Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Mu Ge glanced sideways and saw the translucent figure under the blue sky. She looked at it oddly and asked, “You’re not afraid of the sun?”

“Why should I be?” Mu Qingge asked curiously in return.

Oh! The ghosts in this world were also different from Earth.

Mu Ge’s mouth twitched, not intending to continue with this topic.

The sun was blazing and the sky was clear.

On the official road leading to Luo Du, a man and a horse looked sickly, but they walked on unhurriedly.

“The Sunset Wilderness is southwest of Luo Du. By traveling north along this official road, you can reach Luo Du in about ten days if you speed up.” Mu Qingge’s spirit floated in mid-air, parallel to Mu Ge who was on the horses.

Along the way, she briefed Mu Ge on the situation in Luo Du. However, with the latter’s sleepy appearance, she wasn’t sure how much information she had taken in.


Mu Qingge was stunned to hear her soft voice. A darkness gathered between her brows as she said unhappily, “What did you say?”

Mu Ge glanced up at her and replied irreverently, “You’ve been hanging around me. Aren’t you worried that your spirit would scatter?”

“You!” Mu Ge’s venomous words caused Mu Qingge’s translucent body to shake with anger as though her spirit would fall apart at any moment. “Humph! I don’t need you to worry about me,” Mu Qingge snorted coldly as she held her anger back and averted her gaze arrogantly.

The corners of Mu Ge’s lips curled and she continued to rest with her eyes closed.

There wasn’t a single person in sight on the official road after they walked for a while longer.

Just when Mu Ge was almost ready to doze off, the horses’ hooves became disarrayed and the yellow sand suddenly blew for as far as she could see.

Mu Ge opened her eyes slowly and looked calmly at the dust that was like a sandstorm in the distance.

“There’s an army! It bears the Mu banner!” Unknown to her, Mu Qingge had been floating in mid-air, and she was suddenly getting excited.

Mu Ge looked up at her and asked, “Aren’t you going to hide?” She had already guessed who was coming when Mu Qingge mentioned the Mu banner.

For some unknown reason, Mu Qingge quieted down abruptly. She floated down from the sky slowly and stood beside Mu Ge. “No one can see me besides you.”

It was the first time Mu Ge had heard her say that.

Suddenly, Mu Qingge looked hauntingly at the gradually clearing silhouette in front of her, and murmured, “He actually came too!” The complex emotions therein drew a side glance from Mu Ge.

However, the girl didn’t continue. She looked seriously at Mu Ge and said, “Remember. From now on, you’re Mu Qingge, the young lord of the Mu Residence!”

Young lord?

Mu Ge raised her hand and touched the purple earring on her left ear.

This seemingly ordinary earring had been completely repaired. When she woke up in the morning, she found herself transformed into a handsome and dashing young man. His small physique didn’t diminish his masculinity. The only difference between her and the real Mu Qingge was that the gloominess between her eyebrows had disappeared, leaving behind only an air of indifference.


A voice that shook the earth called out. Before Mu Ge could react, she was taken into a wide, warm embrace.

So fast!

Mu Ge, who was buried in the wide embrace, was surprised by the strength of this person. She frowned. Earlier, she seemed to capture a flash of deep blue light pass before her eyes. Soon after, she was taken into the embrace.

“Ge’er, are you itching for a beating? How dare you go to the Sunset Wilderness behind my back?” The old but powerful voice roared above Mu Ge’s head. The next second, she was pushed out of his embrace.

Then, she realized that she had somehow fallen from her horse and was standing on the ground.

Although the man’s voice was filled with reproach, she could feel his concern and anxiety in his eager, measuring gaze.

“Grandfather…” Mu Qingge’s choked murmur sounded in her ears.

Mu Ge looked up at the person who was gripping her arms tightly. He seemed afraid that she would disappear again.

The hair on both sides of his head was white like snow. His rigid features had a bloody scent. He might be a hero in his twilight years; he was still formidable and intimidating.

“Grandfather.” The salutation was out of her mouth before she knew it.

“Hmm.” Mu Xiong responded in a muffled voice.

Nevertheless, Mu Ge could still hear the quiver in his voice. He was also trying to restrain himself from shedding tears.

Apart from his only precious grandchild, nothing else could make an old war veteran cry.

“Old Master, it seems that Qingge has a life full of lucky escapes; he has returned safely.” A noble and cold voice interjected abruptly.

Mu Xiong froze. His face was extremely pale as he looked back at the noble gentleman who was standing behind him in the crowd.

Mu Ge’s line of sight went past her grandfather’s shoulder and immediately locked onto the person who had just spoken. That man’s appearance and demeanor were simply too outstanding.

The black python robe made him stand up straight like a sword. However, his cold and aloof features made people want to get closer to him as if it would be the most joyous thing if one could get a glance from him.

In his sword-like brows, the air of aristocracy seemed to be innate. Even as he stood in a crowd, he was still eye-catching and impossible to ignore.

“He is Prince Rui, Qin Jinhao.” Mu Qingge’s voice drifted into Mu Ge’s ear at precisely the right moment.

The latter stole a glance at the former without anyone noticing. Mu Qingge tried her best to conceal it, but Mu Ge still detected the complex emotions hidden in her voice.