Understanding of the nod, Mu light song no longer more words.

After a few more steps, Qin Yiyao suddenly stops, turns around and looks at the two people behind him. He says to Mu Qingge, "you don't have to go. Anyway, there are a lot of people in the flower hunting party, and the queen and the prince will not remember them all. "

Hearing that Shao Pang, who didn't have to visit the queen, suddenly the pig's face was full of joy. That kind of formal occasion is really not suitable for him.

Therefore, he said automatically: "thank you, princess. Boss, I'll wait for you in the hunting ground. First, I'll help you to see what's interesting. "

With that, he disappeared in front of the crowd.

After Shao Pang left, Qin Yiyao looked at Bai Xiyue again. The latter showed a timid and weak look under her gaze, which made her frown slightly and said in a cold voice: "originally, you don't have to go to the queen. After all, you're not an invitation. However, because you are a married woman, you need to stay in the palace. In order to avoid trouble, you should go with us to see the queen. But remember, if you don't behave properly and annoy the queen, I can't save you. "

With a slight warning, Bai Xiyue's shoulders trembled slightly and her head was buried lower. That poor appearance, like a weak little white rabbit.

Seeing her so, Qin Yiyao said: "of course, if you want to leave now, I will send someone to take you back to Mu Fu."

As soon as this word came out, Bai Xiyue immediately raised her drooping face, and her eyes were filled with aggrieved tears. She anxiously looked at Xiangmu light song and said in a low voice, "brother mu, did Xi Yue add trouble to you and the princess?"

Mu Qingge sneered in her heart and said to Qin Yiyao, "let's go princess."

Qin Yiyao lightly touches the head of his jaw and walks with mu Qingge side by side. Leaving Bai Xiyue alone in the back, not walking, not standing.

She looked at the back of the two people leaving, and finally gritted her teeth, or followed up.

Feeling that the people behind came up, Qin Yiyao said faintly, "this white girl has some skills."

Mu Qingge laughed: "if there is no point of forbearance, she is not worthy of the attention of the princess."

Qin Yiyao gave her a little deep attention, and then withdrew her eyes.


When mu Qingge saw the queen, she was surrounded by a group of life wives. Smile in the face of pride, as if because of this fight, she won a game.

The exquisite jade carving in the palace, luxurious atmosphere, confused Bai Xiyue's eyes.

However, with Qin Yiyao's warning in front of her, she did not dare to look wantonly and could only follow closely behind them.

All the women present were more noble than her.

This, let her both envy and envy, in the heart that kind of yearning also more and more hot.

"Yiyao visited her mother, and she was a thousand years old and a thousand years old."

"Mu Qingge pays a visit to the empress, who is thousand years old and thousand years old."

When they came to the queen, they saluted the same.

However, mu Qingge is still not kneeling.

The queen who was talking raised her eyelids and looked at them. She said faintly, "all of you are exempt from gift."

At this time, a lady standing beside the queen said, "Baron mu, you can't kneel down when you see the queen. I'm afraid it's something wrong. When it was passed on, others thought that there was no tutor in Yongning Prefecture. "

As soon as the sarcastic tone came out, all the ladies around her covered her lips and chuckled, and the contempt in her eyes seemed to be unable to see those who admired light songs and didn't understand etiquette.

Qin Yiyao stood in silence. If she spoke at this time, things would be worse.

Mu Qingge gave a frank smile and looked at the lady who opened her mouth: "this lady is very kind. She cares about the education of my Mu family. Don't you think the husband's family is not good now, and want to transfer to my Mu's house to be a warm bed girl for my grandfather? "

Pooh Hoo!

The laughter came faintly, even Qin Yiyao's iceberg pretty face had a little more smile.

"You The lady who was counterattacked was so angry that she stretched out her red nails and pointed to Mu Qingge.

"All right." At this time, the queen began to speak slowly: "Lord Mu doesn't have to kneel in front of the empress dowager, let alone this palace?" This seems to be explaining for mu Qingge. But in fact, it shows her arrogance.

The Empress Dowager can't kneel in front of her. How can she look at her as a queen?

It's not arrogant. What is it?

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