The face of the monsoon smoke became more and more ugly. At the moment when the body of the burning Army soldier appeared, her uneasiness became more and more intense. She knew very well that after the collapse of this passage, it was almost impossible for her to dig it again. However

The monsoon smoke clenched the heavy sword in his hand, but the fluke in his heart could not be erased.

In the process of Linghe's careful excavation, several teams of burning army gathered here from the other two channels with a lot of embarrassment. When they saw the monsoon smoke, they were stunned. Each of them seemed to be in a bad condition, with some injuries, obviously encountered the resistance of the demon family in the process of crossing the channel 。


The soldiers of the burning army didn't have time to salute to the monsoon smoke at all. Their eyes were locked on the heavy sword in the hand of the monsoon smoke for a moment!

"It's the general's sword!" A soldier of the burning army spoke in disbelief.

Yang Shun's sword is so familiar to every soldier in the burning army. In countless wars, Yang Shun held up the heavy sword and led them to win again and again.

And the heavy sword, which once symbolized the backbone of the burning army, fell on the hand of the monsoon smoke.

The voice of the burning army attracted the attention of Ling He and others. Ling he realized that Why does the face of monsoon smoke look so ugly, and why does she insist on letting them dig this tunnel.

Yang Shun I'm afraid

The soldiers of the burning army stared at the sword on the hand of the monsoon smoke, and saw Ling He and others who were digging at the corner of their eyes. A sense of foreboding suddenly rose in their hearts.

"General!" With a heartbreaking wail, all the soldiers of the burning army rushed to the collapsed tunnel like crazy. They dug away the accumulated loess point by point with their bare hands, and everyone's face was full of crazy color.



How can something happen to their general!

The monsoon smoke looked at the excited response of the burning soldiers, and his heart felt as if he had pressed a huge stone.

A large number of burning army joined in, making the whole excavation work faster and faster, but then, the loose soil could not support the expansion of the channel again. In a short time, the place just dug out was immediately buried by the falling gravel and loess, and even the whole roof, had the omen of collapse again.

She took a deep breath. "Linghe, bring them back to me! Everyone stop digging! "

If we dig again, these people will be buried alive in the second collapse.

Yang Shun's life and death are uncertain. She must not let the people of the burning army have another accident!

Ling he immediately took the command, and with the soldiers of the wolf smoke army, pulled the burning army, which had been completely sealed, out of the collapsed channel one by one.


"Let go of me! General, our general is there! Let go of me! "

The soldiers of the burning army struggled like crazy, regardless of the bleeding wound on their body. The blood flowed all over the ground with their struggle, making the whole tunnel full of blood.

With all their strength, the wolfsmoke soldiers dragged them out of the collapsed tunnel.

"Calm down, all of you! Your general, I absolutely don't want you to happen again! "Linghe is in a bad mood to hold a soldier of the burning army.