What's in Tianting city?

Some are all things that the world does not have, and the monsoon smoke has done nothing in this month. It is just brainwashing the people in the city, directly creating a fairyland in their mind, and directly creating a pure natural and pollution-free Oriental pure land.

The things here are full of freshness for those buns in Yanluo hall. Everything is squeezing every one of them.

The leader of Yanluo hall collapsed. The next day, he strictly prohibited his men from wandering in the tavern and placed them in the city where they sold themselves to the dead.


Some things can't be avoided.

Meng Fusheng strictly abides by the order of monsoon smoke, and lets his subordinates run to invite the group of Yanluo hall to stroll in the city.

But this invitation, the leader wants to rely on all can't get rid of, to avoid his own group of people who have lost their sense of chaos, he will answer the appointment.

As a result

After wandering around the city, the leader was completely shocked by everything in Tianting city.

When he came back to the tavern, he There's not a dime left.

Looking at the pile of things he bought, the leader collapsed on the bed

This pitiful city!

Fortunately, before the "total annihilation" of the Yanluo hall team, monsoon smoke finally met them again. This time, monsoon smoke agreed to cooperate very quickly. After getting this reply, the leader of Yanluo hall almost knelt down to monsoon smoke on the spot.

If he stayed any longer, he was afraid that his group would stay here and refuse to leave.

In just a few days, these 20 people in Yanluo hall felt an unprecedented life. I don't know if they had any illusions. They always felt that after living in the city for several days, their bodies suddenly became more relaxed. For those who had suffered from old injuries, the pain of the recurrence of old injuries was also reduced.

Even the well water in this city is much sweeter than that outside

Not to mention the group of ghost faces, even the leader, began to have a slight attachment to this Tianting City, and then stay, I guess I will be a traitor.

The troops of Yanluo hall fled from Tianting city.

Meng Fusheng also timely told monsoon smoke all their actions in the city during this period of time. Monsoon smoke suddenly had a feeling of crying and laughing. The people in Yanluo hall were afraid of being drained. No wonder they left in such a hurry.

"But it reminds me that before removing the star picking tower, I may often invite people from Yanluo hall to talk." The monsoon smoke jumped through the opening.

Meng Fusheng can't stop beating a spirit.

Monsoon smoke is the rhythm to squeeze out the whole Yanluo hall!

Meng Fusheng suddenly sympathizes with the group of people in Yanluo hall. They spend all their money on the Tianting side, but what they buy back Apart from pills and dusts, there seems to be nothing useful.

Moreover, all the high-level pills in Tianting city are only provided to the residents in the city. When others come here, they can only buy the most basic pills, and the price It's quite high. As for sweeping the dust, although it's better than the staff of Dharma, if you want to fully exert the effect, you must have Reiki in your body. Take it back to those masters who haven't cultivated Reiki in Yanluo hall, and it's just a little bit of improvement.