Can it increase the favor of any water devil to you?

What the hell is this attribute!

Rather happy to look at that line of introduction, in fact, is a face speechless, but this pearl of the East China Sea, is it the legendary bead to avoid water?

It's also a good treasure to avoid water.

For the drowned ghost's heart, Ning Huanxin is still very moved.

She immediately found out her mobile phone, opened the wechat group, and click on the avatar of drowned ghost.

I received your express. Thank you for your gift. I like it very much.

Drowning Ghost: you like it! I don't have anything to take. The material of the underworld is in short supply, right! After a while, it will be the Zhongyuan Festival. On that day, we all have a holiday. We are discussing the party. Do you want to join us?

The Party of the Zhongyuan Festival?

Ning Huan Xin read the information about the drowning ghost, and immediately went to the group to have a look at it. As expected, everyone was chatting enthusiastically --

toilet Ghost: I can come out once a year to let out the wind, so I must choose the place for this party!

Hanging Ghost: why do you choose? Every time you choose, the baby is not happy!

Drowning Ghost: Well, the place you chose last time was chilly. My clothes are always wet.

Toilet girl: have you ever dried your clothes?

Drowning ghost

Faceless Ghost: in fact, I am very casual. As long as there is no mirror in that place, I am afraid I will scare myself.

Unjust death Ghost: injustice, injustice, I have been wandering at the crossroads of death.

Toilet girl: can you talk nonsense?

Unjust death Ghost: Well, in fact, when I was in the sun, I once owned a bay hotel. Would you like to go to my hotel?

Hanging Ghost: Tu Hao, you still have a house in the world. I envy you. I still rent a house to death.

Drowning Ghost: I just want to know your landlord. How are you doing now?

Ghost: do you want to go to my hotel or not?

Drowned Ghost: go to

faceless ghost + 1

toilet female ghost + 10086

Ning Huanxin was diving in the group silently. Seeing everyone chatting happily, she almost couldn't help wanting to take a bubble. At this moment, her mobile phone prompt tone suddenly thought about it.

There are new wechat messages.

Ning Huan Xin quit the group chat to have a look, unexpectedly is the king of Qin Guang to send his message again.

She hesitated and clicked on the message of King Guangwang.

Qin Guangwang: not sleeping?

Dead run: Well, you didn't sleep?

King Guangwang Qin: Ghosts don't need to sleep.

You're not Hades? In fact, Hades should be God?

King Guangwang of Qin: in fact, there is no difference between gods and ghosts. They can't escape the samsara of heaven, and they can't get out of karma.


I don't know what kind of blow this one suffered. How did he suddenly become sad in spring and autumn?

Ning Huan thought about it and sent a message to King Guang of Qin.

Dead run: Lord Hades, are you lovelorn? How does the mood look very beautiful!

After Ning Huanxin's news was sent, for a long time, the king of Qin Guang didn't give her a message.

Did you talk about his pain?

Ning Huanxin is about to quit the chat interface, when suddenly, King Guangwang of Qin sends another message.

Qin Guangwang: you are right. I have a lover. It's a pity that we were separated a thousand years ago.

A thousand years ago?

Ning Huanxin sighed, and slowly typed a line of words -

dead running tricks: you are a God, a thousand years is just a blink of an eye, and she is not afraid to be separated, you go to find her, is she out of her wits?

[reward plus change 1]

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