The princess goes out with her own momentum.

With Qin Yiyao's approach, the women who surround mu Qingge step back and leave space for them.

The scene seems to be a bit cold.

Or Shao fat smart, see that the princess seems to find mu Qingge to have something to say, so he beckons the beauties back to the stream.

Youhe and Huayue are muqingge's close maidservant, and naturally they stay to serve them.

Bai Xiyue did not go up at the moment, but stood a little farther away to wait.

Youhe carefully finds a clean cup. After washing with wine, he pours out a cup and hands it to Qin Yiyao.

Mu Qingge did not need a wine cup, but directly picked up the wine pot between his fingers.

Qin Yiyao took a sip of the wine and put it down. "Ten days later, there will be a flower hunting party at the royal hunting ground in the suburbs. I hope you can accompany me to attend it."

"The Empress Dowager?" Mu Qingge asked.

Qin Yiyao didn't say anything, which seemed to be the default of Mu Qingge's guess.

In fact, mu Qingge did not know that this invitation was made by Qin Yiyao himself. But it also has something to do with the Empress Dowager. Because before, the Empress Dowager warned Qin Yiyao that if she wants to take part in activities between aristocratic families in the future, in order to avoid misunderstanding and maintain her reputation, it is better to bring muqingge.

Therefore, Qin Yiyao is silent. She doesn't know whether her decision is due to her own reasons or to what the Empress Dowager said before.

"Hunting for flowers? What am I going to do as a dandy? " Mu Qingge throws the wine bottle, puts his hands behind his head, and directly leans back to sleep on the cloth under his body.

"You! Is it possible to accompany me? " Qin Yiyao was blocked by mu Qingge and didn't know what to say. Wait until the voice of entreaty exits, she just reacts to come over, what's wrong with herself?

Mu Qingge's eyes turn slightly and fall on Qin Yiyao in a blue dress.

Think of when such as Palace Banquet, this young girl also once helped oneself once, then sit up to Shao fat man to shout: "fat man, can you have free time in ten days?"

Shao Pang didn't know why, but he nodded his head truthfully.

Mu Qingge immediately looked at Qin Yiyao: "if I go, I will take Shao fatty."

Qin Yiyao gently pursed her lips and nodded: "good."

With Qin Yiyao's approval, mu Qingge raised the corner of his lips and said to Shao pangzi again: "fat man, go back and prepare. Ten days later, he will accompany me to the royal hunting ground to participate in the flower hunting party."

This invitation surprised Shao Pang. Immediately, he jumped up happily and responded, "OK

With that, he rushed into the women like an eagle pouncing on a chicken, which attracted a burst of coquetry.

Looking at this scene, mu Qingge can't help pulling lips and chuckling.

Qin Yiyao looked at the smile mark on her mouth, and then looked at Shao Pang, who was a wild man. She frowned and asked, "although you are both called dandies, I can see that you are different. Why, why are you friends? "

This time, Qin Yiyao's tone of voice is obviously different from that of keeping her away from Shao Pang. No disgust or disdain, just simple curiosity.

Therefore, mu Qingge chuckled: "don't you think he is more real than many people?"

"Really?" Qin Yiyao ponders the answer of Mu Qingge, looks at Shao Pang's round figure, and falls into meditation.

"Brother mu."

A woman's voice, which is soft as water, turns mu Qingge's eyes and interrupts Qin Yiyao's meditation.

Bai Xiyue stood in front of them, as weak as a small white flower, which made people feel pity.

However, mu Qingge is just looking at coldly.

Qin Yiyao is also just a light family member, then took back the sight.

Bai Xiyue bit her pink lip and opened her mouth carefully: "can I go to the hunting party?" This is a chance to meet more powerful and talented people, and she can't miss it.

"You want to go, too?" Mu Qingge's teasing eyebrows.

Bai Xiyue lowered her head and bit her lips, showing an uneasy appearance.

As if, mu Qingge did something to bully her.

This makes Qin Yiyao frown slightly and looks at Bai Xiyue's eyes a little more.

Mu Qingge sneers in her heart and points to Qin Yiyao with a backhand: "this flower hunting party was invited by the princess." The implication is that if Bai Xiyue wants to go, it is Qin Yiyao, not her.

"Then go with me." Qin Yiyao's indifferent way.

Bai Xiyue was excited when he got what he wanted. But she covered it up very well. She secretly looked at Qin Yiyao and then said to Mu Qingge, "brother mu, I heard that his highness King Rui was punished by his majesty into the emperor's temple. Do you know why?"

She is sure that, with mu Qingge's concern for Rui Wang, she will fight against injustice when she mentions Rui Wang. Without her further exploration, she can know the whole process of Rui Wang's punishment.

However, when her voice fell behind, things did not develop as she thought.

Mention Rui Wang, mu Qingge's face in addition to that make people feel uncomfortable smile, there is no redundant expression, nor gloomy or excited."Oh? Do you want to know why Rui Wang was punished? Wouldn't it be better to ask the princess directly? They are brothers and sisters. " Mu Qingge throws the ball directly to Qin Yiyao.

Bai Xiyue didn't have time to think about the change of moqingge, and her innocent eyes fell on Qin Yiyao.

Qin Yiyao said with a light look: "the emperor's brother has not been punished, but he has paid homage to the emperor's grandmother and volunteered to stay in the imperial temple for three months to pray for her grandmother and the state of Qin."

"So it is." Bai Xiyue's heart is slightly loose. She thought that Rui Wang was punished for something. But since Princess Changle's sister did not care so much, it only showed that King Rui didn't annoy the emperor.

After a look at Qin Yiyao, he looks at mu Qingge, who ignores himself. She finally discerns the opening of the mouth: "Xi month does not disturb the princess and Mu elder brother's conversation." Then he took the green branch and retreated to the distance.

After she went far away, mu Qingge looked at Qin Yiyao and said with a smile, "you will think about your brother."

Qin Yiyao calmly replied: "I just don't want some things to be known by some people with ulterior motives."

"You don't like her?" Mu Qingge asked.

Qin Yiyao naturally frowned.

See her so, Mu light song smile: "but, your elder brother but to her like tight ah!"

With her words, Qin Yiyao frowned more tightly at Bai Xiyue. , the fastest update of the webnovel!