This is a nine star bead!


This is the word of "nine stars".

The so-called "nine stars linked beads" is to shoot nine arrows at a very fast speed, and each arrow, except for the first, must pass through the tail of the previous arrow in mid air. Nine arrows shot, leaving only one hole.

Such archery is almost legendary.

Because it tests not only eyesight, but also accurate judgment and resolute determination.

No one thought that this legendary archery was seen in a waste dandy today.

Many people even think that they are dazzled and keep rubbing their eyes.

Until the bodyguard picked up mu Qingge's target and handed it to the prince Qin Jin before he shaved his face. The latter was black and did not speak, but he could not hide the shock in his eyes.

All of a sudden, all people look at the eyes of Mu light song have changed.

Is this the Mojia trash they understand? Is that dandy who can't help the mud up the wall?

Cao GUI, who has a bet with moqingge, seems to have fallen into an ice cave at the moment, and his face is ugly beyond description.

Qin Yiyao is shocked to see Xiangmu light song, beautiful eyes in the colorful ripple.

Even, Bai Xiyue in the crowd was shocked to grow a little pink lips, as if he didn't know the young man who was fresh and angry.

"Too How wonderful Shao Pang's crazy way. There is a feeling of being in a dream.

Those who just laughed at Mu Qingsong just now have hot cheeks, as if they were slapped several times in the face.

"Ha ha ha ha..." The youth's frivolous laughter came from the enchanting red clothes. "Bring the wine!"

Mu light song a cry, standing near a bodyguard hands consciously picked up a wine pot around her and threw it at her.

Rough pottery's wine pot in the air, toward the horse's Mu light song falls.

She reached for it, and her robe fell, revealing a white jade like arm.

She clenched the neck of the jug. He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "thank you, brother." The unrestrained and unrestrained figure touched the hearts of those present.

The young man on the horse is gorgeous in red and has a unique face. The breeze blew her red robe and puffed up her sleeves. Ink hair flying wantonly, as if the ink splashed into the air.

Mu light song of a smile, let that bodyguard Lost God, lost soul. Let others remember this amazing scene

The wine pot tilted, and the clear wine came down from the mouth of the pot, pulled out the silver thread in the air, and fell into the red. Some mischievous wine splashes down the delicate chin of muqingge, past the elegant neck and into the clavicle.

This scene, see countless people swallow saliva, eyes hot.

"Oh, xiaoge'er..." In the sky, somewhere in the controlled space, came a faint smile, but cold into the bones of the low Nan.

The scene in the hunting ground seemed to be in front of his eyes.

Including the gorgeous young man in red, and the greedy eyes of those damned guys.

The two men standing behind him automatically moved back a few steps to avoid being hurt by the cold.

After a sip of wine, mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly, as if drunk or awake, and raised a rebellious smile at the corners of his mouth, and chanted: "the wind and cloud of the world is out of our generation. As soon as we enter the rivers and lakes, the years urge us. In the talk and laugh of the emperor's overlord career, he can't get drunk. "

She heard this poem most in her previous life. Her life and death comrades, after drunk, always like to read this poem, gradually, she will remember in the heart.

At this time, it is also the case.

Nine stars in a row is a unique skill she learned in her previous life, although it is rarely revealed. But just now, when she shot nine arrows, she seemed to return to the time when I was allowed to gallop on the prairie, where the sky was wide, cattle and sheep flocked, and the grass was dependent.

"In the talk and laugh of the emperor's overlord career, I can't live a drunk life." Qin Yiyao silently read these two sentences, looking at Xiangmu light song in the eyes of a lost.

"The boss is so handsome! Idols Shao Pang's little eyes have already sprouted red hearts.

"How could an ignorant dandy make such a poem?"

"Maybe it was stolen from somewhere else."

"No matter whether it was made by him or not, it sounds exciting at this time."

At the end of his recollection of the past life, mu Qingge held the wine pot between his fingers, crossed his hands on the horse's back, and said to Cao guidao with a wicked smile: "did you lose?"

Even if the heart is not willing, under the full view of the public, Cao GUI still does not have the courage to open his eyes to tell lies.

He held back the hatred in his heart and said, "I lost."

As soon as he admitted, mu Qingge immediately got off his horse and walked to Shao pangzi. He sneered at Cao GUI: "fat man has been waiting for a long time."

When it comes to gambling, Cao GUI's face changes. He looked at the prince, but the prince's face was expressionless, as if to blame him.

In his heart, Cao GUI had to bite his teeth and slowly walked to Shao Pang. He knelt down on his knees with a thump, closed his eyes and knocked his head three times.After the knock, he was about to get up.

Mu light song but reminds a way: "still have 3 words."

The muscles on Cao GUI's face twitched and his teeth clenched. He said in a deep voice: "Sir, I'll stay on the line at the moment. I'll see you in the future."

"Well." Mu light song like thinking for a while, innocent shrugged: "but I don't want to see you again, so this line also need not stay."

"Yes! Don't say it soon. " Shao pangzi also wakes up from the shock at this time.

Cao GUI was so angry that he almost didn't break a yellow tooth.

He squeezed his hands tightly. If he didn't remember the occasion, he would have taught the two dandies a lesson.

"I'm not as good as Shao Yueze!"

"I'm not as good as Shao Yueze!"

"I'm not as good as Shao Yueze!"

After Cao GUI roared three times, he said coldly to Mu Qingsong: "young sir, you are satisfied now."

Mu Qingge picked up his lips and sneered, and directly took Qin Yiyao's hand behind him. In the latter's surprise, he said to Cao GUI: "after that, take care of your dog's eyes. If you dare to stare at the women of your father, I'll dig them out and step on them." Don't think she didn't pay attention to Cao GUI's dog eyes just now, staring at Qin Yiyao lightly to take advantage of it.

Mu Qingge's words made Qin Yiyao's heart jump, and her cold cheeks suddenly turned red.

Caogui eye corner a draw, bite tight tooth extrusion one: "yes."

The play is over.

However, before mu Qingge said something to Shao Pang and others, he heard a dangerous voice in his ear: "young sir, you are so powerful." , the fastest update of the webnovel!