Chapter 40

(from now on, ten thousand words will be added every Monday to Friday, asking for red tickets and collecting!)

Blue girl looked at Liu Xiaoxing's sincere appearance and hesitated for a moment. She didn't want to tell others about things like home, but when she thought that the person standing in front of her had changed his identity and was his brother, she nodded, "yes!"

Liu Xiaoxing smiled, then looked at the blue girl seriously, waiting for her below.

Blue girl also smiled sweetly at Liu Xiaoxing, then sorted out her thoughts and language in her heart and said, "my father used to be the general manager of a jewelry company and owns 20% of the shares of the company. This jewelry company was founded by my grandfather. Because my father is the eldest son, he has the priority of inheritance. One day, grandpa died unexpectedly and didn't make a will. According to the law, most of Grandpa's family property was inherited by my father, so my father's brothers and sisters refused, and then wanted to rob the family property! Want to share, Dad can't bear to be fratricidal, so he transferred some money to those greedy guys, but those people are not satisfied and continue to make trouble! One day... "

The blue girl's voice suddenly choked. When she said "one day", her mood suddenly became a little unstable, her body trembled suddenly, and then her eyes became red.

Liu Xiaoxing looked at her with heartache, but he knew that if he asked more at this time, it would only hurt her more. Therefore, he was very smart and didn't say anything. Instead, he looked at her quietly, looked at her gently, and waited for her emotional next article after self-regulation.

"I know one day, one day... My father died in a car accident, and those hateful guys kicked me and my mother out of Grandpa's villa and said that we were not qualified to live in it. According to the law, my father's legacy was meant to be left to my mother, but those hateful guys knew a court man, Then I don't know why my father's legacy was stolen by those people, but my father's shares in the company were left to my mother. Those greedy villains planned to steal the shares left by my father to my mother. My mother didn't want to give them the last Memorial left by my father, so they often made trouble! Because of this, my mother has never received the dividend of shares, but that's the case. My mother is not willing to sell the shares left by my father. In my mother's heart, these shares are my father's sense of existence, and no one can take them away! Forever... "

The blue girl said that she couldn't help crying at last. Liu Xiaoxing looked at her and felt that her heart had been pulled up. She was distressed and moved, but she was also very angry. She was angry that those people who are related to the blue girl could do things that are inferior to animals, Angry that those guys who are inferior to animals have forced such a kind and simple mother and daughter to a desperate situation. If I knew blue girl later and Wei Ma as godmother later, I'm afraid... I'm afraid a tragedy will happen again!

Liu Xiaoxin deeply frowned and sighed, then gently touched the blue girl's head and pressed her body into his arms, "girl, I promise it will never happen again! I promise I'll make you angry with mother Wei! So... Don't be sad, don't be sad, be happy, be brave, and let them know that we can live well and better! "

The blue girl sobbed and nodded. At this time, she was like a kitten wet by the rain. She leaned tightly against Liu Xiaoxing's arms, feeling the warmth from his chest and the happiness signal.

"When did mother Wei fall ill? Have you been to the hospital before? " Liu Xiaoxing asked after seeing that the blue girl was in a better mood.

"My mother fell ill last month. Last month, I didn't pay off in time because I was in debt. The debt collectors found my home and then made a lot of trouble. They took all the valuable money away, and my mother got sick because she was so angry that she never recovered." If you don't pay attention to maintaining a good mood, you will deepen your illness, but someone will make trouble at home every week, either those hateful relatives or those who collect debts, so her mother's illness will become more and more... "The blue girl's crying red eyes are full of guilt and grievances, because most of the reason why her mother fell ill is because she borrowed usury, If they didn't borrow usury by themselves, those people wouldn't find their home, and their mother wouldn't be so ill.

Looking at the guilty look on the blue girl's face, Liu Xiaoxing knew what she was thinking, so he comforted her by patting her on the shoulder, smiled and said, "girl, in fact, you can't blame you for this, because you borrowed money from those usurers for your mother. It's out of filial piety. What's really wrong is those debt collectors and bullying your relatives!"

Even though there is no absolute right or wrong in the world, Liu Xiaoxing knows that if she doesn't say so, she will only make blue girl more and more guilty and sad. She has been living in guilt and suffering from guilt.

As the dry brother of blue girl, he certainly doesn't want blue girl to be like this, so he has decided to talk to the person in charge of the underground casino tomorrow!

"What's the name of your father's jewelry company?" Liu Xiaoxing now has the assistance of super tycoon. Maybe his company can help this company in the future, and then let Wei Ma get her share dividend. So he plans to ask clearly, so that he can pay more attention in the future, or see if he can operate directly through the game.

"It's called Wanda jewelry!" Blue girl didn't know what Liu Xiaoxing thought. Seeing brother Gan asked, she answered truthfully.

"Wanda jewelry? I seem to have heard that the scale should be quite large? " Liu Xiaoxing vaguely felt that the name sounded familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere, and asked casually.

"Well, Wanda jewelry has branches in the pedestrian streets of every prefecture level city in the province, and it is also used in some department stores, such as the department store in Changnan city!" When blue girl mentioned Wanda jewelry, she naturally showed a sense of pride, because her father used to take care of the company, and it was also because her father made the company bigger.

"No wonder I seem to have heard of it somewhere. It's also in the department store!" Liu Xiaoxing smiled and nodded, "girl, do you know the contact information of your relatives?"

The blue girl was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Liu Xiaoxing would suddenly ask this. After thinking for a while, she asked, "yes, yes, but brother Xiaoxing, why do you ask this? You're not looking for them, are you? They are very fierce, brother Xiaoxing, you...... "

Liu Xiaoxing smiled and waved her hand, interrupting the words of blue girl, "just tell me. I'm sure I won't mess around. They don't dare to do anything to me. I know a big man in the police station! Even if you give them a leopard courage, you don't dare do anything to me! "

Of course, the blue girl knew that Liu Xiaoxing knew a big man in the police station. Otherwise, she wouldn't come out of the police station so soon. She wouldn't overturn the case so soon, catch the two debt collectors, and she wouldn't go home without investigating her own responsibility. So when he said this, the blue girl was really relieved, so she nodded and said, "well, I'll report it to you with my mobile phone. You can write it down!"

"Yes!" Liu Xiaoxing immediately took out his mobile phone from his pants belt to record the number.

Just then, a burst of laughter and scolding came from the front of them. The words were very vulgar and extremely obscene. Liu Xiaoxing seemed to hear the words "blue girl" from his words, which made his expression tense immediately.

"Is it auditory hallucination? You should hear me right! So?... " Liu Xiaoxing's face changed, and then glanced at the blue girl with some worry.

When the blue girl reported the number with her mobile phone, she saw that Liu Xiaoxing didn't respond, so she looked at him curiously. She saw that he looked a little serious and his face was slightly wrong. She asked suspiciously, "brother, what's the matter with you? Why did you suddenly stop talking? "

Liu Xiaoxing pointed to the four people walking towards him, turned his head and asked the blue girl, "girl, do you know those guys?"