Chapter 136

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Once again, he broke a bug close to himself, and a lot of sweat came out on his bleak forehead. The strong light generated by the explosion appeared next to the bleak black fighter, making his face pale. His eyes stared at all the movements in the cockpit cover screen. In front of him was a dense barrage of flying machine gun bullets, In order to approach the insect's warship, his hands are more flexible, pulling on the operating lever, and he dare not relax at all.

With the increasing lack of mental strength, Xiao ran also felt that his head began to sink and there was a feeling that he could not adhere to it. However, with the increase of mental explosion, it was clear that the feeling of fatigue in his head, the flexibility of his body and the rapid response to all the surrounding conditions formed a strong contrast, It is simply squeezing the little spiritual power left in exchange for the outbreak of other aspects. It is basically a practice and behavior of drinking doves to quench thirst.

Operating the black fighter again, he drew a huge curve and approached the insect warship a lot of distance. Just when Xiao ran felt that his mental strength could not support it, and was ready to release the mental explosion state, he forced himself into the insect warship with simple technology, a song suddenly appeared in his ear, And there is not only one person's voice in this song.

Under this singing, Xiao ran felt that his brain was suddenly loose, and the consumption of mental power seemed to start to shrink. A sense of ease came to his mind. There was a kind of strength in his mind, which made him feel faster, his fingers become more flexible, and his head became clearer.

If Xiao ran checks his physical attributes at this moment, he will find that all his attributes have been increased by 10%. In particular, the residual value of mental power has suddenly increased by 3 points, increasing rapidly at the rate of 1 point every two seconds, and the consumption of mental power by mental explosion has also been reduced, resulting in a balance between the increased mental power and the consumed mental power.

"Shirley Lu, thank you. Is the other person an orchid? Thank you." Xiao ran said in his heart. The movement of his hand was not affected at all. For the time being, there was no worry of coma caused by lack of mental power. The worry that had been stuck in his heart was also scattered.

With the increase of attributes, Xiao Ran's strength has also been enhanced to a certain extent. His eyes are touched, he controls the black fighter, draws a dazzling white wake in this chaotic space, quickly approaches the warship of insects, and turns a blind eye to the countless missile pursuit behind him. He is equipped with beam guns and rotates small beam guns, The two green mechanism guns under the fuselage fired at the same time, and finally made a big hole on the side of the insect warship. A little in hand, the improved armored backpack on the fighter popped up instantly, and the black fighter also took out the afterimage and rushed into the huge hole.

After the black fighter flew into the insect's warship, countless missiles followed behind also hit the backpack that was ejected, causing several consecutive explosions again.

The black fighter plane rushed into the warship and flew over a long dark channel without obstruction. There was a light in the front. Xiao ran didn't think about it. He directly transformed the body into human form and rushed directly towards the light, which was also the end of the channel. He didn't notice the gap made by two yellow insect bodies and countless bullets in the channel.

Out of the channel, Xiao ran finally saw his goal. Luca's green reconnaissance vf-25 was bound to things similar to tentacles, and a little red light loomed on the side of Luca's machine. Seeing this scene, Xiao ran was also relieved. He was in a tight spirit and directly operated the body, so he wanted to rush towards the Luca fighter.

The alarm sounded instantly, and Xiao ran also sounded the alarm. At the same time, he operated the body. After a rapid advance, he rolled to the left as flexibly as human beings. Holding two green mechanism guns with both hands, he began to shoot at the two yellow miscellaneous insects that suddenly appeared.

In this narrow space, no matter Xiao ran or the insect's avoidance range is not large. For Xiao ran under the increase of spiritual explosion, the dodging speed of the two insects becomes extremely slow. In the blink of an eye, they lock the two insects and shoot. The next second, there are two exploding fireballs in this narrow space.

Xiao ran, who killed the two insects, didn't stop the attack. He directly operated the body and turned to the direction of the Luca machine. The two guns swept around once, and countless bullets ejected, which directly tore off all the tentacles that bound the Luca machine. Lu Xiao ran looked to the left through the screen, and the two guns began to eject flames as soon as they were lifted, The double beam gun on the shoulder and the rotating small beam gun also fired at the same time. Four beams and two continuous fire lights brought an explosion on the meat wall of the insect flashing red light at one place.

A purple machine shadow also rushed out with the damaged body from the fire of the explosion, narrowed his eyes, attacked and kept operating the legs of the body, bent slightly, the propeller behind him burst out with full power, and rushed to the sudden purple machine shadow with a bounce.

One side was prepared, the other side was in a hurry to respond to the accident. The black body threw the weapons in its hand directly at the purple body, and directly installed the purple body under the explosion of the propeller. The two machines collided and collided with a little spark. The black body took advantage of the moment when the two machines collided, and the two arms of the black body shook and two pink beam sabres popped out instantly, In less than a second, it brought out a V-shaped trace.

The Beam Saber cut off most of the purple body directly under the Xiaoran operation. Both hands were completely cut off, and more than half of the feet were cut off. It was also completely separated with the flying wings and thrusters behind it. Most of the body disappeared instantly. The black body directly grabbed the purple body with both hands and fixed it with its left arm, The right hand pulled out the battle knife and drew a huge gap in the chest of the purple body, directly exposing the cockpit of the purple body to Xiao Ran's eyes.

Xiao ran also relieved the state of mental explosion at this time. What he saw at the first sight was the stunned expression of the other party. It seemed that he didn't expect Xiao ran to know that he was here, let alone that Xiao ran would send him four luminous guns and two shuttle bullets so unreasonable. After seeing clearly that his body is a VF series fighter, he also cut his body into a human stick, and tilted the armor in front of the cockpit with a combat knife in human form.

"Human?" Xiao Ran's cold voice passed into the ears of the purple body pilot, who answered faintly: "yes."

"Why don't you save when you die?" Xiao ran asked coldly. Dragging the scrapped purple body in his left hand, he floated to Luca's green body, grabbed the arm of the body and began to leave with the two machines.

"I was also caught." a faint voice sounded in Xiao Ran's ear, which made Xiao ran disdain to smile.

"So it is. I'm sorry." Xiao ran answered in an apologetic voice, but with an invisible sneer on his face.

As soon as Xiao ran finished speaking, the insect's warship slowly opened up, which just opened the narrow space where Xiao ran and them were located, so that Xiao ran could directly leave the insect's warship and enter the universe. After Xiao ran deformed the body into G form, the energy began to gather not far behind him, In just three seconds, it turned into a huge light beam, which directly ejected from the warship's open mouth. When I looked around, I just saw that the s.m.s warship was deforming and hiding behind a huge meteorite.

A few seconds later, the completely deformed s.m.s warship appeared, rushed to the front of the insect's warship, and held the insect's big mouth ready to talk to him again.

"Skull unit five, please answer!"

"Roger that, Luca's plane has been rescued." seeing this, Xiao ran directly changed the body into G shape. He pulled the two bodies from left to right and flew towards the s.m.s warship. He flew directly to the rear of the deformed head of the warship and stopped. He changed into human shape again. He stepped on the damaged purple body and grabbed Luca's body with one hand, The other hand found a place to grasp it.

After doing everything, s.m.s's warship jumped out of the big mouth of the insect warship and raised its strongest weapon, macro cannon and weight reflection gun.

"Hold on, major!"

"Got it." Xiao ran smiled and listened to the ding in his ear. He didn't see the picture that the cannon fired by the s.m.s warship directly broke the insect warship. His right hand touched the necklace on his neck and closed his eyes: "it's OK, Shirley Lu, thank you."


In the No. 25 group, Shirley Lu, who used all her body and mind and all her strength to sing loudly, also heard the bleak voice, showed a slight smile at the corners of her mouth and looked in one direction of the audience: "thank you, orchid. You lent me strength."

Shirley's smile on her face suddenly stagnated, and her face became extremely pale. She knelt directly on the stage with her hands on the ground. A mouthful of red blood gushed out of her mouth, and then fell down softly.

"Shirley Lu!"

"God, what happened!"

"No, help!"

Looking at Shirley Lu, who vomited blood and fainted on the big screen, orchid stood in the audience, covered her mouth and kept shaking her head: "how could it be like this, how could it be like this..."

Shirley vomited blood and was in a coma. Just after the battle, Xiao ran, who brought the Luca machine and the damaged purple machine back to the hangar of the s.m.s warship, was unaware. At this time, he was asking the pilot of the purple machine together with Ozma.