."

"The Lord is serious." Bai Zhenzhen shook his head gently:

"Even if the little woman hasn't stopped the knife, the assassin can't hurt the king. I'm really worried."

"Otherwise." Guo fan shook his head:

"Miss Bai, I'm very grateful for giving up her life to save you. I don't think I can repay you. I'll give you some common things first."

He said, tapping his hands.

When the palm fell, his servant presented two plates of gold and silver and some beads and jade pendants, all of which are valuable.

"This..." Bai Zhen hurriedly got up with a flustered look on his face, waved his hands and said:

"I can't, I can't. It's a great favor for the little woman to be lucky to see the king."

"How can you be insatiable?"

"Don't be disgusted, Miss Bai." Guo Fan said:

"People stand in the world. These things will inevitably need to be used in the future. Please accept them and express your gratitude."

"Somebody, take it for Miss Bai first!"

"Yes!" the servant took the order and immediately took the exquisite wooden box and put a pile of gold, silver and jewelry in it.

Then put it on the table.

From beginning to end, Bai Zhenzhen was silent, and his eyes never glanced at the treasure around him.

This makes Mu steward can't help but gently forehead.

I'm not confused by wealth. My appearance is also excellent. I'm more attracted to the Lord. I'm afraid there will be more female masters in the house.

As for the princess?

As the steward of the palace, he naturally doesn't think there's anything wrong with the Lord's concubine. It's right to open branches and spread leaves.

"Miss Bai." when everyone else in the hall retreated, Guo fanyin said with concern:

"Is your wound well?"

"Thank you for your concern." Bai Zhenzhen got up and saluted:

"The princess's miraculous medicine can't help dispelling the poison. Even the scar hasn't been left. Now it's great."

"That's good." Guo fan nodded:

"This time, I'm sorry to hurt you because of the king's business, but it's also coming to the day of entertaining the special envoy. Miss Bai will continue to stay in the palace for fear of something wrong."

"Why don't you leave the palace today!"

"Hmm?" several people were stunned.

When Bai Zhenzhen heard the speech, his face was even more desolate. He saluted again, and his voice was quiet:

"I'm so lucky that I can stay in the palace for a few days. I dare not continue to disturb myself."

"Really, I'll leave now!"

"HMM." Guo fan nodded:

"White girl's things will be packed by servants. If you go to the inn, the royal residence can arrange for you."

"In addition..."

His eyes sank and he said:

"I also hope Miss Bai will tell her sister's whereabouts!"

"Princess?" Bai Zhen looked blankly:

"Lord, how do you know..."

Her voice did not fall, her body was suddenly stiff, and a layer of cold sweat quietly appeared on her forehead.

The cold killing from nowhere made her face stiff.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the Lord. Bai Zhenzhen's eyes immediately shrunk, as if he saw something terrible.

"I've heard that she Mei often goes in and out of Miss Bai's residence these days." Guo fan hangs his head and has a cold voice:

"She Mei has no friends since she was a child, and she has no intention. I think she will tell the girl where she will go?"

"This..." Bai Zhenzhen bowed slightly, and his breath weakened and gradually turned into nothingness.

It's like mixing the air without force, making the pressure in the field aimless.

"Huh?" Mu steward shrunk his eyes and immediately stepped forward. A pair of tiger eyes looked directly at each other across the air:

"I've been living in vain for decades. I've gone so far this time!"

This woman, seemingly delicate and weak, has not weak accomplishments. At worst, she should be born with success and a hundred orifices.

Even if it is tempered into vigorous Qi, it's not surprising!

"The Lord is the real hiding." since he is not hiding, Bai Zhenzhen also directly spread his hand and said:

"But where did the princess go? I really don't know."

"But the reason why the princess left is still the prince. Your practice disappointed her too much."

"If you can change it, the princess will come back naturally!"

"Really?" Guo fan's eyebrows were slightly raised, but he didn't continue to study further. He nodded gently and said:

"If so, forget it."

"After all, she has grown up and has her own ideas. It's impossible for a brother to be with her all the time."

"But if Miss Bai sees her sister outside, you can tell her that if she comes back, I can keep her safe and continue to be the former carefree princess."

Guo fan's face was solemn.

With a mirror reflecting his heart, he could detect that the woman was wrong. After a little trial, he knew that she had something to do with the court power that day.

However, she should not have known Zhu Dandie before. Otherwise, she would not have attracted questioning.


Bai Zhenzhen smiled sweetly with a fresh smile, which was no longer similar to the previous delicate and soft.

She nodded and said:

"If the little woman sees the princess, she will tell her, but she's afraid that the princess doesn't like to continue to be the bird in the cage."

"No harm." Guo Fan said quietly:

"The king's promise is always valid, but if she insists on going out, she can enjoy it. However, she has a life and death, but she needs to earn it. What she does has nothing to do with the palace."

Bai Zhenzhen frowned at the words.

According to the rumor, although the prince has amazing literary talent and knows a hundred schools of thought, he seems to be a little weak.

But what I see today is that he is domineering and ruthless, which is not similar to what is rumored.

Moreover, he can see through his secret method, which is rarely done by zuqiao experts.

Hidden so deep.

Is he really willing to be the running dog of the underworld and the carefree Prince of the new dynasty?

When the thought turned, Bai Zhenzhen bowed:

"In that case, little woman, leave!"

"Besides, what happened today..."

"Don't worry, Miss Bai." Guo fan's voice was indifferent:

"You are just a guest who sacrificed your life to save the king. You are proficient in piano music and have nothing special."

"So, thank you!" Bai Zhen smiled, lifted the box beside him with one hand and walked towards the layman:

"I have my own residence. I don't need to worry about it. I'll see you later!"

"Lord!" Muguan's eyes twinkled, so he stepped forward and whispered:

"This woman may have something to do with those rebels. I don't know what's planned. In case, we'd better not..."

He gestured to kill and looked at Guo fan.

"No need." Guo fan waved:

"Whether it's heaven or hell, there's no need to care about them. It's business to look after Anle county."

"Here, don't mess!"



Not far from Anle county.

Beside an official road leaning against the mountain forest, a team of more than 100 people are camping and preparing to rest.

Most of the people in the team are dressed in new dynasty military uniforms, all of them are vigorous, and there are many good players according to their body methods.

In the middle of the camp is an extremely luxurious car.

The car is as big as a house.

There are carved beams and painted buildings on all sides. There is a ceiling on the top and a soft collapse under the bottom. If you want to drive, you may need at least eight horses to pull.

This is when the car falls down, the lights inside are bright, and a figure can be seen shaking and laughing.

From time to time, more charming asthma came.

It also attracted the red faces of nearby soldiers and stirred their blood.

However, they are very clear about the identity of the people inside. Even if their hearts fluctuate, they still dare not be careless.

After all, the world is not peaceful at this time. The earth is under constant pressure for a lifetime, and the heaven is planning in secret.

The so-called imperial court has limited authority.

"The food is ready!"

"Tomorrow we'll be in Anle County, so today's big fish and meat are eaten with an open stomach."

"Empty your savings and get on the road tomorrow. Anle county is very rich. Fill it up then!"

"That's reasonable!"

"It's still the old rule. It's divided into three batches and eaten in turn. You're not allowed to drink. If you want to drink, you'll drink it tomorrow."


"I see."

Scattered voices sounded, and a group of people came to the place to eat one after another, looking for a place to eat and drink.

After two rounds, we came to the third round.

"The dishes are cold!" someone dialed the stew in the pot. The tape was unhappy and shouted to the back:

"Where's Lao Zhang?"

"Come and heat it up! How can I eat it so cold?"

"Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang..."

Several people approached, pulled a fat man from the ground and kept shouting.

"Wake up, get hot..."


After all, the people present were not ordinary people. Even if Lao Zhang snored, he immediately noticed that something was wrong.



"My stomach!"

"The food is poisonous!"

The roar, like a thunder, tore the darkness in an instant.


There were no birds or animals roaring. They were greeted by dozens of roads with a strong smell of killing.


If the low roar has substance, it falls from the sky and rushes into the middle car with a violent posture.


Anle county.

County House backyard living room.

Although this is the Yamen of the imperial residence, Lord Wang doesn't like worldly affairs. Instead, he is addicted to drinking and having fun.


As in the past, the lights are still bright here.

There are yingyingyanyan and silk and bamboo singing and dancing outside, but there is no female companion in the guest room inside.

Sitting in the middle was a man with a bruised face.

Vaguely, I could still recognize his face. It was judge Gan not long ago.

"Mr. Gan." Mr. Gao presented a cup of medicinal wine, and the tape was concerned:

"How are you feeling now?"

"I can't die." judge Gan took a breath from the corners of his mouth and felt pain. He couldn't help but take a breath:

"The elder showed mercy. I just suffered some skin... Skin trauma. It's no big problem."


While talking, the teeth leaked and hissed.

Obviously, although he said it was easy, he was actually not easy.

Lord Wang whispered, "it seems that the carefree Lord really climbed the high branch, but I don't know which ghost handsome?"

If you can make a master of zuqiao like this, I'm afraid only the four ghost handsome in the hell can do it.

Is there a ghost handsome and strong man to lead Zhu Dingwu?

It was a big surprise to him!

"Don't worry about it." the magistrate waved his hand and looked impatient:

"It's a secret matter. Don't ask if you shouldn't know. Just remember not to trouble him in the future."

"Yes, yes." Lord Gao nodded hurriedly:

"Then Zhu Dingwu is an idle and elegant scholar. He likes to recite poetry against others and doesn't care about the situation in the Jianghu or the affairs of the imperial court."

"We don't have to pay attention to him, just be a carefree king and keep it!"

"Hmm..." Lord Wang sipped his mouth and said:

"It used to be so, but recently, the prince is a little uneasy."

"What's the matter?" judge Gan frowned and said:

"Haven't you promised him the expansion of the army? I haven't heard what he's doing!"

Lord Wang spoke quickly:

"Everything is normal about the expansion of the army. The Qi gathering and Yuan nourishing skills have also been seen. There is nothing wrong."

"But in addition to expanding the army, he recently wants to build an academy!"

"Academy?" Lord Gao said:

"This is not a bad thing. What is Lord Wang worried about? Is it difficult or is it impossible for scholars to rebel?"

"Ha ha..."

Several people laughed, judge Gan moved the wound, and there was another gnashing of teeth, with a ferocious face.

"It was a small matter." Lord Wang sighed and said:

"But the LORD did too much!"

"Big?" Lord Gao said:

"How big?"

"It is said that the Lord plans to build more than a dozen academies in Anle County for all children over the age of five and under the age of 13." Lord Wang said:

"The academy does not accept shuxiu. The monthly service of the teacher is sent out by the palace."

"That's all. He also stipulates that people of school age must be sent to the Academy. Otherwise, their father and brother will be punished!"

"And the Academy doesn't know whether it teaches or teaches martial arts. That's the Qi gathering and Yuan nourishing skill!"

"This..." the people were stunned, and they were speechless for a moment.

"Lord Wang." a moment later, Lord Gao said:

"To tell the truth, Gao feels that this is a good thing. After all, is it teaching and educating people?"

"Besides, Wang Ye liked elegance. It doesn't seem strange that he funded the Academy."

"Otherwise." Lord Wang shook his head and said:

"Zhu first expanded the army and then built the Academy. I always think there's something wrong in it."

"What are you going to do?" judge Gan suddenly stared at him and said:

"Reason with him?"

"Don't forget that when he took refuge in the new dynasty, the underground government and the emperor turned Anle County into his possession."

"As long as he doesn't intend to usurp the throne, he can do anything in Anle County!"

"As for attacking him..."

He touched his face and gasped:

"I won't do it!"

"Er..." hearing the speech, Lord Wang immediately showed embarrassment:

"Wang didn't mean that. He was just curious. Where did Zhu get so much money?"

"Indeed!" Lord Gao's eyes lit up:

"Whether it is to expand the army or build academies, it seems to consume little for a while, but it can't last long."

"This is a loss making business that will continue to be consumed all the time!"

"Hmm?" judge Gan raised his eyebrows and looked at Lord Wang:

"I don't think you're interested in what Zhu does. You're really interested in his money."

"Hey, hey..." Lord Wang grinned:

"I know I can't hide it from Lord Gan."

"It's really strange, but maybe it's his whim and he won't last long." Lord Gao shook his head and said:

"He doesn't like worldly things and naturally doesn't understand the market. It's estimated that he will regret it in a few months."

"Even the royal palace can't afford such a large and long-term expenditure!"

"Not bad." Lord Gan nodded:

"If he is willing to do it, let him go. As long as we don't make taboos, we don't need to..."


Suddenly, a strange scream came from the distant sky, and then a faint blue light exploded in the sky.

"Not good!" judge Gan suddenly stood up from his seat regardless of his injury:

"The special envoy was killed!"

"Doesn't it mean that the imperial court has prepared and cleared away the remnants of the nearby Tianting?" Lord Gao was also surprised:

"How could this happen?"

"Don't say so much first." judge Gan frowned and gritted his teeth:

"Let Mrs. Meng and Mr. Tiejian take people there. This time, we must wipe out the rats!"

He wanted to go, but he didn't have enough.


Everyone was ordered to step back.

The speed of zuqiao master is amazing. Even if he is tens of miles away, he can arrive quickly.

What's more, other good players followed closely, encircled and suppressed some people who could not see the light, and said no more.

The palace.

In a quiet room.

In the perception, the two strong breath of evil spirit left the county city and went straight to the distance. Guo fan also opened his eyes.


The figure in the field disappeared in a flash.

With him, there was a cloak and an ordinary steel knife hanging on the wall.