All the world destroying armor is made of the skeleton of the demon king. Although it can bring great power, the residual breath of the demon king is irresistible to the human body.

At a time when countries were at a loss, those who sent the world destroying armor appeared again, and this time, they gave countries a solution.

Only the demon clan can resist the evil spirit.

But demon clan, it is impossible to fight for human.


There are now the exterminators.

A group of aliens born together by humans and demons.

The people who gave the world destroying armor selected a elite from the families of various countries, and bred a new race by using their blood and the demon clan above the level of being captured The exterminator.

The exterminator's body flows with the blood of the general demon family, so their resistance to the evil spirit has been greatly improved, and they also have the blood of human beings. This half of the blood can make them keep their own rationality.

In order to ensure that every one of the exterminators can grow up to the age of the battlefield, and also to contain the awakening of the demon family's lineage in their bodies, so when those exterminators are born, they are brought with the control bracelet to contain the awakening of the Demon power. They don't know what they are. The only thing they know is that they are the heirs of the exterminators After that, he will also get a strong world destroying armor, and go to the battlefield to defend the land and secure Xinjiang under the glory of the whole country.

And that is to say, at the moment when the annihilator actually put on the annihilation armor, the countdown of their death has already begun.

Every time the world destroying armor is used, the spirit of the armor will catalyze the awakening of the Demon power in the world destroying body. With the increase of the use rate, the Demon power suppressed for more than ten years will gradually move to the edge of explosion.

Why can the exterminator live to the age of 35 at most?

It's not because the fighting was too fierce.

It's because

After they put on the annihilation armor and fight, the Demon power will reach a critical point at the age of 35. At the moment when the Demon power awakens, they will lose all the will of human beings in an instant and become a monster that only knows how to kill.

All these are clear to the kings of all countries and even to the heads of families of all great families, so When the day of Demon power awakening comes, it is the time of death for the exterminator.

No matter how much they have paid for the country, in the end, they will be killed by the country that once worked hard to protect.

Their world destroying armor will be recovered and inherited by their next generation, and their bodies will be secretly sent back to the capitals of various countries, sent to various underworld workshops, treated in a special way, and turned into raw materials for nourishing and repairing the world destroying armor

The head of every aristocratic family knows everything about the exterminators. They are related to the exterminators in terms of blood, but

In a sense, the exterminators and them are just tools of family glory.

They will respect the destroyer and give him the highest honor when he is alive, but in the bottom of their hearts

Anyone who knows what the exterminator is is, from the bottom of his heart, disgusted and afraid of this monster.

Liuhuo's words expose the bloody truth, a secret hidden for thousands of years, cruel and bloody.