Therefore, she nodded to Mo Yang and said, "don't worry. When you practice, you can feel it. " All of a sudden, she took out a dagger with her and threw it on the table. She raised her chin to Moyang and said, "draw a knife on your arm, don't apply medicine. Tell me when you heal. " She wanted to know whether Moyang and her parents, after taking diluted genetic modification agents, had the ability to self heal and detoxify.

Mo Yang had some doubts, but he didn't hesitate about the order of Mu Qingge.

Without hesitation, he picked up the dagger and made a deep mark on his arm. This kind of injury, even if the medicine, also needs half a month to completely heal.

Quietly wrap the wound with white cloth to prevent bleeding. Mo Yang looks up at Xiangmu light song.

"Good." Mu Qingge nods to praise. He took a pill from his arms and threw it on the table top in front of Mo Yang.

Mo Yang looked at the pill, swayed on the table, pursed his lips, reached for the pill, dropped it into his mouth and swallowed it.

"It's poison." Mu Qingge looked into his eyes.

Mo Yang's face did not change, calmly replied: "subordinate knows."

"Know you still eat?" Mu light song jokingly narrowed his eyes, the corners of his mouth gently leaning on the back of the chair.

Mo Yang was motionless and replied: "since the little Lord wants his subordinates to eat, there must be a certain reason. I believe in the arrangement of the young sir

Mu light song smile, did not do more explanation: "you go down. Write down the changes in your body and let me know

"Yes Mo Yang retreated.

After a while, others came out.

Mu Qingge randomly selected ten people and did the same thing with Moyang on them, and then ordered them to return to the room to practice and feel.

This night, the valley is very quiet, only occasionally a few insects, and the wind.

When the dawn came, the inside and outside of the barracks were wrapped with orange light, like a vision of heaven and earth.

"I broke through!"

"I broke through too!"

"Me too. I went from the middle level of red territory to the first level of Chengjing!"

"You've been promoted two levels in a row? Hey, I'm sorry. I've been promoted three levels in a row. "

"What's so great about your level three? It is said that the boy in Moyang has been promoted to five levels, and even the girls Youhe and Huayue have been promoted to four levels! "

"What! What a pervert

"Well, if you want to talk about perversion, who has our little Lord abnormal? He has never been able to practice and has become a master at the beginning of the green world

The practice of moqingge is ended in a lively discussion.

She slowly opened her eyes, eyes at the bottom of the calm, seems to have predicted the results.

These people were originally in chijing, but only a few were in the early stage of Chengjing. Now, all of them have entered the orange realm, and even have a faint breakthrough, and are about to enter the Yellow realm. This has made the strength of the whole Pro guard improved by leaps and bounds.

The corner of the mouth slightly raised a trace of smile, Mu light song's door was knocked.

"In." Astringent expression, Mu light song sits on the couch in the room, way.

The door was opened and Moyang came in.

He went to Mu Qingge and rolled up his sleeves. Smooth arm, let Mu light song eyes in a bright.

Yesterday, the ferocious scar left on the arm, at the moment, no trace has been found.

Mo Yang put down his sleeve and said to Mu Qingge: "according to the order of the little Lord, I have never applied medicine to the wound. But just now, when my subordinates finished their practice, they found that the wound had healed completely. In addition to the initial attack, the toxins in the body gradually disappear , the fastest update of the webnovel!