In the morning of the next day, the monsoon smoke woke up with a scream.

Junze red face of the jump to the front of the monsoon smoke, a face of excitement.

"Wind and smoke! I said that I have a talent in pharmaceutics. Look, look... " Junze did not wait for the monsoon smoke to speak, but took the monsoon smoke and walked to sisnon's side.

Sisnon stayed up for half a night, but his face was much better than that of yesterday. His cheeks were also bloodstained, and he looked energetic.

Junze fed sisnon a lot of potions yesterday. He made all those potions himself with little effect, but Junze didn't mean to say them. Today, when we get together, we will see that sisnon is getting better, and we will be excited immediately, and we will think that we have the future of our potions.

I don't know

Sisnon looked at the monsoon smoke pulled in front of him. He lowered his head. Yesterday, the monsoon smoke gave him something after Junze slept. He would not expose it in front of Junze.

Monsoon smoke also understood what was going on. Looking at the howling Junze, he calmly said: "well, you are very talented, do well, the future pharmacist."

Finish saying to still pat the shoulder of gentleman Ze of very have an event.

Junze became more and more energetic. He clapped his chest to sisnon and promised that he would pack the medicine of sisnon in Imperial College in the future.

Sisnon, who was weak in body, could not love her, but she could only nod her head obediently.

What a bully

Monsoon smoke looked at the zero resistance sisnon silently shook his head.

Three people and one deer walk out of the forest, which can be regarded as returning to the normal mountain road. After a night of eating and sleeping, the three people also have some revolutionary friendship. It's impossible for monsoon smoke to think of escaping alone. Besides, it's impossible to turn sisnon, a clever and deceitful man, into Junze's hand

Monsoon smoke doubted whether sisnon could still climb to the top of the mountain alive.

Thanks to Junze's nagging, the journey was not boring. Because sisnon was only able to sit in a wheelchair, the speed of the three people climbing the mountain was slightly delayed. Fortunately, when the night fell, they finally arrived at the gate of Imperial College.

Outside the gate, there are young people from all over the world. Those who haven't formally enrolled are waiting by the side, while the old students are walking in from the front gate of the college.

Monsoon smoke and Junze are leaving for a while. They go to the report Office of the world exterminator's branch and line up first. There are many people who exterminate the world in Shenglong empire. Otherwise, they can't stand the name of a powerful country. At this time, the registration office has already photographed 112 people. But Ji Fengyan, among those people, saw a figure that surprised her!

Liu ruse!

Most of the exterminators are men, and the number of female exterminators is extremely rare, so when a thin figure appears in a group of tough teenagers, it is particularly striking.

Liu ruse is the exterminator? The monsoon smoke was a little surprised.

Because of the small number of people, the team soon arrived at monsoon tobacco, which was led to the entrance of the group of eliminators. It was the senior students of pharmacists' branch. In the eyes of the world, the noble pharmacists were extremely humble and obedient in front of the group of eliminators at the moment, and the smiles on their faces were quickly piling up into flowers.

There are only 17 new born of monsoon tobacco killers, among which only monsoon tobacco and Liu ruse are women, which inevitably attracted the attention of other 15-year-old male killers.

All of them are just young people, they are in marriage, and they can't stop the agitation in the blood.