Chapter 241

Seeing that the cute "boar" girl inserted her right hand into the red hole of the balancer, Liu Xiaoxing couldn't help but outline the corner of her mouth with some joy, and then immediately inserted her right hand into another red hole.

Liu Xiaoxing heard the words of the lovely girl and the judge Ke Meng very clearly.

Sure enough, as I expected, the girl didn't have any fighting skills, that is, it didn't matter if half of her strength was distributed to the other party.

Because in the case of the same strength, it is the skill, perseverance and wisdom.

Wisdom is of no use in such a small trial site, so the most important thing is skill and perseverance.

Now that she has said that she has no fighting skills, what perseverance does a little girl have? Maybe her perseverance can be stronger than Liu Xiaoxing, who has been trained by professional demons?

Therefore, Liu Xiaoxing is now fantasizing about the reward when he wins the first competition in the strength ranking competition.

I don't know if it's a high-attribute battle suit? Or some kind of prop that can enhance attributes?



After Gong Zhu noticed Liu Xiaoxing's face with a look of disdain and ridicule, she suddenly snorted coldly, then glared at him, and then lowered her head.

She didn't feel shy, but muttered in a low voice with a gloomy face: "you're proud now, you laugh at the princess now! The princess will definitely open your eyes later! It will beat your ass! "

Of course, Liu Xiaoxing also noticed the other party's expression, but he didn't pay much attention to it because he didn't pay attention to the other party at all, and didn't listen carefully to what Gong Zhu whispered.

"All right! Will you all put your hands? Don't move! Otherwise, in case of being cut off by [balancer], you can't blame me! " At this time, the judge Ke Meng walked between Liu Xiaoxing and Gong Zhu, glanced at them and asked coldly.

Liu Xiaoxing and Gong Zhu nodded at the same time and replied in unison, "I see!"

Then they were surprised by the tacit understanding. The former showed a confident and calm smile, while the latter showed a look of disgust and anger.

The judge Ke Meng didn't have time to care about their looks. After hearing their answers, he nodded, then pressed a blue button on the [balancer] and said, "OK! The balance of power begins now, remember! Don't move, otherwise you can only blame yourself for losing the competition! "

Judge Kemeng had to remind again, because the previous players were too curious and accidentally caused the energy irritability in the [balancer], and then they were cut off their arms and lost the competition. However, they blamed themselves and complained to the brain.

Fortunately, the main brain is a wise man and will not punish the judge Kemeng for this, but it still makes her very unhappy because her reputation has been slightly affected.

In the position of judge, reputation is very important, because it is about whether you can continue to climb up!

"Zizi! ~ ~" Zizi! ~ ~ Zizizi! ~ ~ "

After the judge Kemeng pressed the button on the [balancer], he immediately saw that one current after another covered the strange machine, and then these gathered more and more currents suddenly divided into two tributaries and "swam" towards the red hole inserted into the right hands of Liu Xiaoxing and Gong Zhu!

"Hiss! ~ ~ ~"

When Liu Xiaoxing looked at the more than ten currents flowing into his right arm quickly, he immediately felt that hundreds of ants were biting on his arm. A painful, numb and itchy feeling came out in an instant, which made him take a breath.

As for the lovely girl on the other side, she was no better than Liu Xiaoxing. She had long been tortured by the seven or eight currents and cried bitterly. However, she remembered the reminder of Kemeng. She didn't let her right hand move in the red hole.

Liu Xiaoxing endured the pain and itching feeling from his arm and took the time to look at the lovely girl with pear flowers and rain. He couldn't help but feel that some funny corners of his mouth turned up and said in his heart, "why do you need this? Wouldn't it be nice if we had to admit defeat at the beginning? Why do you have to suffer? "

The lovely girl doesn't have time to take care of Liu Xiaoxing. The pain and itching on her arm makes her feel that life is better than death. She can't wait to kick the [balancer] with one foot, if she has this ability.

The pain and itching on their arms lasted for more than a minute and finally disappeared slowly.

Soon, these currents slowly retreated from the right arm of Liu Xiaoxing and Gong Zhu and converged to the central position of the balancer.

"Zizizi!" Zizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizi! "

The crisp sound similar to fried bananas came from the center of the balancer. Liu Xiaoxing and Gong Zhu were surprised to find that the rapidly converging current turned into an energy ball with dazzling blue light?

However, what surprised both of them has just begun!

I saw the blue light energy ball transformed by current convergence split in two, and then flew slowly towards their position.

"What is this...?"

Gong Zhu felt nervous when she saw the half blue energy ball flying over her head.

"Is this to balance strength? ha-ha! How interesting! " But Liu Xiaoxing didn't feel nervous at all. After looking at the half energy ball floating above his head, there was only strong curiosity.

"Pa! --"

Soon, the energy ball floating on their heads suddenly made a loud noise and burst open, and countless dazzling lights shot out of their bodies from their heads!

"Ah! ~ ~ ~"

A tingling sensation came from Liu Xiaoxing's scalp. The pain was as penetrating as the heart and bone! He couldn't help shouting for a moment.

The lovely woman on the other side shouted harder than Liu Xiaoxing, as if she had seen a ghost. After roaring, she was estimated to be dumb?

Fortunately, the sting only lasted a few seconds and disappeared, otherwise it would not torture people to faint?

As the sting disappeared, Liu Xiaoxing instantly felt a warm energy flowing in his body. This energy was very subtle, as if it was not his own, but as if he could be controlled by himself.

"Eh, I seem to be getting worse!"

The lovely woman and on one side stared in surprise, subconsciously shook their fists and murmured.

"Stronger? Ah! " Liu Xiaoxing glanced at her and smiled with disdain.

Isn't her strength transferred from herself? If you want to beat yourself by your strength? This is undoubtedly a fool's dream!

"What are you laughing at? Laughing, believe it or not, I'll beat your parents so that they don't recognize you later? " Perhaps because of the strength enhancement, the lovely woman had a lot of courage. When she saw the disdainful smile on Liu Xiaoxing's face, she immediately stared at him angrily and shouted fiercely.

"Oh?" Liu Xiaoxing looked at each other in surprise, and then asked with a strange smile, "ha ha, beat me with my strength so that my parents don't recognize me? You are really good! "

"You, you, you!" The lovely girl immediately raised her left hand, pointed to each other with her index finger, clenched her teeth and shouted, "don't underestimate the princess! The princess will definitely give you some color to see! "

"Give me some color to see?" Liu Xiaoxing disapproved, glanced at the corners of his mouth and laughed loudly: "I don't know 'boar'. You said you wanted to show me red? Or do you want to give me some green? Or is it colorful? Ha ha ha! "

"Hum! Don't be complacent. Your strength is the same as mine! "

Gong Zhu, who was called "boar" by the other party, immediately frowned with anger. However, as soon as he thought that he had a killer mace, Li busily endured the anger, took a deep breath, calmed his mood and cheered coldly.