Originally, the film crew was going to shoot the first night in the evening, but when it was time, Wang nianping let most of the crew off work.

The main creators and main actors of the crew all gathered together, and Wang nianping presided over a meeting.

The main content of the meeting naturally revolved around the issue of changing the script and shooting again.

Fortunately, Tang Mo is very supportive of this decision, while Qiao Xuejun and Ning Huanxin are willing to cooperate unconditionally in terms of time. Naturally, other supporting roles have nothing to say.

So, the next day, many are still paying attention to the entertainment records of their crew, and they find that the hot and bustling crew suddenly dissolves in place, and all the actors are back to their respective homes!

What kind of routine is this?

Is it possible that director Wang's film set has another accident?

A good multimedia reporter went outside the school and looked for people to find out the inside story. Unfortunately, there was no news.

On the contrary, this aroused the curiosity of all people, including the broad masses of gourd eaters -

what happened to Wang nianping's crew?

Actor's resignation?


Or does the investor withdraw capital?

When there was a lot of noise outside, Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing were studying the script at home. Because Ning Huanxin proposed to change the script, Jiang Lixing discussed with Wang nianping, and Ning Huanxin decided the direction of the script. Jiang Lixing was responsible for inviting the top scriptwriter team in the circle to deal with the script in the shortest time.

Many people and great power, only five days, Ning Xinxin's new script has been released.

The new script was quickly distributed to the director group and the investor, both of which were very satisfied.

At this time, the investors took advantage of the hot iron, hoping that Jiang Lixing could guest star in a new role in the script. This role does not have many parts, but has absolute influence on the direction of the whole story.

This character is Yao Rui's mentor!

Yao Rui's life guide!

"I didn't expect to get a part."

For his new role, Jiang Lixing is quite satisfied. It doesn't matter what he plays. What matters is that he can play with Ning Huanxin.

Even if the two characters did not intersect in the film, Jiang Lixing felt very happy.

I don't want to pay anything. I just want my character image to be closer to Ning Huanxin on the poster.


If you show your love again, we will die of emptying the blood tank!


In this way, the film crew, which stopped shooting for five days, suddenly assembled all night on the sixth night. All the actors got their new scripts, and tonight will be the first day of their re filming.

In the dark, everything was ready. For the first play of this time, Wang nianping chose a group play, which was the scene where several people played games on the rooftop to attract ghosts.

I don't know whether the atmosphere is too good, or the actors are very dedicated to their work. There is no pause in this play, and the whole play has passed just once!

"Ha! Excellent! Hard work, everyone

After calling for a stop, Wang nianping was excited. He didn't expect that the shooting was so smooth!

Obviously, it's the first time for several stars to cooperate. Why does it look so tacit? If we keep shooting at such a pace, the film will soon be finished!

"Brother Tang, I always feel that the scenes in the movie seem to be familiar with each other, as if I had dreamt of it. Is it that I am so crazy about the script?"

At this time, in the field, Wei Sijie suddenly low and Tang Mo said a word.

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