Speaking of the back, he showed some displeasure.

"Yes, we are not those embroidered pillows. General Xiong's worry seems unnecessary. Come on, let's drink this cup of tea with you. "

Several people held up the tea bowl and forced each other with their eyes.

Deputy General Xiong had no choice but to pick up the tea bowl in front of him and drink with others.

After putting the bowl down, he sighed: "I'm not worried about the competition with Sir Alex. Like you, I have faith in our soldiers. The young Lord wants to fight with 500 people, not to mention her. Even if the old general comes in person, it's hard. "

Several people nodded with approval.

"What were you worried about?" One of them asked curiously.

Vice General Xiong looked at them and said in a deep voice, "I'm worried about the old general."

"What are you worried about my grandfather?" Suddenly, a cold and tender voice came from the door of the main account. As the cold night wind blowing in, will be inside a few vice generals a thrill.

"My Lord! Why are you here? " Vice General Xiong stood up in shock.

Other aides also got up one after another, looking shocked at mu Qingge standing at the door with his hands behind him.

When the Baron came to the account, they didn't realize it? What's more, there is no one to report.

Eh! incorrect!

Several experienced deputies immediately responded.

It was so quiet all around that there was no sound of soldiers patrolling.

What's going on?!

Several faces are full of shock and puzzled color, have to look at Xiong vice general, and see Xiangmu Qingge.

All dressed in black, he stepped into the main tent. Beautiful delicate face, red lips slightly pursed, eyes cold as ice, people shudder.

She went directly to bear's deputy general, stretched out her hand, pulled out the handsome flag, and threw it at the following Moyang. After the latter, he stood in place, silent.

Looking at the strange and confused of all the minor songs in their hearts, they will not be shocked.

Mu Qingge went to bear's deputy general, looked at him with clear eyes and asked, "how is my grandfather?"

"This..." Deputy General Xiong's face was hard to speak.

"Say it." Murmuring and singing coldly.

Xiong's deputy general's heart a Lin, to this little Baron, a dandy, his scalp actually out of a layer of fine sweat. As if, standing in front of him is not mu Qingge, but mu Xiong No, it's more stressful than muxiong. It almost makes him breathless.

"The old general wanted to personally preside over the competition with the young Lord himself, but he was recalled by the emperor's edict five days ago and has not returned." Under the gaze of muqingge, Xiong said everything he knew.

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed, she seemed to smell one of the unusual.

Will grandfather be silent and disappear? He didn't have time to explain what happened.

"Can you send someone to inquire?" Mu Qingge asked quietly.

However, her silence made the nearest bear feel the fury under the calm.

Deputy General Xiong said according to the facts: "sent, but came back to say that the old general is not in the house, Miss Rong is not in."

Mu light song eye color is colder.

Mu Fu's intelligence system and army are running independently. It is mu Lianrong who is in charge of the intelligence, but she is not there? If there is something wrong with the palace, but the camp of mujiajun is still calm, it doesn't make sense.

Mu Qingge shook his head a few times and denied his inner guess.

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