And what she did was to continuously test the medicine for the old man of Beiming before it was successfully developed.

Mu GE's eyes sank.

Tonight, the old man of Beiming called her here. Is it not

Bang bang!

A black porcelain vase with a big belly was thrown and rolled over the robe of Mu Ge.

Then, the voice of the old man of Beiming came coldly: "this is the pill made by the master. Take it and tell me the reaction of the teacher's body."

Mu GE's dark eyes flashed a trace of killing, and looked up to the old man of Beiming. But he was sitting on a couch, not looking at her, but holding a transparent bottle in his hand, which seemed to struggle with a green light.

Inexplicably, Mu Ge feels that the green light is the soul of Mu light song.

As soon as this idea enters the brain, Mu GE's heart will thump. She looked carefully at the old man of Beiming, as if to see some clues from his face.

However, the old man's face was shrouded in darkness, and he could only vaguely tell that there was a strange smile on his mouth.

"Did he see anything?" Mu GE's heart is awe inspiring.

The old man of Beiming can obviously see the soul. This is why Mu Ge doesn't know. She is only concerned about how moqingge will be treated by the old man of Beiming, and whether he knows that it is the soul of muqingge, and he

It is the secret of Mu GE's preparation to die in the bottom of his heart. If he is known by the person in front of him, and the other party is silent, what is he planning?

In the Mu Ge eyes flash, the voice of the old man of Beiming comes out again, but it is a bit more fierce than before.

"What are you doing? Think that you can suddenly practice, become the peak of Huangjing, you can escape from my palm? Hum. "

Mu GE's eyes are wide.

She is now the strength of the old man was actually Beiming see through?

All of a sudden, a cloudy wind blew.

The black figure came to Mu Ge, and her eyes shrank. A ugly and horrible face was reflected in the deep of her clear eyes.

Jaw was clamped by people, that kind of uncontrollable feeling hit again, still let Mu Ge have no time to make any resistance.

Mouth, forced to open, the bottle containing pills was opened, the medicine in the bottle was poured into her mouth.

The medicine, which melts in the mouth, has an indescribable stench and is disgusting.

When the medicine in the bottle was taken by Mu Ge, she felt that her chin was loose and she was pushed hard.

Ear, came a scornful and arrogant voice: "hum, do not know how to praise."

Mu Ge lies on the ground, eyes cold as ice.

Not enough! Not enough! Not strong enough!


All of a sudden, the feeling of colic in the abdomen came and quickly spread to the four limbs and hundreds of skeletons, just like ten thousand insects devouring the body.

"The medicine is acting!"

Mu GE's forehead drips cold sweat, bites tightly the lip, does not let oneself hum out.

Pain, not afraid of songs. I can bear it. However, this pain makes people feel the passing of life. Mu Ge watched with his own eyes that the skin on the back of his hand began to rot and stink. And to be sure, your body is going through the same thing.

"This is not a medicine to improve our health, but a poison to torture people!" Even if Mu Ge doesn't understand pharmacology, she can also distinguish the essence of the medicine that the old man of Beiming gave her.

"Damn it! Do I want to see my body rot and die with my own eyes? " Mu Ge was angry and unwilling.

It's a pity that she has no ability to protect herself in front of her.

He can only do what he wants.

Suddenly, the sharp pain in her body seemed to touch something. A clear stream gushed out of the mouge Dantian, and quickly flowed into her four limbs, forcing out the poisons that collided wantonly in her body.

Pain, get relief.

And Mu Ge is also shocked to see the rotten meat on his arm, as time goes back, recovery as before.

What's going on?

Is it a genetic modification agent?

Mu GE's bold guess.

After a few seconds, Mu GE's mouth spewed out a thick black and smelly blood, and the pain disappeared. On the contrary, a different kind of spiritual power entered her body, which made her cultivation improved a little.

Although the trace is almost negligible, it is still improved.

However, Mu Ge didn't notice this change at the moment, but his eyes were fixed on the black blood. She was familiar with the smell. When her body was modified with genetic modification agent, her body had excreted such black blood, and the amount was dozens of times as much as at the moment.

Originally, she thought it was the body impurities discharged after the transformation of the waste material constitution of muqingge.

But now, she understood, these black blood, is hidden in Mu light song body dark poison! I'm afraid it has something to do with the old man of Beiming.

Mu Qingge slowly raised her eyes and looked at the old man who didn't notice her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!