Yi City, the northwest edge of Qin state.

This is a dead city in the cracks. On the left, it is adjacent to Tu state, which has been hostile to Qin State for generations, and on its right is the vicious Qinling Mountains. At night, you can hear the roar of animals in the Qinling Mountains.

Tu state and Qinling Mountains sandwiched the ancestral city. The Mujia army stationed here should not only pay attention to the changes of Qinling Mountains, but also pay attention to the changes of Tu state.

Such a military area, however, became a desolate place because of the suspicion of the Qin emperor.

Here, there are no ordinary people. Most of them are exiles who bear the sin and act as military slaves in the Mujia army.

In the city of origin, all living resources rely on the continuous delivery of basic living materials by lodumu. Such a place is the Mujia's fiefdom.

When mu Qingge knew for the first time that her fiefdom was such a ghost place, she really wanted to pat the emperor's head and ask, "emperor's little bitches, how do you mean it?"

Also thanks to muxiong is a tolerant, unexpectedly so ten or twenty years, let him to endure down.

When people have fiefs, they scrape away the people's fat and cream from the fiefdoms, and they are rich enough to flow oil. And what about their Mufu? Not only can we not increase taxes from the fiefdoms, but we have to lose money inside.

There were no city fairs in the ancestral towns, only military barracks and fortresses.

On the steep mountain wall near the Qinling Mountains, the fortress built in accordance with the mountain is the city Lord's mansion. It is also the command center of mujiajun.

To the west of Wubao, you can see the landscape of Tu kingdom. On the right, beyond the winding wall, is the Qinling animal kingdom, which human beings dare not approach.

At the moment, the whole city of origin, are reverberating with the roar and roar of countless orcs. The air is full of blood. Inside and outside the city wall, blood stained the earth, broken limbs, meat can be seen everywhere.

Fire and blood light set off each other, turning the city of origin into a hell on earth.

The smoke of smoke, the fire of war, loud and clear horn, suddenly sounded, reverberated in the air above the city of origin.

I don't remember the first attack. Holding on to this rare gap, the mujiajun of the ancestral city all hold the weapons with gaps in their hands and sit on the cold ground against the wall.

In the kitchen camp responsible for logistics, two people carry a bamboo basket and distribute the cakes one by one.

However, what was sent to the soldiers were not complete pancakes. It's divided into two. One person has only half.

Looking at the pancakes in their hands, some soldiers are forced to bear the anger in their hearts and swallow them down. Some, then angrily hold the cake, let it and the blood in the palm will be one.

They fought bravely on the front line, but they couldn't even fill their stomachs.

What the hell is this!

In their hearts, anger, frustration, sadness, all kinds of negative emotions, such as the tide of wave after wave. If it had not been for the figure that the heart worshipped stood there, they would have stopped doing it.

Suddenly, the sound of horses' hooves came from the battlefield, which became silent because of the truce.

This makes the sleepy and hungry mujiajun help to get up one after another, crowding on the wall to look out. This is the messenger's horse, their hope.

Under the high city wall, the heralds, all covered with wind and dust, staggered off their horses and did not dare to stop. They rushed to the head of the city and headed for the fortress on the mountain side.

Thousands of mujiajun officers and men, silent, watching him leave, with hope in their eyes.

"Newspaper --!"

The herald yelled all the way into the headquarters of the army in the castle.

Mu Xiong, who is studying tactics, suddenly looks up and looks at the herald running in from the gate. Because the action is too big, so that his body's powerful armor all collide, the sound of metal rings.

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