"You missed everything that happened when you went on a killing spree. He only came into my life when I was born because of the runes. The old life bearer carries the essence that I would need to survive." Kitty turned her head away from him sharply.
"Linda begged me to save you and I found out that the man that adopted my daughter had remarried and passed away when she turned twenty. I wanted to be of some use so I offered to help, Kitten." Rex let out a sigh. "The runes are not easy to handle and I was worried that she would suffer greatly but here we are." Rex looked at Kitten. "I am sorry for being gone so long, I am finally back home… that is if I still have a home to come back to?"
"I never said this was not your home but I am still mad at you. You will need to make this up to me. As I will not be easily swayed by words. You heartless bastard." Kitty looked away from him.
"Thanks, Kitten. I knew that you would not abandon me. You have always had a soft spot." Rex looked at the wolf pup that was carrying a baby.
"Mother, I am sorry to interrupt but Charlette needs food." Luke was holding Charlette as she fussed in his arms. "I know little sis. Mommy is almost ready for you." He rocked her and looked at Kitty apologetically.
"It is not your fault. It is my job, please give her here so that I may feed her." Kitty held out her hands and took Charlette. Who squealed at Kitty's voice. "Have you missed mommy that much, Sunshine?"
Leo picked up the blanket that was on the couch and laid it overtop of Kitty. He laid his head on Kitty's shoulder and looked at Rex. "It's nice that everyone is here. I want to take a moment and thank all of you for coming here to go over a few things."
Luke sat down on the other side of Kitty and sat there obediently. He looked up at Rex a little fascinated.
"You know pup, you remind me of the guardian that Yuki had many moons ago. You and Carlos must both be one of his ancestors." Rex looked from Carlos to Luke and back at Carlos.
"That is because they are. The Ookami clan that is under Cedric's and Yuki's direct command. I that very clan that Carlos will be taking over." Kitty helped Charlette out from under the blanket.
Leo took Charlette from Kitty so that she could adjust her shirt. He burped Charlette. "I will be honest, I didn't know anything about that nor did I see that coming. I didn't even know that Carlos was a werewolf when I hired him."
Carlos took in a deep breath, "I was told that the one that was in charge of the bearers was the guardian. It is not always a werewolf. There is a guardian out there. I just have no information on who it is."
Ketan glared at Kitty before saying anything, "I know who it is but this is not a good time as he is dealing with helping my parents out. Since it has not changed for them."
"You are right, he is their guardian still but you do not know who is yours now do you?" Rex asked this and looked at Kitty.
"You will not get the answer from me. I will not explain this right now. It is too early to know if it worked." Kitty shook her head and at the moment Charlette squealed and reached her little hands to Kitty. Kitty took her back and brought her face closer to her.
"Shall I come out and say it then? If you do not tell them what is going on then I will do the honours." Hearing nothing from Kitty he took it as permission. "Listen closely as I will not repeat this. Each bearer chooses their guardian. It has to be someone that you can trust with your life. No matter what happens. As you Know Yuki has Claude. Cedric made Sephira his guardian so that the two may not get broken apart. Those two are formidable. When I was the bearer I could not bring myself to give this curse to another. Ketan, Kitty and you young pup will all be forced to make the choice on who it will be. Kitty has chosen hers. It is only one being that can become a guardian but in Kitty's case she might be able to have another."
"I have already made my choice and Ketan knows who it is but so do you, Grandfather." Kitty glares at Rex, "Leo, I marked you to be my guardian. I would not be able to bear it if I lost you. You are to guard me for the rest of your life. I didn't just extend your life by turning you into a fox demon but with my seals I will have to take back my demon mark and that is not going to sit well with me. I forced my curse on you just so that you could live your whole life with of without me."
"With or without you? You will not die, I will not let that happen." Leo told her before hugging her and didn't let go. "I will protect you as that is my job as the guardian."
"Leo, there is an issue with you being her guardian." Ketan looked at the wall. "There is a reason you are not to turn your partner. If Kitty gives you the command to live or stay away you will be forced to comply. If you are given the command to live as you watch the bearer die then you will be forced to spend your life alone, praying for a reincarnation." Ketan glared at Kitty.
Kitty passed Charlette to Luke and then leaped off the couch, grabbed Ketan by the neck, and transported him to the cave. Her eyes shone pure silver as she pinned him to the wall. "I should kill you for saying that."