45 The Organ Eating Dagger

Warning: gory descriptions? maybe??


When Peng Zhugen died, the cultivation world was swept with a wave of uncertainty. There as no way for Liu Sumeng to forget or escape this event, even now in his new incarnation. He still remembered the details from all the second-hand gossip.

The murder scene was the sect leader's very own study, where he sat slumped over his desk. The stab wound in his back did not look as horrifying at first glance but upon closer inspection, his intestines and stomach had been removed. Blood around the scene was minimal, as though he'd been drained. But there were no signs of struggle, only Peng Zhugen, who was slumped over his own desk, dead.

They found the murder weapon later. It was an abomination of a dagger, with eyes that swirled and blinked up from the handle and a dark jagged blade. It wiggled and crawled around the halls of the Hidden Mist Manor like a creeping stray animal, searching for prey to stalk. The anatomy of the blade's power was dissected and revealed why the corpse of Peng Zhugen was missing both blood and organs and how, even he, the respected leader of the Hidden Mist Sect could be bested so easily. And thus the name Organ Eating Dagger became known.

But it still left some very important questions. For one just who was responsible for the death of Sect Leader Peng?

Was it Peng Jipei, who sat like a mindless doll over the corpse of his late mother, refusing to part with her after her grave had been prepared?

Was it Yuan Xuelan, who came to pay respects to the deceased Cao Hong? Though the boy had left at first possible notice.

It couldn't be Zhao Fanyu, who had already gone a few days prior, after collecting a shocking and envious boon from the Hidden Mist Sect.

Then could it have been the jealous Fourth Elder that always contested Peng Zhugen's right at the head of the Hidden Mist Sect?

Or perhaps the Second Elder who never quite could come to an agreement with the late sect leader.

Some more wild guesses even tossed in the name Liu Suye, who was addressed in the letter he was writing before death. The letter had read: "I must bring you dire news. We shall meet soon."

Or maybe it was Yang Sehan, who was addressed in another letter set aside on Peng Zhugen's desk, with a message that read: "If you don't cease your foolishness, then you will leave me no choice."

The debate continued about Peng Zhugen's murderer and the cultivation world was wrought with rumors and pointing fingers. It was only years later, at the height of Peng Jipei's folly did he admit to the crime of his own brother's demise.

But one question remained unsolved: Just where did the Organ Eating Dagger even come from?

In his current life, Liu Sumeng was fairly certain.

On a night when Yuan Xuelan returned rather late, Liu Sumeng pretended to be asleep. Like a criminal, the younger cultivator crept up to Liu Sumeng's side and stared.

"Sumeng?" He whispered. Liu Sumeng didn't reply.

"Sumeng?" He tried again and poked him in the cheek. Liu Sumeng twitched but remained still.

"...You're unworthy of my Shijie," he said this time and waited. Still nothing."I think your personality is awful."


He cleared his throat this time and whispered, "Sumeng is really pretty."

Liu Sumeng felt his eyebrow flinch. Wait no, Yuan Xuelan was just trying to rile him up! "Sumeng, I really like the shape of your hands."


"Sumeng's swordsmanship is unrivaled and is the most beautiful."

"Sumeng is the most handsome guy in the world." Now he was just having fun with saying random gibberish. Liu Sumeng steeled his nerves, even though his heart was beating wildly in his chest.

"Sumeng… I really don't want to accept that you'll marry my Shijie." The whisper grew softer, like a confession. Liu Sumeng held his breath.

"...I wish I'd been kinder to you."

…No, that was fine, really. Liu Sumeng didn't mind at all.

"But I'll definitely repay you in this lifetime. I swear upon it."

Please don't worry about that…

"Sumeng…I know about that curse on your chest."

Liu Sumeng flinched. But he still kept his eyes closed. For a moment, Yuan Xuelan was quiet too. Did he figure out that Liu Sumeng was awake?

"Whatever did that to you, I promise I'll tear to pieces. So," he coughed, "don't worry about a thing."

No, no Liu Sumeng was definitely worrying now!

And then finally he was spared of any farther awkwardness. Yuan Xuelan pulled himself up and footsteps trailed away. Liu Sumeng finally let out a sigh of relief.

Slowly he took a peek at what Yuan Xuelan was up to. There was a little flicker of light as something was summoned from Yuan Xuelan's interpatial ring. Even in the darkness, Liu Sumeng had no doubt what it was.

The blade was wavy and finished off in a sharp narrow point. Dark bulges littered the handle like boils and Yuan Xuelan was testing its weight and balance in his hands. He looked at it and frowned, poking one of the eyeballs on the hilt. It didn't respond.

Yuan Xuelan sat down on the table and summoned a small spiritual light. A variety of tools clattered against the wood of the table and Yuan Xuelan went to work. The process of crafting and inscribing spells was long, arduous and difficult but he was a genius above all else and to Yuan Xuelan it was also a lot of fun.

But crafting something like the Organ Eating Dagger wasn't that fun anymore. Especially not after everything that had happened. He was eager to add finishing touches to the blade and get it out of his hands as soon as possible. Locked deep in concentration, Yuan Xuelan hadn't taken notice of the presence that crept up behind him.

"What are you doing?" Yuan Xuelan almost jumped out of his own skin. He quickly flung his arms over the table but he knew it was already much too late to shield what he was up to from Liu Sumeng.

"Uh." He responded intelligently, "Why the heck are you awake?"

"What is that?" Liu Sumeng ignored him and asked, eyes pointedly veered towards the Organ Eating Dagger.

"It's just a toy." He responded defensively.

"It looks like a very dangerous toy. What are you planning to do with it?"

A sharp anger flared, like a deep heartache "What's it to you?" He spat, sneering.

"…Xuelan." Liu Sumeng's brows knit in frustration. He didn't know exactly what he should say either but he only knew that he needed to stop Yuan Xuelan from passing the dagger off to Peng Jipei.

Yuan Xuelan's patience felt thin, but he wasn't quite sure of what the root of his frustrations was. But he hated the way Liu Sumeng was looking down on him so he surged to his feet. They were almost matched for height. "This really isn't any of your business. But if you're so curious, I'm just going to pass this off to Peng Zhugen as an addition to his collection of toys or whatever. It's just a commission. You know how it is with craftsmen don't you?"

But Liu Sumeng saw through his lie, "No you won't. That dagger will kill. So please give it to me instead. I will seal it away."

The impatience ripped out of Yuan Xuelan's chest, raw and ugly, "Look, Sumeng, I don't understand why you care so much. It's not like I'll be killing anyone with it."

"No, but Peng Jipei will."

The room felt cold. "How do you know?"

"…You are loyal to Peng Jipei. Of course, you will help him, even if it's with something like this."

"Hah!" Yuan Xuelan scoffed before his voice dropped into a slow growl. Anger danced in his eyes and his neck tensed, "If you understand my heart so well, then tell me, Ivory Sword Saint, do you know what kind of person I hate the most?"

And oh did Liu Sumeng know. He knew too well, "Of course…"

"Then tell me."

"Xuelan hates those who are disloyal. Those who are untrustworthy."

Yuan Xuelan stepped in close enough that Liu Sumeng could the warmth radiating off the other. He spat in the Ivory Sword Saint's face, "Right. And you, Sumeng, you are asking me to be the very person I despise!"

The sound of Yuan Xuelan's frustrated panting filled the room. It was painful, and Liu Sumeng was quiet.

"I've had enough of this." Xuelan eventually spat and grabbed the Organ Eating Dagger off the table, about to storm off. But when he went to leave, a hand encircled his wrist. The skin there felt as though it burned.

"Stop," Liu Sumeng said again, "This will not help Peng Jipei. You are not being disloyal to him."

Yuan Xuelan gritted his teeth and threw away the hand that held him back, "Shut up!" There was an ugly feeling blooming inside his mind and he wondered if it was anger, embarrassment or self-hatred.

But Liu Sumeng was suddenly talkative and did not stop, "Xuelan, think this through. You don't have to do it this way. You don't have to show your loyalty like this. Peng Jipei will understand one day. I understand."

"Shut up!" Yuan Xuelan roared even louder, "Just shut up! I get it already!"


"Here!" He tossed the cursed dagger that Liu Sumeng, who caught it in his hands. "It's yours now! Are you happy!?"

Liu Sumeng didn't look happy and Yuan Xuelan couldn't look at him anymore so he turned back around to storm off.

"Xuelan!" He was called but he didn't look back and his marching burst into a sprint. Yuan Xuelan felt a fool.