In the furnace, it's like another world.

Like chaos, the walls of the furnace, which are burned by the fire, are suffused with light red.

In the stove, the breath is hot, different herbs, under the operation of a pair of transparent hands, gradually become a ball of powder, began to blend with each other.


A dull sound came from the furnace.

Mu Qingge slowly opened his eyes, condensing with the black smoke of the furnace.


The herbal medicine that has been refined into powder has now turned into a burst of black smoke and integrated into the furnace.

Pursed lips, mu Qingge did not immediately restart, but summed up the previous failure experience. She had long expected that she would not succeed at one time, so she prepared a lot of herbs.

That is to say, she can try ten times in a row. If she fails, she will have to start the steps before selecting and distributing medicines.

In fact, these processes can be done by drug children.

However, mu Qingge felt that he had been inherited by Dan God. In the process of refining medicine and making pills, it has taken the lead. But at the same time, she also lost the opportunity to get close to the herbal medicine, so she had to go through the tedious steps to deepen her understanding of the medicine.

After a tea break, mu Qingge tried to refine medicine again.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Failed, failed again!

Mu Qingge's beautiful face has been blackened by the black smoke from the furnace.

All the herbs on the table had been emptied, but she failed to refine a furnace of powder.

After patting the dust on his clothes, mu Qingge stood up and went back to the medicine cabinet to pick up the medicine

"It's harder than I thought it would be." The way of murmuring to oneself.

Her voice was very calm, not discouraged, not constantly frustrated by failure.

It seems that she never doubted her talent for refining medicine and making pills.

Well, that's what she thinks in her mind. Since the Dan God has been passed on to her, it shows that she still has the talent in this respect. Otherwise, in terms of the great power of the Dan God, there is no reason to inherit it to a person who has no talent for refining medicine and making pills.

With such a belief, mu Qingge prepared another 15 herbs.

Having been in the alchemy room for a day and a night, mu Qingge put the prepared herbs in turn. Instead of refining the medicine immediately, mu Qingge began to immerse himself in the cultivation of aura.

The use of mental power for a long time has made her head a little dizzy.

So, she needs to change her mind.

At this time, cultivating one's own spiritual power is naturally the first choice.

Huangjing peak, for others, may already be very good. But it's still too weak for her.

Wake up from the practice, the night has passed.

Mu Qingge ate something and continued to refine medicine

Again and again, mu Qingge stayed in the room for five days and six nights.

When the sixth day came, muqingge, immersed in practice, did not wake up as before, but frowned and his aura fluctuated violently.

All of a sudden, a dazzling yellow light, as strong as gold, lit up the whole room directly.

If it wasn't for the room without windows, maybe the yellow light could spread to the outside, making people outside think that there was a sun falling in the room.

The golden yellow light lasted for a long time, and then began to fade, but the color changed.

The original yellow gradually changes towards the green light

A moment later, the yellow light wrapped in Mu Qingge disappeared. Instead, a light green light flowed around her body, setting off her whole person like a jade man.

In a short period of time, the green light melts into the body of Mu light song and disappears. There is no longer light in the room.

Mu light song slowly opened his eyes, closed lips slightly opened, a mouth of turbid gas spit out: "the first stage of green environment."

She did not expect that these days she concentrated on refining medicine, and her ability to refine medicine did not make any progress, but let her own realm break through and enter the green realm from the peak of yellow realm.

With a good mood, mu Qingge began to refine medicine again.

For her, the advancement of martial arts is not worth her fuss, unless she wakes up one night, she can become the legendary purple land.

After a few days of practice, mu Qingge's steps of refining medicine become more and more skilled.

Now, she doesn't need to use a medicine scale to weigh any more. She can accurately take out the amount of medicine by her hand. Even in the distribution of medicine, there is no need to carefully select root by root. With a wave of the sleeve, those unqualified herbs are naturally excluded, and they are exactly the same.

When the medicinal materials are ready, mu Qingge throws them into the furnace again -

the transparent spiritual hand guides all kinds of medicinal materials into powder in the furnace, and gradually merges.

With previous experience, moqingge seems to have found the law of mixing powder. Drug Xiangke is good, but as long as we find a breakthrough, we can dissolve the drug.In the process of integration, muqingge went on very slowly.

She is not afraid to fail again, but to carefully observe the process of each integration.

Fifteen kinds of herbs are needed to refine Qingxin powder. This kind of fusion is not a simple addition of 15 kinds of herbs, but a multiple superposition.

The more integration to the back, the more likely to fail.

The first few fusion, moqingge easy to spend.

Even in the middle of a few times, relying on previous failure experience, she also narrowly passed.

Soon, the last fusion came.

As long as this fusion is successful, she will be able to refine the first batch of powder.

Mu Qingge's forehead is already sweating. She puts more mental power into the furnace, protecting some unstable powder.

In the furnace, transparent hands, will be the last medicine powder forced into it.

All of a sudden, the powder that fused together shakes violently.

A pair of transparent hands try to surround the powder, as if those violently shaking powder is magic cube.

Finally, the powder gradually subsided.

A burst of medicine from the furnace, let Mu light song suddenly open his eyes, clear eyes in the light of light suddenly appear: it is! , the fastest update of the webnovel!