All the animals are running and roaring, as if the earth were shaking.

In the Qinling Mountains, there are not only wild animals without thoughts, but also spirit beasts with certain thoughts. At the moment, the mujiajun standing on the wall can't tell which are beasts and which are spirit beasts.

All they saw was a crazy Orc attack. Those ferocious, swift and powerful orcs all killed red eyes one by one, trying to break through the walls of the ancestral city and enter the territory of the state of Qin for cruel killing.


On the city wall, the sound of heralds kept ringing.

Exhausted and starving, mujiajun reluctantly stood up with a strong will, numbly holding almost useless weapons in their hands, and began to fight.

The arrow is gone, the bowstring is broken, and the steel knife is chipped. The hot pot burning boiling oil has already dried up and all the boulders have been thrown down.

When the ammunition is exhausted, the four words say the dilemma of mujiajun at the moment.

At this time, outside the broken city wall, there are countless Orc armies, constantly launching attacks.

"Old general, let's go down and fight with these animals!" Beside muxiong, an adjutant's eyes are full of tears. He sees his soldiers turn into a group of fuzzy flesh and blood under the claws of the beast. He can no longer bear to shout at muxiong.

Spell? How to spell it?

Mu Xiong tightened his face and his lips pressed tightly.

What if he's in the blue world? Still unable to resist countless orcs. What's more, among the orcs, the level of spirit beasts is equal to that of human beings. Who can know how many masters of the orcs are hidden in this endless tide of beasts?

Once he opened the city gate and led the people to rush out, there was only one outcome. The Mujia army was destroyed and the state of Qin was in danger.

Now, the only thing that can be done is to keep the wall close and resist the attack of the orcs. We must send a general to urge them to come and replenish their fighting power. Maybe they can survive this disaster. Otherwise, they will die and die!

"Somebody Mu Xiong suddenly exclaimed.

Immediately a messenger came and knelt in front of him on one knee.

Mu Xiong's eyes were fixed on the battlefield under the city wall in front of him. The shock from the beast clan's impact on the wall did not make him loose.

He said in a deep voice: "give me constant orders to urge the rear grain. If someone obstructs me, there will be no mercy! " Then he took out his arrow and threw it to the herald.

The messengers immediately stepped back. After a while, a group of messengers, riding fast horses, rushed toward the nearby Seoul.

Seoul is the nearest fertile city from the city of origin. The governor sent by the imperial court is also there. Mu Xiong watched the messenger leave. He didn't believe the governor of Seoul. He didn't know what was cold.

If the city of origin is over, how can Seoul live alone?

Putting all his hopes on the herald, Mu Xiong returns to the command room with his deputy general to discuss the Countermeasures for delaying time.

However, it is difficult to cook without rice.

How can the mujiajun, who is exhausted and exhausted, procrastinate under the orcs' claws and wait for the arrival of military supplies?

"Two days, at least two days." This is the minimum time to go back and forth from the city of origin to Seoul. If the mission is successful, it will take at least two days to return to the ancestral town with food and grass. Mu Xiong will tell us the time needed.

However, the generals were silent.

Two days? Don't say two days, I'm afraid two hours, they don't know if they can survive.

An adjutant said with tears: "old general, our officers and men have been fighting for several days, but they have not had a full meal for three days. Their weapons can no longer be used any longer. If they go on like this, they will have to trade their lives for lives and delay time. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!