Chapter 5 - Fatality

Name:Uchiha's Butterfly Author:dahnik
"Its Orange-1, mission aborted, I repeat mission aborted. Can you hear me Butterfly-1, copy?" a black-haired kid said.

"I can hear you Obi- Orange-1, what happened?" Kaname asked through her communicator.

"Don't forget to end your part saying "copy", its important! Geezer-1 found me, I will stall for time, run and bring relief force, copy?" replied smiling 9-years-old Uchiha with his trademark orange goggles."

"I will be back with reliefs in 5 minutes, copy?"

"Go fast, Orange-1 out!"

Kaname was running through Konoha looking for someone who could help her, in one of the shops she saw a red-haired young woman 'Perfect!' thought Kaname. "Aunty Kushina!" she said hugging her foster aunt, "I need your help!".

"You want to say, one genin and one pre-academy student went through Anbu security, got inside one of the safest rooms in this village and did what!?" asked angry Kushina.

"The window was open, and Hokage-sama with his Anbu escort were away, that was the easy part. After getting inside we replaced Hokage's stamp with a rubber duck and his smoke pipe with a toy bubble pipe. The hard part was taking a picture, Obito-senpai was probably caught outside Hokage-sama's window with his camera flashing. Can you help us, you're our only hope, please aunty?" pleaded Kaname.

"Okay, but I have got a price. I want one of these pictures, its perfect blackmail material!" laughed out Kushina "It's getting late Kana-chan, you need to wake up early for tomorrow's lessons in the academy. Go home and leave it to me.".

"Orange-1, do you copy?"

"It's Orange-1, I'm in hiding, enemy forces are closing in, what's the situation with reinforcements Butterfly-1? Shit! Inu-2 heard me. *static*"

"...I hope I won't get a dress down from Minato-san tomorrow. Good job Butterfly-1, I have some sweet photos for you. See you tomorrow and good luck in the academy, Orange-1 out!".

Kaname thought about her brother, he went for exams 3 weeks ago and still, she didn't know if or, in her opinion, how much better was he than other genins his age. She was in a yard next to her favorite water lilies training her taijutsu on a wooden pole. 'I thought of a hairpin, necklace or some kind of small trinket but stupid aniki gifted me a wooden stump!' she thought, delivering a nasty kick, its height would be fatal for the average male, shaking entire pole 'Ouch! Now my leg hurts...' thought angry Kaname.

"Butterfly! Where were you this entire day young lady?"

"Sorry mommy, Firstly I was sparing with Obito-senpai, then we played around a little bit."

"Why won't you try to make more friends, there is a lot of kids in the district." asked a worried mother.

"Oh please mommy, everyone above the age of five in our district know only two words "Hn" and "Un", it's like talking with emotionless machines! What is wrong with them!" replied Kaname throwing her hands up.

"Hahaha, yes I know Princess, its weird for me as well, our clan thinks it's proper behavior for an Uchiha clan member. I hope you can find some normal friends in the academy. Now chop-chop bath, teeth and go to bed. And no training in the bath this time." Seeing her sweet daughter questioning look, she added "Yes, I know you were training. I'm a veteran, I can distinguish Henge sounds." said Sachi lightly patting the top of Kaname's head.

"Hehe, I'm sorry for not saying anything mommy." with a bashful smile replied the girl.

"Don't worry, now go. It's your first academy day tomorrow, I will wake you up at 6 a.m."

"Hahaha, hey Little Squirt, I promised I will be back before you enter academy did I not? Are you ready for your big day?"

"Academy doesn't matter! How did it go, did you kick ȧsses of other genins?"

"Your brother was in the finals in which he fought with Suna genin named Baki to a draw. Not bad, eh?" replied her brother.

"Ryu! Get your sister out of her bed, she needs to eat and take a bath before going out!." They both heard a voice coming from the kitchen. "You heard her, get your ȧss out Little Squirt." said a happy Ryuichi.

"Nah, five more minutes, can you tell me a story of what happened in Suna?"

"Princess! Get up!" shouted her mother.

"Let's have a little deal, I will tell you this later and you will let me lead you to the academy telling you some weird stories from the Land of the Wind, ok?"

"Deal!" replied Kaname giving him a little kiss.