Chapter 1233

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
"We are zovok's intergalactic alliance, the guardian of the Galactic order. You can call us the inspector monitoring the galaxy."

"Earthman, you have an insatiable fighting heart. Your existence will eventually disrupt the order of the Milky way. You will become a virus of the Milky way and eventually destroy the whole Milky way. You with an endless fighting heart have strength but do not get the corresponding wisdom. According to the law of the inter satellite Alliance, we will forcibly interfere with you and bring the earth into zovo from now on Under Gram's control. "

The deep and thick voice sounded in everyone's mind. The contempt tone in the discourse was like the high-level person looking down on the low-level person. What he said was not an explanation or an announcement. It was basically like expounding an undeniable fact.

"Self righteous." there was no expression on Xiao Ran's face. After the voice in his mind was silent, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, which also transmitted his voice to everyone's mind: "Using mental power to play tricks does not reflect your nobility and strength. No matter how good you say it, no matter how great it is, it can not cover up your inferior purpose and the fact that you are about to become an aggressor. The so-called inter satellite alliance may be ahead in development."

"However, mankind is by no means a race without corresponding wisdom as you said, and you do not have the right and ability to control us. The earth people are responsible for the cause of the earth. Zovok inter Star Alliance? Sorry, I don't know what it is. We know that we will give good wine to friends, and we will only give war and artillery to hungry wolves."

"To give you a final warning, I don't want to launch a war blindly, but if your existence threatens the earth, I won't be afraid of war. Stop moving forward and exit the solar system immediately, otherwise we will treat you as an aggressor and strike with force. The earth can accept friendship but will not accept any threat. If you want to use force against the earth, you'd better do it as a whole zowalker And our plan not to die. "

Xiao Ran's voice was transmitted to everyone's brain without any obstacles. Maybe the languages of both sides were slightly different, but what Xiao ran said could make everyone in zowalker clearly understand his meaning. There was no fluctuation in tone in the whole process, and it was calm to the point of almost indifference, but this kind of calm was close to indifference, but it could make people hear the words better The firmness contained.

The people on zowalker's side fell into silence after Xiao ran finished, but before long, the voice they just spoke spoke spoke again with an angry voice: "naive earth people, zowalker and Balma empire are by no means the same. It seems that only if you really see the gap between us can you better understand what we say."

"With these biochemical people without emotional fluctuations?" Xiao ran asked. With the continuous diffusion of GN particles, he had already felt that the pilots in the body sent by zowalker, except a few, were a group of biological weapons without any emotion. How could Xiao ran care about this real biological CPU like consumables.


With a heavy hum, the countless bodies on zowalker's side, which had been quiet without any action, immediately began to attack in the direction of the Burning Legion, one warship fired countless beams, and one body also flew towards the bodies of Xiao ran and others.

At the same time, a whole fleet launched an attack on the forces brought by a warship such as the Burning Legion, which immediately filled the whole universe with lights and attacks of different colors.

In the face of the sudden attack launched by zowalker, the Burning Legion was not in the slightest panic. Maliu, sitting in the bridge of the Burning Legion, looked serious and issued his own order while the other party launched the attack:

"The fighter formation spreads out and the MS formation retreats. There is no need to fight according to the enemy's way. Give full play to their own advantages and conduct a surprise attack after spreading out. The ship will create the opportunity of surprise attack."

"The enemy missing from the front is responsible for the dark sky, the assault on freedom, infinite justice and so on."

"The shield is turned on at the maximum, each main gun is charged, the Med micro missile is ready to lock the front body, and each gun puts the target on the enemy warship."

"Bobby, dodge the threatening attack and begin to deform after the first wave of attack."

Arms control, CIC, Bobby answered loudly at the same time, "I understand!"

"The mini missile has been filled, and the guns have locked the target."

Malau pressed the armrest of the chair, leaned forward slightly and shouted, "launch!"

Countless missiles and beams of light flew out of the burning legion with Maliu's command. First, large and small beam guns intensively penetrated the battlefield and flew to zowalker's warship. Although the flying beam placed the target on the warship, it also penetrated a lot of zowalker's body during the flight, which shrouded many zowalker's attacks Among them, there were bursts of light and exploding fireballs between the two sides.

The light beam was followed by the micro missiles with long wake. Many missiles flew out of the Burning Legion wave by wave. The white wake brought by the number of terror spread all over the battlefield at once. Countless ballistics flew out and dispersed, enveloping the countless bodies released by zowalker in a surrounded attitude.

Although only the Burning Legion is a warship, the Burning Legion can not only be treated as an ordinary warship, but a war fortress with the appearance of a warship, which is the real ultimate combat power from the super space-time fortress.

Without any sound, countless missiles exploded in the face of zowalker's attack after flying to zowalker's body, and a black ball was directly burst out between the Burning Legion and zowalker, which was densely distributed in the middle of the whole battlefield, like a barrier to completely separate the two sides, But more missiles still rushed to the zowalker's body, making more balls appear on the battlefield.

The appearance of the black ball made almost all zowalker's attacks ineffective at once. After flying over those black balls, they would be absorbed by those black balls that appeared in the middle of the whole battlefield and detonated because they hit zowalker's body, It pulled out countless distorted lights, which made zowalker's attack lose its due effect.

The deformable fighters and MS released by the Burning Legion also dispersed under the command of Maliu, retreated, and then began to detour from both sides. Many deformable fighters rushed to zowalker's fleet at a very fast speed.