“Aunt Mu, I did everything for Brother Mu willingly.”

While Mu Ge was still doubting Mu Lianrong’s words, she heard Bai Xiyue’s understanding words. She could not help but look at the latter.

Meeting with Mu Ge’s investigative gaze, Bai Xiyue actually revealed a coy smile, causing the former’s hair to stand on end.


As though Bai Xiyue was shy, she did not look at Mu Ge again. She turned around and said to Mu Lianrong, “Aunt Mu, since Brother Mu is okay, I’ll make my way home first. I’ll come and visit Brother Mu again tomorrow.”

“Mm, true. You’re a young girl and it’s a little inappropriate for you to be meeting a man at night. Go home and rest first. I’ll stay for a while more,” said Mu Lianrong understandingly.

After hearing Mu Lianrong’s words, Bai Xiyue gently bowed and walked away with her servant.

Her elegant and sensible appearance made Mu Lianrong nod in agreement.

After Bai Xiyue left, Mu Lianrong said to You He and Hua Yue, “I have something to talk to your master about. You two can leave to prepare the bath and some food first.”

You He and Hua Yue did not leave immediately and looked at Mu Ge instead. The two of them only bowed and left when the latter nodded his head.

“Aunt, please come in.” Mu Ge moved aside and invited Mu Lianrong into the house.

Mu Lianrong entered the house and told Mu Ge to close the door.

Only the aunt and her nephew were left in the room.

Mu Qingge sat on the chair in the house. At this time, the candle in the house was lit. Mu Lianrong looked at Mu Ge with a complicated gaze, behind the shaking candlelight. She said, indicating that she was angry about his incompetence, “Qingge, why were you so impulsive this time? You’re the Mu family’s only descendant. If something happens to you, the Mu family is finished. I let you have your way no matter what you do normally, because the Mu family can protect you in Luo Du. However, you shouldn’t have left Luo Du on your own, putting yourself in danger. Did you not know that there are many people in the Kingdom of Qin who wish for you to die outside?”

This sentence was said critically and harshly, but Mu Ge could feel her concern.

Mu Ge did not say a word, as if she was accepting Mu Lianrong’s lecture. The latter sighed and looked away with a complicated gaze filled with pain and hatred. “Everyone thought that the Mu family met with repeated accidents ten years ago because we were unlucky, but the truth is that some people can’t stand our glory. Back then, your Second Uncle and Grandma fell from the cliff and died, but I was lucky enough to keep my life. Your grandfather had no choice but to come back from the battlefield, leaving your father alone to fight against the enemies. However, I didn’t expect the moment your grandfather stepped foot into Luo Du, news of your father perishing in battle came. Died in battle? Hmph…”

Mu Lianrong suddenly sneered and her harsh gaze was overwhelmed with hatred. “Those are just speculations amongst the crowd and the bandits in the mountains. Your father had been storming battles since he was thirteen, and he had never failed a single one. How could he be defeated by a bunch of bandits and even lose his life? We couldn’t even find his corpse.”

It turned out that the Mu family had another master. It turned out Mu Qingge’s father died in such a manner.

Mu Ge’s gaze was dark, and her heart pitied the Mu family’s misfortunes. Getting rid of the tool after it had served its purpose; after he succeeded in his task, someone brutally murdered the subordinate as the Master was prone to jealousy… These words could be used anywhere in the world.

Suddenly, Mu Ge felt something heavy on her hand, and the warm and soft touch made her raise her eyes to meet with Mu Lianrong’s worried gaze.

“Qingge, your grandfather is old and I’m a woman after all, so the Mu family has to count on you in the future. I don’t expect you to become a noble and manly person, but I hope that you’ll be safe.” After she finished her sentence, she retracted her hand and helped to arrange her loose strands. In a very soft voice, Mu Lianrong mutered, “Perhaps only your temper could assure those people.”