Soon, mu Qingge saw the Moyang mouth of the mujiajun messenger body. On the official road, there were seven or eight corpses in the clothes of mujiajun messenger.

Before they died, they went through a fierce battle.

However, there is no other body. It can be seen that the assassin's strength is higher than them.

Who's going to do something about mujiajun's Herald?

Mu Qingge turns over and dismounts, goes to those corpses, squats down, searches carefully.

The confusion on the corpse, let mu Qingge know that the battle situation of the ancestral city is very bad, and those clean wounds also let her have some evaluation of the enemy in her heart.

"My Lord!" Mo Yang suddenly called out.

Mu Qingge gets up and turns around to see Mo Yang with something in his hand and walks quickly.

Naturally, mu Qingge's eyes fall on the things in his hands.

It's made of cold iron. It's sharp as an arrow. It's written with the word mu. "Sir, this is my husband's arrow. It looks like something's going on in the town of origin. Otherwise, my husband won't give the herald who represents his identity to the herald

Mu Qingge took over Mo Yang's arrow in his hand, tightly held it in his hand, and turned to mount the horse: "go."

A few hundred light riders headed for the town again. At the end of the procession, several people were left to bury the envoys of mujiajun.


The ancestral City, under the winding city wall and the intersection with the Qinling Mountains, has been soaked in blood and water after several days of fighting.

Outside the city wall, 560000 soldiers with various injuries, led by general Zhen and Qiu, formed a human wall to block the attack of the orcs.

Hundreds of meters away, countless orcs came slowly. The tens of thousands of soldiers standing outside the city are just delicious food in their eyes.

General Zhen pulled out his steel knife and held it up to the sky. He laughed and said, "brothers, fight with others. Although dead, can still have a whole body. If we fight with these animals, I'm afraid we can't separate you and me after death. Anyway! If these animals dare to eat us, our brothers will hold them to death and fight them for three hundred rounds when they are in the underworld! "


General Zhen's words will stimulate morale.

The morale of tens of thousands of disabled soldiers has also shaken the sky over the city of origin.

Mu Xiong stood on the wall, looking at all this, the pain in his heart is hard to express. He held on to the hands of the wall, the hard stones had turned into powder. The dazzling blue light twined in his hand.

The high morale of the Mujia army seems to have infuriated the animals.

They glared, bared their teeth, roared, and rushed towards the tens of thousands of soldiers.

Thousands of animals impact, in the herd, faint visible red orange, red, green, blue and other lights continue to flicker.

When he saw the light, Mu Xiong was in despair.

He knew that tens of thousands of soldiers could not come back.

"Brothers, let's go!" General Qiu and Zhen, holding high their swords, led the people to rush to the group of beasts, and launched a new kind of white-edged war with them.

People and animals rushed together, and the chaotic situation greatly reduced the pressure on this side of the wall.

However, all the Mujia soldiers standing on the wall were grieved. The beasts in their hearts kept roaring. Their blood red eyes were full of hate and looked at the herds that tore their brothers into pieces and swallowed them into their stomachs.

The generals stood around muxiong and witnessed all this with their own eyes.

They wanted to jump down and fight with the animals themselves.

Everyone has put his hand on the handle of the steel knife at his waist, which is also shining with all kinds of light.

"Old general, let's fight!" A soldier collapses and shouts at muxiong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!