Mu light song's appearance, let Si Mo cold kill idea got release.

He seems to have guessed what the villain thinks in his heart. He takes back all the intention of killing and looks at the performance with peace of mind.

This is the first time xiaoge'er performed for him.

This man completely forgot the original reason why mu Qingge came to the stage. Just looking forward to how the next performance will make him excited.

Even if muqingge is just standing on the stage, he thinks it is enjoyable. It is better than those chaotic performances before.

Moqingge step by step, walk freehand. That kind of casual indifference, seems to make people think of the appearance of Si Mo falling from the sky before.

She went straight to the court musicians and whispered in front of them.

When the musicians were dazzled and nodded in a trance, she went to Taichung and said to the emperor, "emperor, the performance of the light song is a little special and needs one person's assistance."

"Oh?" Qin Cang doubts. "Who do you need?" he asked

As soon as he said this, he put the initiative in the Mu light singer.

Suddenly, Qin Jinhao was nervous. It seems that he can be sure that mu Qingge is the one to choose. But he is not willing to cooperate with mu Qingge, which is a waste and broken sleeve show.

In the cold eyes, disgust almost broke out.

Qin Jinhao looks at mu Qingge in his own direction and hates more in his heart! Secret way: Mu light song, you have not changed. Before I deliberately cold, but is to get. Now, I'm going to take advantage of this opportunity again, right!

Mu Qingge stands in front of Qin Jinhao, and does not miss the disgust and killing intention hidden in his eyes. In the latter almost to export to refuse, mu Qingge raised his arm, pointed to him, picked his lips and said with a smile: "I want her."

All of a sudden, all the eyes are focused on the people who are referred to by the Mu light song.

Qin Yiyao, who was selected, is also stunned. It seems that she has not responded.

Asshole! You've been fooled!

Qin Jinhao's face was black and white, and his teeth crackled with anger.

He was sure that moqingge was intentional. He saw mu Qingge's sneer at Qin Yiyao after he chose him.

"This..." Qin Cang hesitated.

But the Empress Dowager said at the right time: "the emperor, they are the unmarried husband and wife. Why not

As soon as this is said, even if the emperor wants to oppose it, it is not easy to speak. Only nodded and acquiesced.

Unmarried couple?

These four words, light drift into the ears of Si Mo, immediately before the Mu light song to choose women's good mood to destroy light.

When I look at Qin Yiyao again, I can see that the intention of killing has emerged. If he is not restrained properly, I am afraid that the little girl will be scared to urinate on the spot.

"Master, female, female! Those people just don't know the real identity of that man, and they just make a mess of it! " Lonely cliff in the heart of the bitter sigh.

Their wise God has gradually evolved into a vinegar jar.

Gu Ya broke his heart for the master, but he didn't know that his master didn't know what kind of emotion he had for mu Qingge.

Perhaps, this is the so-called bystanders see clearly, the people in charge are fans!

Qin Yiyao stepped onto the stage and stood in front of Mu Qingge. He said coldly, "what do you want me to do?"

Mu light song pick lips and smile: "dance."

"Dance!" Qin Yiyao's eyes widened in surprise. She never dances. "I will not." Without hesitation, she told the truth.

However, mu Qingge did not care about the way: "it doesn't matter, I take you."

Qin Yiyao is even more shocked. What dance can be performed without learning?

In the midst of all her curiosity, there was waiting. The musician has played strange music according to the instructions of muqingge.

Full of beat drum beat, lively rhythm, ancient lingering but with a trace of sonorous music slowly flow into.

Mu Qingge praised in his heart that these court musicians were not vegetarians and could restore the original music to eight or ten times.

The music that I have never heard before is already shocking. They didn't forget that muqingge had been muttering in front of musicians for a long time. If you guess right, this piece of music that makes you want to dance like fairy music is composed by muqingge.

A dandy has become a master of music! Is it possible?

In shock, mu Qingge reaches out to Qin Yiyao.

The night wind danced, blowing her hair, puffing up her red robe. The white palm of a jade is in front of her eyes. In a trance, Qin Yiyao puts her hand in it.

Suddenly, a tight hand, a warm current from the fingertips into the body quickly.

Before she could do anything, a hand climbed up her waist and drew her forward. Looking back, she only saw the unique face of moqingge.

Qin Yiyao's eyes are startled. She wants to struggle to open the hand that mu Qingge puts on her waist. However, the whole person is driven by her, with the strange music, dance steps never , the fastest update of the webnovel!