Oh ~! Is there another place like this? What a surprise!

Mu light song music.

She didn't expect that Bai Xiyue's popularity in Mu Fu was so poor.

"My grandfather and aunt didn't tell her either?" Mu Qingge asked again.

The head of the old housekeeper.

They did not think deeply about Bai Xiyue. I just feel that no matter what, Bai Xiyue is just a guest of Mu mansion. He has no blood relationship and has never married their little Lord. The man who is not honest and does not comply with his words wants to interfere with the freedom of the young sir, which is a bit too much. Princess Changle, the future hostess of the decent Mu mansion, did not do so. Why did she do it?

From the heart, these servants always maintain the three masters surnamed mu.

Mu Qingge nodded with a smile: "I know, don't care about her." With that, she turned to enter the garden. But suddenly he stopped and asked, "in addition to Princess Changle, who else has come to Mu Fu?"

The housekeeper thought for a while and said, "there are Rui Wang who has been here. However, every time he came, he said he was looking for her husband. When he was not there, he left. "

"Has he been in contact with anyone else?" Mu light Song Mou Guang moved a few times.

Seeing mu Qingge asking carefully, the old housekeeper blinked and said in his heart, "is it difficult for you to be a little Lord or do you have other thoughts about Rui Wang?"?

He sighed at the thought.

During this period of time, I did not see the young Lord to go to Rui Wang and thought he had changed. But I don't want to

"What?" The silence of the old housekeeper makes mu Qingge frown.

"Oh The old housekeeper quickly converged and replied, "once or twice, the white girl happened to pass by. She sent Rui Wang out of the house."

Has the double eye light Mu Fu been away from this period of time

The old housekeeper nodded: "there have been several times that I went to buy some rouge, gouache and embroidered silk and satin."

Mu Qingge nodded thoughtfully and did not ask again.

"Oh, yes The old housekeeper seemed to suddenly think of something, and said to Mu Qingge, "a few days ago, there was a post in the palace saying that he invited the young Lord into the palace. Because Miss Chang happened to be in the mansion, she helped the young Lord to return it. I don't know who in the palace invited me. "

An invitation from the palace?

Mu Qingge thinks in his heart. Who will invite her into the palace?

If it is the emperor, directly sent to preach, how can send posts? Empress Dowager? It's impossible. Didn't Changle accompany her to worship Buddha? Who else? Jiang Guifei? Queen Han?

Mu Qingge may be one by one out of the heart, still did not think of who to find her.

Unexpected then forget, Mu light song sent housekeeper to leave, then entered his own Chi Yun yuan.

This time, in addition to making individual weapons, she has to refine some low-level pills to restore physical strength and build a strong physique, so as to prepare for the training later.

She's not going to let grandfather handle it. The two men still have a march agreement there. As the opposite red and blue side, how can mu Qingge easily let the enemy know his cards?

So she had to find a blacksmith to make it herself. Shao Pang may be able to help. After all, he is a captain of the imperial court. He knows who can make good weapons.

Before she came back, she sent someone to inform the fat man that she had made an appointment to do it today.

In Chi Yun yuan, mu Qingge selects the familiar individual weapons in his mind, determines several kinds of weapons that can shine brilliantly in this strange world and can be made. He decomposes them one by one and draws them on the drawings.

When you're ready, you wait for the fat man to come.

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